Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:42 AM

Chapter 467

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Hearing Zhao Wanqing's words, Du Feng could no longer restrain his anger and said, "Miss Zhao, as an actor, don't you feel sorry for the actor's title

His voice was so loud that all the staff looked at it.

Du Feng, point to me and tell them to work

All the people were scared, such as cold cicadas, and rushed to their own things.

Zhao Wanqing said, "director Du, there is no bed play in the script you gave me. If I had known, I would not have accepted this film. For me, between a good actor and a good wife, I will not hesitate to choose to be a good wife. I don't want to make my husband feel dissatisfied with me because of shooting a play, which will affect the relationship between us. Sorry, that's my bottom line. "

At this time, Guan Rui, who had not spoken, said in a strange way: "Miss Zhao, are you filming like this in the mainland? Don't even shoot kissing and bed scenes. Are you kidding? Is this still an actor? "

Guan Rui is 28 years old. He is 1.8 meters tall. He is well proportioned. He is more handsome than Xiao Yunhai.

As soon as she started her career, she attracted numerous women in Xiangjiang.

In the past seven years, Guan Rui has shot more than ten classic films and TV series, and won many Asian Film Awards. However, he failed in the golden cup award. His best achievement was that he was shortlisted for the golden cup award for best actor three years ago.

Unfortunately, although he got the highest number of audience votes, his acting skills still had a big gap with other shortlisted candidates, so his performance was the last one among the five shortlisted candidates.

It is said that the reason why Guan Rui can be highly praised by Changfeng film and television company is that he is probably the illegitimate son of Guan Changfeng.

However, he was not well received in the entertainment industry.

Although the guy is handsome, he is actually a real scum man. I don't know how many beautiful female stars and fans he has played with. However, Guan Changfeng behind him is so powerful that everyone dares to be angry.

After seeing Zhao Wanqing for the first time, Guan Rui was completely attracted by Zhao Wanqing's unique style.

Guan Rui's gorgeous face, concave and convex figure, generous and decent manner, dignified and elegant temperament, especially the charming occasionally revealed, make Guan Rui's heart itch fiercely.

As a result, he pestered Zhao Wanqing every day and used various means to pursue her. He even spent more than 20 million yuan to buy a bracelet. If Zhao Wanqing doesn't accept it, he has to force her to wear it.

Finally, Zhao Wanqing couldn't help it. She said to Guan Rui, "Mr. Guan, I'm married. Please don't pester me again. Also, your bracelet is too expensive, I will never accept it. If there is nothing else, please leave now

Zhao Wanqing's words were said in front of many people on the set, which made Guan Rui feel very shameless. He secretly vowed that he would get Zhao Wanqing.

From that day on, Guan Rui went from one extreme to another. Not only did he not take the initiative to pursue Zhao Wanqing, he often asked her for trouble.

This makes Zhao Wanqing very dissatisfied, but helpless.

This time, Zhao Wanqing thinks that it may be Guan Rui's trick.

Because in this morning, Zhao Wanqing found that Guan Rui's eyes at him were very proud, as if he had gained some benefits.

As a result, just after lunch, the deputy director found Zhao Wanqing and said that he was going to add a bed play this evening.

After hearing this, Zhao Wanqing understood why Guan Rui was proud. But who was Zhao Wanqing? How could he have sex with him.

As a result, Zhao Wanqing went to fight Du Feng, which led to the conflict.

Hearing Guan Rui's words, Zhao Wanqing said: "naturally, we have our own way of filming in the mainland. There is no need for Mr. Guan to manage this. As for the artists who don't shoot kissing and sex scenes, I can answer you now, of course, and she is still a golden cup actress. "

Guan Rui said: "whether you are a film queen or an investor, as long as you are on the set, you should obey the director's arrangement. This is the most basic quality of an actor."

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "yes, I will listen. No, I will never listen. "

Du Feng was furious and said, "you mean it's wrong for me to add such a bed play. Zhao Wanqing, this is Xiangjiang, not the mainland. Even if you are the first lady of an investment company, you can't be so wayward on the set. "

Zhao Wanqing frowned and said in a tit for tat: "it's capricious not to shoot a bed play. Director Du is really a big director. It's my first time to hear about it."

Since Zhao Wanfeng's life, I've never seen a famous actor like Du Wanfeng

Zhao Wanqing sneered: "director Du, although Zhao Wanqing is young, I have also made many plays. I have never seen a director like you. How dare you say that Guan Rui didn't ask you to add this scene? "Du Feng said angrily: "no matter who's proposal, as long as it is helpful to the play, I will adopt it."

Zhao Wanqing said: "I came to Xiangjiang to play a police and bandit film, not a pornographic film. If anyone wants to shoot a bed play, let her do it. I Zhao Wanqing do not want to do things, no one can barely

Du Feng was so angry that he said, "Zhao Wanqing, don't forget that you have signed a contract with the crew."

Zhao Wanqing said: "if the" witness "crew does not exist, then what is the significance of this contract."

Du Feng said, "are you threatening me?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "aren't you threatening me? Director Du, as a well-known big director in China, you actually coerce a weak woman to shoot a bed drama together with the hero. Don't you think it's embarrassing to do that? "

"You..." Du Feng pointed to Zhao Wanqing, but could not say a word.

Seeing such a serious conflict between the director and the heroine, the crew began to whisper.

"I didn't expect that Miss Zhao, who has always been gentle and generous, is so strong that even Du dare to point at her nose and scold her."

"What do you know? Our crew is jointly invested by Changfeng film and television company and Hanhai film and television company. Miss Zhao is the daughter of the board chairman of Hanhai. Can she be good? "

"What they mean seems to be a dispute over a bed play? It should be a very normal thing for an actor to shoot a bed play. Is it improper for Miss Zhao to do so? "

"What do you know. This play is obviously Guan Rui privately looking for Du Daojia, the original script is not. If Miss Zhao agreed, it would not have been taken advantage of by Guan Rui. "

"Shut up, both of you want to die. I dare to say that. "

When Du Feng was in trouble, Huang Qiusheng, who played the role of senior superintendent in the film, saw the situation and said, "Lao Du, Wanqing, what are you doing?"

Du Feng said: "Lao Huang, I just want to add a play. As an actress, Miss Zhao doesn't cooperate. Is this still an actor?"

Zhao Wanqing said coldly: "it's no problem to shoot police and bandit drama, and there's no need to shoot bed drama."

Huang Qiusheng was surprised and said, "bed play? I don't think there's a bed play in the script, do I? "

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "it's not that someone wants to take advantage of me. I have to find director Du to add such a scene."

Guan Rui said, "Miss Zhao, what do you mean? I think adding such a bed play can have a very good effect on the whole film. I'm not trying to take advantage of you. "

Huang Qiusheng still knows some of Guan Rui's wind comments. This guy is a hungry ghost in color. How can he not make her mind in the face of such a beautiful woman as Zhao Wanqing.

But Huang Qiusheng can not clearly oppose, so as not to embarrass Du Feng.

Therefore, Huang Qiusheng said, "Lao Du, Wanqing, I think this bed play will be put on hold for a while, and the other plays will be finished first, and then we will talk about it. How about it? "

Huang Qiusheng's words can be regarded as a step for Du Feng and Zhao Wanqing. The so-called last words can be said, or not.

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "director Du, I think Mr. Huang's opinion is good."

Seeing Zhao Wanqing's tough attitude to the extreme, Du Feng knew that there would be no result in further discussion, so he stepped down the hill and said, "OK, put it aside first, and then we can talk about it."

In this way, under Huang Qiusheng's words, things are temporarily over. But as we all know, Du Feng and Zhao Wanqing have a dead knot. After this film, it is estimated that there will be no more opportunities for cooperation.

During the shooting interval, Huang Qiusheng found Zhao Wanqing and said, "Wan Qing, Du Feng is a famous director of Xiangjiang. It is not a good thing to offend him."

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "I know. But there are some limits that can never be touched. You don't know what kind of virtue Guan Rui is. If I had promised to shoot a bed play, I'm afraid I would not be able to make it. Besides, don't talk about this kind of drama with a unique plot. Even if it's a normal bed play, I'm sure I won't shoot it. My husband's family are very traditional. If I see me shooting this kind of indecent scenes with other men in the movies and TV series, I'm afraid they will look at me differently in the future

Huang Qiusheng said: "next, you should be more careful. Lao Du has a hot temper, but he is decent. He won't do anything to you. But Guan Rui is not a good man. It's said that this guy seems to have countless ties with Xiangjiang's underworld. Many female stars follow his way. You must not be careless. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "don't worry, Miss Huang. Yunhai knew that Xiangjiang was not peaceful, so he sent me a lot of bodyguards. There is still a week to go before the end of my part. I believe there will be no problem. "

After this conflict with Du Feng, Zhao Wanqing regrets that she didn't listen to Xiao Yunhai. She knew this would happen. She would never accept the play.

Huang Qiusheng nodded and said with a smile: "Yunhai is a boy who always talks in a bad way, but it is very reliable to really do things. What is he doing now? "Zhao Wanqing said: "he is working on the late special effects of" Langya Bang "in Hollywood

Huang Qiusheng said: "recently, it has been said in the circle that Xiao Yunhai is the president of Hollywood magic special effects company. Even Paramount Pictures still have to see his face. Can't it be true?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "really. He's a big shareholder in magic, with 51 percent of the shares. "

Huang Qiusheng gave a thumbs up and exclaimed, "your family is really powerful."

Zhao Wanqing felt proud. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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