Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:39 AM

Chapter 469

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In Sophie women's club, Zhao Wanqing and Chen Li came to a luxurious double room under the guidance of a staff member.

Chen Li said with a smile: "this is the place where our artists often come. The service is very considerate, especially the beautician and masseuse. The level of the beautician and masseuse is the best in Xiangjiang, which can make you feel comfortable."

Zhao Wanqing said: "the environment here is really good. After I go back, I want to discuss with my husband about building such a women's club in Yanjing. I think the business should be very good."

At this time, a middle-aged woman of about 40 years old came in and said, "Oh, Xiao Li, you haven't come for some days. Have you forgotten sister Lin?"

Chen Li said with a smile, "sister Lin is really funny. Where can I forget you. It's mainly because you are too expensive here. I'm just a little star. I don't have so much spare money. If it wasn't for my good sisters, I couldn't bear to come here

"Don't cry in front of me." The middle-aged woman scolded Chen Li with a smile, turned her head and looked at Zhao Wanqing and sighed, "Oh, Xiao Li, you are such a beautiful friend. You are a fairy."

Chen Li said, "let me introduce you. Wan Qing, this is the person in charge of Sophie club. You can call her sister Lin directly. This is Ms. Zhao Wanqing, the first lady of China Hanhai film and television investment company and the empress of Jinzun

Zhao Wanqing nodded politely and said, "Hello, sister Lin."

Song Lin said: "Miss Zhao can come, it really makes me look bright here. Well, I'm responsible for all the expenses here today. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "that is really too embarrassed."

Chen Li said: "what's so embarrassing? There are few people who can let sister Lin avoid the bill. Sister Lin, let's have a good latte first, and then find two masseuses. We've been filming all day, and we're almost dead tired. "

Song Lin said, "OK, no problem."

After Song Lin left, after a while, a 20-year-old beauty in cheongsam came in carrying a tray with two steaming cups of coffee.

Chen Li said with a smile: "Wanqing, the latte here is really imported from Italy. It's absolutely authentic. Have a taste of it?"

Zhao Wanqing took a sip and said, "it's really good. Seriously, I haven't had coffee for a long time

Chen Li was surprised and asked, "doesn't Mr. Xiao usually take you?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a wry smile: "even if you put the best coffee in the world in front of him, you can't say a good word from his mouth. Ah, my family is very traditional. He likes Kung Fu, calligraphy and tea. He never touches coffee, an alien species. At the beginning, people talked to him about things, always in the coffee shop, and he was depressed. Later, he gradually became famous in the entertainment industry, and everyone knew his preferences. Now when I talk to him, I go to the tea house. "

Chen Li said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao is really interesting. Yunhuang's products must be excellent. If I have a chance, I really want to cooperate with him once. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "he is going to shoot a film, which needs several female stars. I can introduce you to her, but I'm not sure if I can

Chen Li said, "if you're here, you can't make it."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "not really. He is so strict with his works that even I can only be a supporting role in this play. "

Chen Li said, "no, Mr. Xiao is too much."

Zhao Wanqing's eyes were suddenly a little confused. A sense of sleepiness hit her and said, "my husband is very... Eh, sister Chen, how can I feel sleepy? I really want to sleep for a while."

Chen Li said with a smile: "you are tired of filming, so go to sleep for a while."

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "no, my spirit has always been very good..."

before the last "de" was finished, Zhao Wanqing lay on the massage bed and fell asleep.

"Wanqing, Wanqing." Chen Li called twice. After confirming that Zhao Wanqing was in a coma, Chen Li looked at her with a complicated look and said, "Wanqing, don't blame me. If you want to blame, you are too beautiful. How many female stars, who are favored by Guan Rui, can escape from his grasp. I'm sorry, I can't help it

As soon as Chen Li finished, Song Lin came in and said, "what? Regret it? But it's too late. "

Chen Li looked at Song Lin with red eyes and said, "you are all demons."

Song Lin hummed and said, "the entertainment industry is the jungle. Chen Li, you can have such a position now, is not depend on them? Fox, take the man by the back door. Remember, you have to be back in two hours. "

The fox said with a smile: "sister Lin, in fact, why bother so much? Let Guan Shao finish it here, don't you?"

Song Lin said coldly: "the rules set by our elder sister can never be broken. Go back and tell the crow, my elder sister said, this is the last time. "

With that, she looked at Zhao Wanqing on the bed and sighed, "what a nice woman, it's a pity."The fox said with a smile, "let's go. Come on, get her out of the back door

Two big men with tattoos all over their bodies, one on one side, helped Zhao Wanqing to the door.

Just then, there was a rush of footsteps outside.

"Who are you? How can you break in. "

"Come on, someone broke into the club."

Chen Li was shocked and said, "can't it be her bodyguard?"

Song Lin said, "what's the panic? They don't know about us. Fox, you will leave me first

The fox said, "OK. Sister Lin, let me know something. We have never suffered a loss in Xiangjiang. "

The fox's front foot takes the person to leave, Gao Xiangfeng and so on rear foot to rush in.

Song Lin said coldly, "who are you? Do you know that our SOFIELD women's club is

Before Song Lin finished speaking, Gao Xiangfeng pinched his neck, lifted her up and pressed her against the wall. She was full of murderous spirit and said, "where is Miss Zhao? A little more nonsense, and I'll scratch your face

With that, he put Song Lin down and looked at him coldly.

Song Lin is in a state of shock. Looking at the murderous Gao Xiangfeng, she purses her lips and says calmly: "I...

just saying a word of" I ", Gao Xiangfeng does not know when a dagger has appeared in his hand.

Song Lin looked at Ming Huang's dagger and said, "they left through the back door."

Gao Xiangfeng snapped, "how can I get to the back door?"

Song Lin almost cried out, said: "go out to the left, 50 meters later, there is a safety door on the right, which can lead to the outside."

Gao Xiangfeng called out: "Wang Feng, Li Mei, look at the two of them, the others follow me."

They all said yes.

According to Song Lin's route, Gao Xiangfeng quickly rushed out of the back door. At a glance, he saw two big men carrying Zhao Wanqing forward.

It was only 50 meters away from the van in front of them. Fortunately, they didn't walk fast with Zhao Wanqing. In addition, the road was so narrow that the van couldn't get in. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome.

Gao Xiangfeng did not like the movie, shouting a stop, but quietly rushed forward.

Compared with the world sprint champion, the speed is not much better.

The other three bodyguards are slower, but they are also extremely fast.

The fox in the van seems to have seen Gao Xiangfeng and others, quickly opened the window and called out: "run, there is someone behind you."

The two men turned their heads and turned pale. One of them directly picked up Zhao Wanqing and rushed forward.

The fox started the van and opened the door from the inside. The big man with Zhao Wanqing in his arms ran over with all his strength. He threw Zhao Wanqing into the seat of the van and quickly got into it.

Another big man was about to get on the bus, but he was caught by Gao Xiangfeng, who was rushing to get on the bus. He pulled out the half of his body that had already entered the car. Then he cut him on the neck, knocked him unconscious and got into it.

Twenty seconds later, Gao Xiangfeng got out of the car with Zhao Wanqing in his arms. The fox and the big man were knocked unconscious by him.

Gao Xiang said: "Xiaodong, these two big men don't have to worry about it. Take the sharp nosed guy in the driver's seat. Don't go back to the hotel, just change to another one. "


Hu Xiaodong got on the bus and kicked the big man down. Then he carried the fox to the back and said, "boss, let's get in the car and turn to the front to join the sunspot."

Gao Xiangfeng nodded and said, "it's OK."

Hu Xiaodong drove to the front of the suofel women's club building and carried the fox and Zhao Wanqing into the sunspot's car.

Gao Xiangfeng left two bodyguards to watch, and he and Hu Xiaodong walked into the club again.

In Zhao Wanqing's box, seven or eight security guards are confronting Wang Feng and Li Mei.

Li Mei put the dagger on Song Lin's neck and said, "you'd better let them all quit for me, or I'll kill you."

Song Lin tried to swallow her mouth and spit: "do you know the relationship between our club and Changfeng film and TV company? In Xiangjiang, no one can fight against Changfeng. Girl, you two are in the prime of life. Don't do anything stupid. "

Li Mei snorted and said, "you have so much nonsense."

With that, Li Mei directly scratched on Song Lin's arm, and the blood instantly dyed her clothes red.

Song Lin ah's a, almost did not frighten faintly, shouts: "I bleed, help, I am dying."

Li Mei frowned and said, "shut up and let them go first."

Song Lin said, "didn't you hear me? Is it really up to me to die here? "

The head of the security guard was a strong man of thirty-two or three years old. He said in an impassioned voice: "if you two girls dare to hurt sister Lin, I will kill you. Go, get out. "More than a dozen security guards stepped out of the box and stood outside.

A security guard asked, "boss, do you want to call the police?"

The security chief patted him on the head and said, "your brain is kicked by the donkey. Report to the police. Can we see the things in the club? In this way, I'll call brother crow and ask what to do. Well, this time we've had a hard time. "

After talking to the crow, the security leader said, "in less than ten minutes, brother crow will arrive. Let's wait for him. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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