Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:38 AM

Chapter 470

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After a while, the crow didn't come. Gao Xiangfeng and Hu Xiaodong arrived first.

Looking at the two swaggering about to enter, the head of the security guard was not angry and pointed at them and said, "stop for me."

Gao Xiangfeng and Hu Xiaodong turned a deaf ear and didn't even look at him.

As the best of tens of thousands of special forces, for these thugs, they did not pay attention to them.

"Shit, you're all blind. Give it to me. Catch both of them and change to sister Lin

A dozen security guards listened and hulled and surrounded them in the middle.

Gao Xiangfeng frowned and said, "Xiaodong, they've given it to you. I'll pick up Li Mei and Wang Feng."

With that, Gao Xiangfeng shook his body and came to the two security guards facing him. He punched them in the chest with two fists.

Just listen to a few clicks, accompanied by a shrill cry, two people fell to the ground at the same time.

Gao Xiangfeng walked into the box, looked at Song Lin and Chen Li, and said without expression: "you two go with me."

To Gao Xiangfeng, Song Lin is still frightened and dare not say a word.

Chen Li knew that these people were really cruel people who didn't pay attention to their lives. She was afraid in her heart and could no longer keep her star image. She said with a sad face, "brother, you can let us go. We are just small people, behind... "

GAO Xiangfeng rudely interrupted her words and said," you should tell Mr. Xiao about your business. Go. "

Gao Xiangfeng picked up Zhao Wanqing's bag and mobile phone and took them out of the box.

Hu Xiaodong has cleaned up the outside for a long time, and Chen Li and Song Lin are even more frightened when they see the security guards lying on the ground crying for their parents.

"Sunspot, let's find a hotel in a remote place and settle down there first."

The sunspot, with a cry, started the van.

Gao Xiangfeng turned to Chen Li and Song Lin and said, "two ladies, hand in your mobile phone."

They looked at each other, shook their heads at the same time, and said, "our mobile phone is in the club."

Gao Xiangfeng nodded and said, "what did you put in Miss Zhao's coffee? How long will it take for her to wake up? "

Song Lin said: "it's just a little overpowering drug, which can be recovered in less than three hours. Big brother, you won't kill us, will you? "

Gao Xiangfeng gave her a cold look and said, "you should be glad that Miss Zhao has been saved. Otherwise, you will be thrown into the sea to feed the fish with the crow and Guan Rui

Chen Li said, "are you not afraid of Changfeng's revenge?"

Gao Xiangfeng snorted and said, "Miss Chen, Miss Zhao takes you as her good friend, but you do this kind of thing. Don't you think you're too shameless? Miss Zhao has an accident. Do you really think Changfeng can protect you? It's so naive. If you offend Mr. Xiao, let alone one Guan Changfeng, even ten Guan Changfeng will surely die. "

Hu Xiaodong said: "boss, like their two shameless women, simply kill it."

"No Chen Li and Song Lin shout at the same time, looking at Gao Xiangfeng with hope.

Gao Xiangfeng retorted: "do you think this is a battlefield? Kill if you want to. I'll call Mr. Xiao first to see what he can do with it

At this time, Xiangjiang time is seven o'clock in the evening, while Los Angeles is eight in the morning.

Xiao Yunhai has just finished breakfast and is going to the magic effects company.

Seeing the number of Gao Xiangfeng on his mobile phone, Xiao Yunhai felt a little uneasy. He quickly picked it up and said, "Lao Gao, is Wanqing in trouble?"

When Zhao Wanqing said he was going to Xiangjiang, he felt uncomfortable.

After coming to Los Angeles, he would take time every day to chat with Zhao Wanqing.

Zhao Wanqing was afraid that he was worried and did not tell him the conflict between himself and Du Feng.

Just last night, Zhao Wanqing said that her part would be finished in three days, which made Xiao Yunhai very happy. She thought that her Kung Fu level was not good enough and felt wrong.

But now suddenly received a call from Gao Xiangfeng, Xiao Yunhai immediately guessed that Zhao Wanqing had something wrong.

Sure enough, in the phone, Gao Xiangfeng told Xiao Yunhai everything from the beginning to the end.

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he was furious and said, "is Guan Changfeng impatient?"

Gao Xiang said, "Mr. Xiao, what should we do?"

Xiao Yunhai forced himself to press down his anger, closed his eyes, considered for a while, and said, "what time is that on the other side of the Xiangjiang River now?"

"Seven o'clock in the evening," said Gao Xiang

Xiao Yunhai said: "you let song Ge take the latest flight and bring all our people here. If Guan Rui is really the illegitimate son of Guan Changfeng, we will certainly have a fight with them. It takes five hours to fly from Los Angeles to Xiangjiang, and if everything goes well, I'll be there at one o'clock in the morning. "

"There is a long wind in Xiangjiang. Wanqing doesn't know kung fu. It's very unsafe to stay there. In this way, you ask people to book a plane ticket quickly and escort Wan Qing back to Yanjing all night. "Gao Xiang said, "I understand."

Xiao Yunhai said: "first of all, we will contact if there is something."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yunhai's eyes are like a knife, and his whole body is full of murderous spirit.

He can't even imagine what would happen if Gao Xiangfeng didn't stop the car.

Anger is like boiling water, boiling in Xiao Yunhai's chest. The more angry, Xiao Yunhai's murderous spirit also soared.

"Guan Changfeng, you'd better give me a satisfactory account, or I'll make you suffer."

Xiao Yunhai first called Daniel and asked him to book a ticket to Xiangjiang as soon as possible.

Then, he called Zhao Mingsheng again.

This is the first film that Hanhai and Changfeng have cooperated with each other, because Zhao Wanqing's affair is bound to fail. Don't say to your father-in-law, it's not appropriate.

Zhao Mingsheng quickly connected the phone and said with a smile, "Yunhai, is there something wrong with calling at this time?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "Dad, Wanqing had an accident in Xiangjiang."


Zhao Mingsheng was having dinner at home. When he heard the news, his glass fell to the ground.

"Tell me clearly, what happened to Wanqing?" Zhao Mingsheng asked aloud.

Yan Piaoyun, who was originally in the kitchen, heard Zhao Mingsheng's words and ran out immediately. He looked at Zhao Mingsheng in a panic.

Xiao Yunhai said the whole story of the matter, and finally said, "Dad, this situation is under my control. This evening, I will send Wan Qing back to Yanjing. This Changfeng film and television company is a gangster selling dog meat with sheep skin. We should not cooperate with them any more. I will go to Xiangjiang to handle the rest myself. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Zhao Mingsheng's eyes were red and his chest heaved violently. He said: "I knew that Changfeng film and television company is like this, I should not let Wanqing go to Xiangjiang to film. Fortunately, Yunhai, you sent Mr. Gao to protect them. Otherwise, with Wanqing's temperament, she... '

speaking of this, Zhao Mingsheng dare not say anything.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Dad, if Hanhai and Changfeng were not cooperative, I would not tell you about it. Don't worry about you and mom. I'll take care of it. "

Zhao Mingsheng held his mind and said, "what are you going to do?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "if Guan Changfeng can give me a satisfactory account, it's all right. Otherwise, I don't mind letting Changfeng film group disappear."

Zhao Mingsheng said, "Yunhai, you must not do something stupid. Changfeng film and Television Group has been standing in the Xiangjiang River for decades, which is beyond the ordinary people's ability to deal with. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Dad, Changfeng looks very fierce, but its foundation is not clean. I have a lot of Scouts under my command. It's not difficult to find evidence. You can rest assured. It's estimated that Wan Qing can't be concealed this time. I'm going to make an example. After that, Wanqing will never encounter such a thing again. "

Zhao Mingsheng said: "Yunhai, this is too dangerous. If you can't, Guan Changfeng will jump off the wall

Xiao Yunhai said: "what I'm afraid of is that he doesn't move. Dad, don't worry. I'll protect myself. If it's really impossible, I'll leave immediately. "

Zhao Mingsheng nodded and said, "you are still very steady. Be careful. When will Wan Qing be back? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it takes three hours to fly from Xiangjiang to Yanjing. If everything goes well, we can get to Yanjing International Airport before 1:00 in the morning."

Zhao Mingsheng said, "OK, then, I'll pick her up."

Zhao Mingsheng hung up the phone and pressed Yan Piaoyun anxiously: "what happened to Wanqing?"

Zhao Mingsheng asked Yan Feiyun to sit down and said, "don't worry. Wan Qing has nothing to do now. Yunhai has controlled the whole situation. Today.... "

after listening to the whole process, Yan Piaoyun breathed a deep sigh of relief and said," fortunately, the sea of clouds can prepare for a rainy day, otherwise... I can't even think of it. It's all your fault. You have to cooperate with Changfeng film and TV company to develop Southeast Asian market. You haven't earned enough money. "

Zhao Mingsheng nodded and said to himself, "it's really me. Fortunately, Wanqing is fine, otherwise, I will have to regret it all my life. "

Yan Piaoyun looked at Zhao Mingsheng fiercely and said, "go, take some bodyguards to pick up Wanqing."

Zhao Mingsheng said, "I will arrange it now."

Xiangjiang that night was full of gangsters looking for people.

Soon after Gao Xiangfeng left, the crow came to Sophie women's club. Hearing that the head of the security guard said that fox, Chen Li and Song Lin had been taken away by the other party, his face changed greatly, and he immediately asked his brothers to go everywhere to find Gao Xiangfeng and them.

But the other side seems to disappear suddenly, how can't find.

Crow had no choice but to call Chen Wei, the leader of the security team and Guan Changfeng's top hitter.

Chen Wei was very angry and said, "you are so ridiculous. Hanhai film and television investment company is the partner chosen by the boss himself. Now you dare to touch the boss's daughter. Are you looking for death? "The crow cried and said, "boss Chen, we can talk about these later. The urgent task now is to find them as soon as possible."

Chen Wei asked: "why? Do they dare to kill? "

"I'm not afraid of them killing," said the crow. Chen Li and Song Lin are OK, but this fox is my right arm. He knows a lot about us. I'm afraid the other party will get something from his mouth that is not good for us

When Chen Wei heard this, he said angrily, "you really can make trouble for the boss. In this way, I immediately issued a wanted underworld order to tell those punks who can find them will be rewarded with a million dollars. "

"Thank you, brother Chen," crow said

At nine o'clock, in a three-star hotel not far from Xiangjiang International Airport, Zhao Wanqing, who had been in a coma, suddenly frowned and then woke up.

Li Mei beside said happily, "Miss Zhao, you are awake."

Zhao Wanqing looked around and asked in doubt, "Sister Li, am I not in Sophie women's club? Why are you here? Besides, it seems that this is not the studio hotel I stayed in. "

Li Mei said: "Miss Zhao, this is an ordinary three-star hotel. Mr. Gao has reserved a ticket for you to fly to Yanjing at 10 o'clock. We will take you to the airport in a moment. "

Confused, Zhao Wanqing said, "what's going on here? I haven't finished filming my play. Why go back to Yanjing? "

Li Mei told Zhao Wanqing the whole story. After hearing this, Zhao Wanqing could hardly see the extreme, and she was also frightened.

After a long time, she stood up and said with no expression: "before I leave, I'm going to meet Chen Li."

Li Mei nodded and said, "please follow me."

Two people came to another room, Zhao Wanqing met a pale face of Chen Li.

Seeing Zhao Wanqing, Chen Li lowered her head in shame.

Zhao Wanqing went up to her and said, "why do you do this? I really regard you as a good sister. "

Chen Li shed tears and said, "I can't help it."

It turns out that Chen Li is also one of the victims.

Soon after she joined the long entertainment company, she was taken in by Guan Rui.

After the pursuit failed, Guan Rui became angry. He asked crow to take people to make her dizzy with overpowering drugs, and then he took him to his bed.

Finally, Chen Li became one of Guan Rui's women.

With that, Chen Li knelt down in front of Zhao Wanqing and cried, "Wanqing, I'm sorry for you. Guan Rui and crow are the devil who eat people. In the company, there are many female stars like me. We are beautiful outside, but in their eyes, they are just their playthings. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "I really didn't expect that Changfeng film and television company, which occupies half of the Xiangjiang film and television industry, would be so unbearable."

Chen Li cried: "I know I won't get your forgiveness, but please let me live for the sake of my poor family and supporting my parents."

Zhao Wanqing said: "don't worry, they won't hurt you. They will let you go tomorrow."

With that, Zhao Wanqing left Chen Li's room. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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