Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:35 AM

Chapter 472

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At eight o'clock in the morning of the next day, Xiao Yunhai came to the "witness" crew.

At this time, Du Feng is there scolding.

"What kind of actor is this? It's just that you don't shoot the bed play and the kiss play. Now I'm back in Yanjing without saying a word. What's up? "

Huang Qiusheng said: "as far as I know, Wanqing is not such a person. Is there something urgent about her family? So I didn't have time to tell you. "

Du Feng said: "no matter what the reason, she always has time to make a phone call. It's the first time I've seen such an actor in my life. "

Guan Rui, the leading actor on one side, said coldly, "I think she is used to playing big brands in the mainland."

"Why does my wife go back to Yanjing? Isn't Mr. Guan clear?"

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Huang Qiusheng welcomed him and said with a smile, "Yunhai, how did you come?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "Sir, the talented man is here. Dare I not come?"

Huang Qiusheng's face changed and asked, "what's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is about to ask Mr. Guan."

Guan Rui snorted and said, "who are you?"

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "come to find the person to settle accounts with you. Guan Rui, do you really think you Changfeng can cover the sky with one hand. How dare you to touch my wife. "

Guan Rui said, "I don't know what you're talking about?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's OK to know or not to know. Mr. Guan had better find a place to talk with me. Otherwise, I'm afraid your acting career will come to an end. "

Guan Rui frowned and said, "Mr. Xiao, what do you mean?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I just have a recording of your conversation with a man named crow. If Mr. Guan doesn't care, don't come. "

Guan Rui listened, his face changed greatly, and said, "I'll go with you."

Xiao Yunhai smiles and goes to him. He slaps him in the face, and the blood flows out of his mouth immediately.

Du Feng was shocked and said, "what are you doing?"

The crew saw this and immediately surrounded them.

Behind Xiao Yunhai, Gao Xiangfeng, song Yufeng and others with sunglasses, like iron towers, guard Xiao Yunhai.

Huang Qiusheng said in surprise, "Yunhai, do you know who he is? You're going to make a lot of trouble

Xiao Yunhai said coldly: "it's just the illegitimate son of Guan Changfeng. Even if it's Guan Changfeng, I can't miss it."

Guan Rui covered his swollen face and said: "Xiao Yunhai, do you dare to beat me?"

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha a smile, pa a sound, and ruthlessly slapped his other half of the face, said: "you can go to the police station to sue me. Yes? Don't you dare? "

Guan Rui's eyes almost burst into fire. He said darkly, "it's too cheap to get you to the police station. I'll play with you well."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "very good. Come on, Mr. Guan. "

Guan Rui snorted and said to his assistant, "tell the company that I'm with Mr. Xiao."

His assistant nodded, took out the phone, and dialed out.

Xiao Yunhai said: "the place I asked Mr. Guan to go is the famous Qingfeng tea house in Xiangjiang. People from your company can go there to find me. Mr. Guan, please. "

Guan Rui gave him a hard look, followed Xiao Yunhai and others on the car.

Du Feng said angrily: "how unreasonable, what is this doing?"

Huang Qiusheng frowned and said, "what did Wanqing leave Xiangjiang for? Is it true that Guan Rui did something inappropriate? "

Du Feng said: "no way. Zhao Wanqing is the eldest lady of Hanhai and a partner of Changfeng. Even if Guan Rui is brave, he will never dare to move Zhao Wanqing. "

Huang Qiusheng said: "then why is Guan Rui beaten like that? Is he all there to bear it? With his temper, it is estimated that he has already burst out. And who is that crow? Why did he change his face and follow Xiao Yunhai when he heard the recording of his conversation with crow? "

"This..." Du Feng was asked by Huang Qiusheng in silence.

Huang Qiusheng looked at the direction of Xiao Yunhai's departure and said in secret: "I'm afraid Xiangjiang will experience a big storm."

Xiao Yunhai and Guan Rui came to Qingfeng tea house and found a box. They sat down.

"Where is the recording?" Guan asked

Xiao Yunhai slowly took a sip of tea and said, "you are not qualified to talk to me. Ha ha, I really want to see how much weight you have in the eyes of the governor? "

Guan Rui patted the table, pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said angrily, "you play me. Xiao Yunhai, I tell you, Xiangjiang is our Changfeng territory. Don't play with me, even if you don't play with me? "

Hearing Guan Rui's words, Xiao Yunhai's face became as cold as ice and said, "Guan Rui, it seems that you really don't want to die."

"Ha ha ha ha, there is no coward who is afraid of death?"A loud voice came from outside the box.

Xiao Yunhai smiles and says, "it's coming fast. Old Gao, let them in. "

Gao Xiangfeng agreed and walked in with three people.

Xiao Yunhai looked at him and quickly recognized the identity of the three people, because they all appeared in the video.

The older one is Chen Wei, Guan Changfeng's number one thug. The other one, who is dyed with hair, is the crow.

The first one is a man in his thirties, who is very handsome. It is difficult for Xiao Yunhai to connect him with Guan Xiang, the demon who kills children.

After entering the box, Guan Xiang swept around, then sat down on the chair, looked at Xiao Yunhai, and sneered: "is it the first time that I saw someone fighting against us in Xiangjiang?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "your Changfeng family is a big business. If you have a choice, I certainly don't want to offend you. Mr. Guan, I think you should know everything. What are you going to do with it? "

Guan Xiang snorted coldly and asked, "what do you want us to do?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's very simple. Guan Rui gets out of the entertainment circle, and crows are thrown into the river to feed the fish. "

The crow's eyes were like swords, and his face was ferocious. He said, "are you still awake? What's your dream talk? Where is the fox

Xiao Yunhai turned a deaf ear to his words and did not even look at him. His eyes were fixed on Guan Xiang.

"I'm sorry, I won't do any of your requests. At most, I asked Guan Rui and crow to apologize to Miss Zhao

Xiao Yunhai said: "if that woman is your wife, would you let them go so simply? It is said that the long wind is domineering, and it is true. "

Guan Xiang said, "Mr. Xiao really wants to be the enemy of us? Don't blame me for being too frank. It's just too much for you. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "let's have a try."

Guan Xiang stood up and snorted, "I'm afraid you'll lose your life if you try."

Xiao Yunhai said, "really? Hehe, let's see. "

Guan Xiang looked at Xiao Yunhai with a kind of cold eyes and said, "from now on, our war has begun. Let's go. "

Xiao Yunhai held up a cup of tea and said, "no send." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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