Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:31 AM

Chapter 474

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When Xiao Yunhai discussed with Ren Qiaoqiao and Zhao Xiyan, Guan Xiang, Guan Rui, Chen Wei and crow all got together in Guan Changfeng's office.

Guan Changfeng, 57, is a tall man with a straight waist and a pair of eyes. He can't see his old style at all.

"Guan Rui, crow, you are so ignorant." The governor was as angry as Hong Zhong and scolded Guan Rui and crow with anger: "I managed to get on line with Hanhai film and television media company. After a short time, we could sign a contract. I didn't expect to be destroyed by you. Do you know how much this has hit our company? You and the crow dare to move, young lady of Hanhai. You are too bold. "

Guan Xiang said, "Dad, let's think about what to do next? Xiao Yunhai, the uncle of Hanhai company, seems not to be a good person to deal with. The main reason is that he has a recording of conversation between Guan Rui and crow, which may involve many young stars. Once released, I'm afraid there will be problems. "

Crow hate said: "all blame the fox this son of a bitch. I didn't expect this guy would give me a hand. When I find him, I'll have to peel his skin. "

"What else does the fox have besides the recording?"

The crow said, "there should be no other. I can assure you that he has no idea of the secret things we do

Guan Changfeng snorted and said, "even if I know, what can I do? No one can do anything to us without proof. As for the recording, it's very simple. As long as he publishes it, we will pull out the female stars involved in it and hold a press conference to break his rumor

"Well, since we have made such a quarrel with Hanhai film and television investment company, we can't be more polite. Zhao Wanqing plays a big role in the production team, does not cooperate with the director, and she returns to Yanjing without saying a word. Especially, Xiao Yunhai plays Guan Rui on the set. Do we have this video in hand? "

"Yes. I'm going to have someone post it online now. " Guan Xiang said.

"Good. Let's get to work. Well, it's too much for a young man in his twenties to have a fight with him. "

In the afternoon of that day, Zhao Wanqing played a big name with Xiao Yunhai to fight Guan Rui, which quickly occupied the front page headlines of major portal websites.

In just two hours, there were hundreds of millions of clicks.

Changfeng film and television company hired the Navy also began to make waves on the Internet, any forum, have their shadow.

"It's really too much to go after yunhuangqing. If you're famous, you can't do that. "

"It's really frightening for the emperor to hit Guan Rui. I feel pain when I look at it

"The most important thing is that he still laughs after hitting people. Obviously, he has done a lot of it. "

"When they were young, they were carried to such a high position by everyone. It's normal for their mentality to change. But Qinghou left the studio without saying a word. The emperor of cloud slapped Guan Rui two times in front of so many people. This is a bit too much. "

"After yunhuangqing, you should come out and apologize."

"Yes, please come out and apologize after yunhuangqing."

Although the iron fans of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing also want to speak for them, the video of Xiao Yunhai fan Guan Rui slapping on the face is too clear. In addition, Zhao Wanqing did not care about the shooting of "witness card" and returned to Yanjing. Therefore, everyone did not know what to say, so they had to wait and see the change there.

Friends of the two people in the entertainment industry also called one after another. To Xiao Yunhai's relief, even if the evidence is conclusive, they did not think it was their own first thing to do.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing have no word-of-mouth in the circle. The directors and actors who have cooperated with them do not believe that they will make such a play for no reason.

Xiao Yunhai did not explain to them, but said that everything would come out soon.

At nine o'clock that evening, Ren Qiaoqiao called Xiao Yunhai.

"Mr. Xiao, I'd like to tell you some good news. At 10:00 tomorrow morning, Xiangjiang police will arrest Guan's father and son and their party members for intentional homicide."

Xiao Yunhai didn't like to be surprised and said, "Mr. Ren, is there something wrong with this?"

You know, Guan Changfeng has been in Xiangjiang for decades. I'm afraid there are his people in the police station. Once the news leaks, it's strange that Guan Changfeng doesn't run away with his assets.

Ren Qiaoqiao said with a smile: "don't worry. Mr. Zhao and I met Mr. Pang Shukun, chief executive of Xiangjiang, in secret with the video. After seeing the video, Ponte was very angry. At 9:30 tomorrow morning, he will direct the police to arrest them. Hehe, even if Guan Changfeng has someone in the police station, it will not help. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "so it is. At this moment, Changfeng film and Television Group is completely finished. Are you going to arrange the aftermath? "

Ren Qiaoqiao laughed and said, "we have already made an agreement with the chief executive. Changfeng film and Television Group will sell it to Mr. Zhao and me at the market price. In this way, we are finished. "Xiao Yunhai said: "general manager Ren, I will wait for the good news."

Ren bridge said: "don't worry. Mr. Xiao, it seems that there is a lot of noise on the Internet now. Should you come forward to hold a press conference. It is said that Guan Rui will sue you for personal injury? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the clown is not worth the same. I'll call my wife later and ask her to hold a press conference before 10 o'clock tomorrow to clarify the causes and consequences, and everything will come to light. "

Ren Qiaoqiao said: "it seems that I am worried about it."

Xiao Yunhai said: "no, no, thank you for your concern."

With Ren bridge finished, Xiao Yunhai called Zhao Wanqing.

"Wife, what are you doing?"

"Look at the comments. Now we are being criticized on the Internet. Shall we hold a press conference to clarify it? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I'm calling you for this. Let me tell you a piece of good news. At 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, chief executive Xiangjiang will personally order the arrest of Guan's father and son and his party members. Changfeng film and Television Group is about to end. "

"Really? God, how did you do it? " Zhao Wanqing asked in surprise.

Xiao Yunhai said, "I'll tell you more about it after I go back. Wife, at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, you will hold a press conference and tell the whole story. There's no need to hide it. You can say it as you like. Now is the time for us to fall in love. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "I know. Husband, when will you be back? I miss you so much. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "if everything goes well, I can go back the day after tomorrow. Well, get ready. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "Dad, Yunhai just called me. Let me hold a press conference at 9:00 tomorrow morning to explain the matter clearly."

Zhao Mingsheng said, "OK, I'll call now and let someone prepare. How about Yunhai in Xiangjiang? If you can't, let him come back. There is no reason why Changfeng film and television company has been able to stand in Xiangjiang for so many years. "

One side of Yan Piaoyun also said: "yes. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. With the ability of cloud sea, it can surpass Changfeng film and television company in a few years. Now, we really don't have to deal with them. Wanqing, you should persuade him

Zhao Wanqing showed a proud look and said: "Changfeng film and television company seems to be very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is not so good in the eyes of cloud sea. Dad, mom, let me tell you a big news. Changfeng film and television company has been ruined by the sea of clouds. "

"What? No way. " Zhao Mingsheng stood up in shock.

Yan Piaoyun also said in disbelief: "how could a film and television company with tens of billions of assets be cleaned up by the sea of clouds in just two days."

Zhao Wanqing said with pride: "Yunhai told me that at 10:00 tomorrow morning, Xiangjiang chief executive will personally order to arrest Guan's father and son and their underworld followers. All of a sudden, a big pussy in the film and television industry has been squeezed out. "

Zhao Mingsheng and Yan Piaoyun looked at each other, and at the same time said in his heart: "his son-in-law is also too powerful." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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