Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:30 AM

Chapter 475

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The next day, at 9 a.m., Zhao Wanqing's press conference was held at Yanjing Imperial Hotel on time.

Although the news we received was relatively late, it still attracted hundreds of media reporters.

Zhao Wanqing, sitting in the center of the rostrum, said: "yesterday's Internet was very lively, and our couple once again became the focus of comments. I open this press conference today, just to explain all the things clearly, so as not to be scolded by netizens who don't know the truth. "

Next, Zhao Wanqing told the whole story of her going to Xiangjiang, including how she was forced by the director to make a bed play, how she was plotted by Guan Rui, and how she escaped from Xiangjiang.

"Big news, absolutely big news."

Hearing Zhao Wanqing's story, all the reporters were excited and wrote them down in the book with a pen.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Wanqing said, "this is how things went. Dear journalists, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I Zhao Wanqing will never be vague and perfunctory to you

A middle-aged reporter with glasses got up and asked, "Miss Zhao, you said that you were in the SOFIELD women's club when you were intoxicated with overpowering drugs by your friends. What I don't understand is, how do your bodyguards know? Can they not foretell

Of course, they can't. Before I went to Xiangjiang for filming, my husband found me several excellent bodyguards for my safety. They are all Chinese special forces. They carry out orders with great care. "

"Before leaving, my husband said to them," I can't leave their sight. But SOFIELD women's club did not allow them to enter, so my two bodyguards secretly put a bug in my bag. You all know the next thing. If you don't believe it, I've got a recorded dialogue for you to listen to. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded to a staff member nearby, and the conversation in the club started quickly.

"my husband is very... Eh, sister Chen, why am I a little sleepy and want to sleep for a while."

"You are tired of filming, so go to sleep."

"No, my spirit has always been very good..."

"Wanqing, don't blame me, you are too beautiful. How many female stars, who are favored by Guan Rui, can escape from his grasp. I'm sorry, I can't help it

"What? Regret it? But it's too late. "

"You are all demons."

"Entertainment is the jungle. Don't you depend on them to have your present position? Fox, take the man by the back door. Remember, you have to be back in two hours. "


after playing the recording, Zhao Wanqing said, "this is what they said at that time. If my bodyguard hadn't rushed in and saved me, I would not have stood here today

"Who is sister Chen in the recording? Why did she do that? "

"I can't tell you. After all, she's just a poor person. "

"Miss Zhao, there is a crow in the recording. Who is that?"

"I heard that this crow is the vice captain of the security team of Changfeng film and television company. As for his real name, I don't know."

"Miss Zhao, since you have the recording, why don't you go to the court to sue him?"

"I have given the recording to my lawyer, and I should have arrived at Xiangjiang court by now."

"Is it because of this that Mr. Xiao wants to fight Guan Rui?"

"Of course. If you change any man, it will be like this. Ladies and gentlemen, on the surface, Changfeng film and television company is a normal film and television group. It has made a lot of excellent film and television works. But in fact, it is a underworld organization and a cancer in the film and television industry. I hope that the Xiangjiang government can face up to the problems of Changfeng film and television company and eliminate this cancer completely. Well, that's the end of the press conference. Goodbye. "

Zhao Wanqing said, then in the bodyguard, left the scene of the press conference.

The reporters under the stage were in a daze.

Zhao Wanqing's last words are really too amazing, denouncing Changfeng film and television company as underworld. What is this for? This is a declaration of war with Changfeng film and television company.

At the moment, the faces of various media reporters are red and excited.

"Big news, this is absolutely big news. Hanhai and Changfeng officially declared war. "

"Qing Hou is indeed the emperor's wife. She is too aggressive. Whether it is to say or not to say, all said. This is to keep up with Changfeng. "

Many reporters at the scene took out their mobile phones, called the editor in chief directly, and said what they heard at the press conference.

The chief editors wrote things very fast. Within 15 minutes at most from the end of the conference, the front page headlines of the major web portals on the Internet all became the news of Zhao Wanqing's holding the conference, and the video was quickly transmitted.After knowing the real reason why Zhao Wanqing played a big name and Xiao Yunhai hit people, they all swore at Changfeng film and TV company and Guan Rui.

"Damn it, I'll tell you. It's not like this after yunhuangqing."

"That Guan Rui is not a good thing. He looks very handsome, but he turns out to be a scum."

"Originally, I sympathized with Guan Rui. As a star, in full view of the public, was hit by the cloud emperor heavy two mouth, hit bleeding. At least I can't look at my life too much

"Guan Ruibai has a good skin bag. What he has done is not a human being. I'm sure there is something wrong with the Changfeng film and television company behind him. The vice captain of the security team even played the nickname of a crow, which made people think it was a underworld. "

"Ah, it's said that Xiangjiang is chaotic and the underworld is rampant. Today, I see it, and it's true."

"I'm worried about it now. If there is no evidence to accuse the gang of Changfeng, it is not a public accusation against the gangland. "

"It should be libel. It is to be sentenced. In fact, we all know that what Qinghou said must be true, but there is no evidence to prove her statement, so it will be troublesome. "

"My God, don't worry when it's sunny."

After watching the video of Zhao Wanqing's press conference, Guan Changfeng had a sneer on his face and said, "young people, doing things is impetuous. We dare to attack our Changfeng film and television company without any evidence. Ha ha, it's stupid enough. "

Guan Xiang asked, "Dad, what shall we do?"

Guan Fengdao said: "let's publish information on our homepage, saying that we will sue Zhao Wanqing with libel for her attack. At the same time, you take crow and Guan Rui to hold a press conference, saying that all the recordings are fake. Well, this time, I'll let Hanhai suffer. "

Guan Xiang said, "Dad, I know. Now we are surrounded by dozens of media outside our company, so we can hold a press conference. "

Guan Changfeng waved his hand and said, "then go."

After Guan Xiang left, Guan Changfeng came to the window with his hands down. Looking at the beautiful scenery of Xiangjiang River, he suddenly felt a little uneasy.

After years of experience in the world, he smelled a trace of danger.

He didn't understand. Didn't Zhao Wanqing know that she said that was slander? Even if she doesn't know, does her father Zhao Mingsheng not understand? Or do they have enough evidence to kill themselves, so they are so fearless.

Thinking of this, Guan Changfeng hit an exciting spirit all over his body and said in his heart: "no matter whether it is or not, you should be careful."

In the underworld for so many years, Guan Changfeng can still stand, a large part of the reason is careful.

Because of these two words, let him avoid countless crises, this has now Changfeng film and television company.

Guan Changfeng picked up the phone and called Chen Wei, the leader of the security team.

"Weizi, I'm not feeling well all of a sudden. You help me prepare a car and come home with me. Remember, you drive the car. "

After the phone call, Guan Changfeng opened his safe with a key. There was only a one billion dollar anonymous cash check from Citibank, which he had left for himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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