Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:29 AM

Chapter 476

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Xiao Yunhai is wrong.

He asked Zhao Wanqing to hold such a press conference in order to use the downfall of Changfeng film and television company to create a tall image of Zhao Wanqing fearing evil forces.

However, what he never expected was that Guan Changfeng, who had been in a high position for a long time, would be so cautious. With his own conjecture and a trace of uneasiness in his heart, he quickly made a reaction to prepare to run away, which Xiao Yunhai could never have imagined.

Guan Changfeng collected the check and went downstairs. Chen Wei had been waiting for him there.

After getting on the car, Chen Wei said, "boss, which villa shall we go to?"

Guan Changfeng shook his head and said, "I'm not going anywhere. Lao Chen, I suddenly have an ominous feeling that something is going to happen. But I don't know what's wrong with it? "

Chen Wei is an old man who has been fighting with Guan Changfeng. He has experienced Guan Changfeng's keen intuition for many times, and every time he can save them from danger.

Therefore, Chen Wei did not dare to be careless and said: "boss, you have never made any mistakes in your feelings for so many years. So, let's find a place to hide and see what happens. If it's okay, that's the best. If something happens, we'll leave as soon as possible. "

"I feel the same way. Weizi, I have a building in the new territories. It's very secret. Let's go there to hide. If something really happens, we'll rush in and leave Xiangjiang. "

Chen Wei nodded and said, "OK, boss."

Within 20 minutes after the two men drove away, dozens of police arrived.

At this time, Guan Xiang, Guan Rui and crow are holding a press conference.

Guan Rui said: "I have never done such a thing. Miss Zhao is just slandering me. I don't know the two women in the recording, sister Lin and sister Chen. "

"May I ask Miss Zhao that your Changfeng film and television company is a triad organization. What do you say about this?"

Guan Xiang solemnly said: "for this, we will turn to the law. Mr. Xiao Yunhai's violence against Mr. Guan Rui and Miss Zhao Wanqing's slander for our Changfeng will never be reconciled. Before this conference, we have already sued Mr. Xiao Yunhai for intentional wounding and Zhao Wanqing for libel. We firmly believe that Xiangjiang's law is fair, and it will certainly clean our Changfeng film and television company. "

As soon as Guan Xiang's voice dropped, a dozen policemen suddenly opened the door and came in.

The chief police officer issued the arrest warrant and said, "Mr. Guan Xiang and Mr. Chen Zihao (Crow), two are suspected of a homicide with guns. Please come with us now."

"Wow, isn't it?"

"Making movies? Is there any mistake in killing people with guns in modern society? "

"Big news, quick, quick."

The reporters are crazy, the camera in their hands has never heard of it for a moment.

Guan Xiang was shocked and said: "you're talking nonsense. How could we possibly kill people. I see. You are Xiao Yunhai, aren't you? I want to see my lawyer. "

"You have the right to your lawyer, but not now," said the officer. Come on, take it. "

Guan Xiang and crow did not make any resistance, they were taken away by the police.

The chief officer looked at Guan Rui, who was pale and said, "Mr. Guan Rui, you are suspected of four crimes of adultery. Please come with us. This is an arrest warrant. "

Guan Rui yelled: "I didn't, I was wronged."

"injustice is not wronged, the court has the final say, take away."

Looking at the back of the police, all the reporters were crazy.

"My God, Changfeng is going to die."

"There is going to be a big earthquake in Xiangjiang film and TV circle."

"Xiangjiang law has always been the most concerned with evidence. If it was not for certain things, the police would not have taken three people away in such a big way."

"After the long wind is over, the tripartite confrontation in Xiangjiang's film and television industry is going to become a two male rivalry."

The spread speed of Xiangjiang media is no slower than that of the mainland media. After only 10 minutes, the video of Guan Xiang and others being taken away has appeared on the Internet.

In a flash, the entire Chinese film and television circle was all strongly shocked.

"Qing Hou is right. Changfeng film and television company is indeed a underworld organization."

"Damn it, Changfeng has been in the Xiangjiang entertainment circle for more than 20 years. Are Xiangjiang police always eating dry food? It's hard to accept that such a large underworld gang has only been found out now. "

"It's still yunhuangqing. The whole circle is just how they dare to fight with Changfeng. "

After watching the video with Zhao Wanqing, Zhao Mingsheng sighed: "the sea of clouds is so powerful. How did he bring down the long wind of more than 20 years in the entertainment industry in just two days? It's incredible. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a triumphant smile: "this guy is a monster. If anything impossible is put on him, it will become possible."Zhao Mingsheng said: "it's a pity that I wanted to get through the Southeast Asia line. Now it seems that I can only find another way."

Just then, his cell phone suddenly rang. Turn on the caller ID, it's Xiao Yunhai's dialogue.

Zhao Mingsheng pressed the answer button and asked, "Yunhai, Changfeng, how did you do it?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "thanks to the help of Mr. Ren Qiaoqiao of Galaxy film company and Mr. Zhao Xiyan of Xiangjiang mass media, we can win Changfeng in such a short time. Dad, I'll talk about it when I get back. The reason why I call you is to tell you that Mr. Ren Qiaoqiao is very interested in Hanhai film and TV investment company and wants to cooperate with us. What do you think? "

Zhao Mingsheng a Leng, then full of surprise said: "of course good."

Xiao Yunhai said: "general manager Ren is next to me. Please talk to him."

Xiao Yunhai finished, a middle-aged man's voice came over.

"Mr. Zhao, Hello, I'm Ren Qiaoqiao."

"Hello, Mr. Ren. I've heard a lot about you."


ten minutes later, Zhao Mingsheng hung up and said to Zhao Wanqing, "your husband is indeed a monster. Galaxy film company is going to cooperate with us, and the Southeast Asia line has become. "

Ren Qiaoqiao returned the phone call to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, after dealing with Changfeng, I will go to Yanjing in person and have a good talk with Mr. Zhao."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I firmly believe that the cooperation between Hanhai and galaxy will definitely achieve the goal of win-win."

Zhao Xiyan said: "Zhao always has a son-in-law like Mr. Xiao. The future development of Hanhai company is absolutely unlimited. If I had not reached an agreement with Hongda, I would have been unable to help cooperating with Hanhai

"Mr. Zhao, there are so many film and television companies in China, I don't understand why you choose Hongda?" Xiao Yunhai asked

Zhao Xi said with a smile: "I met Mr. Xia Hongda once, and I admire his talent and vision. Coupled with Hongda's strength, it ranks the top three in the mainland film and television circle, so I chose it. Yes? What's wrong with Hongda? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "that's not true. I'm just asking casually."

Zhao Xiyan saw that Xiao Yunhai seemed to be insincere. He was about to ask again when Ren Qiaoqiao's mobile phone rang.

"What? Guan Changfeng and Chen Wei ran away. When did they run? "

"At nine forty. It's impossible. How could he know something was going to happen to Changfeng. "

"All right, I see."

Ren Qiaoqiao frowned and said to Zhao Xiyan and Xiao Yunhai, "Guan Changfeng and Chen Wei have already driven away and have not been found."

Zhao Xiyan said solemnly: "once Guan Changfeng runs away, it will be troublesome. This guy is a dangerous element. If we don't catch him, it will be a great threat to our safety and our family. Guan Changfeng is a son of a bitch who can do anything. "

Xiao Yunhai also felt the seriousness of the matter. After thinking about it, he said, "Guan Changfeng is a dog who has lost his family. Xiangjiang can't accommodate him. If it was me, I would choose to leave Xiangjiang as soon as possible. "

Ren Qiaoqiao said: "the only way left for him now is to smuggle."

Zhao Xiyan said thoughtfully, "No. Guan Changfeng has always been a vengeance. With my understanding of him, he will not leave Xiangjiang so simply. "

Ren Qiaoqiao said: "not bad. Even if he wants to leave Xiangjiang, he must take revenge before leaving. Although Zhao and I told the governor of Hong Kong the secret of the involvement of Changfeng film and television company, it was very secret. Guan Changfeng could not have known about it. So, the person he hates most is undoubtedly... "

" it's me. " Xiao Yunhai said: "in his eyes, I must be the culprit for the demise of Changfeng film and television company."

Zhao Xiyan said: "Mr. Xiao, you'd better strengthen your own security work these days. Guan Changfeng has developed in Xiangjiang for decades. None of us knows how many people he has raised in private. Once he finds the gap, I'm afraid something will happen to you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "as the saying goes, there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days. Next, not only will I not increase my defense, on the contrary, I will reduce my defense and lure him to attack. I am not afraid that he will trouble me. What I fear most is that he escapes from Xiangjiang. Hehe, you think, if we don't catch him now, there will be such an enemy in the future. We will not sleep soundly in our days. Mr. Ren and Mr. Zhao, you've been competing with him for so many years. I'm sure he won't let them go. "

Ren Qiaoqiao said, "but it is very dangerous for you to do so."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't need to worry about my safety. The most important thing we should consider now is if he chooses to leave immediately instead of revenge, what should we do? "

Zhao Xiyan thought about it and said, "in the movies, people on the road always pay attention to righteousness. But in reality, it's just bullshit. In order to benefit, betray oneself brother's matter, which one of those underworld big brother has not done. What's more, we'll pay the Hong Kong police to issue a large reward order. Once the clues of Guan Changfeng and Chen Wei are confirmed, they will be rewarded with 10 million Chinese dollars. Those who can seize Chen Wei's reward of 50 million and Guan Changfeng's of 100 million. What do you think? ""I can do it," he said. With so much bounty, I believe the whole gangway will move. "

Xiaoyun Haidao: "I agree with you."

"Then I will call Xiangjiang port governor now. Then, we will share the three equally," Zhao said

Half an hour later, Xiangjiang police released up to 150 million bounties, attracting tens of millions of Xiangjiang citizens to move together.

For ordinary people, 150 million, even if it is ten years of work, can not earn so much money.

Those little mixed people in Xiangjiang are crazy. They take photos and look for Guan Changfeng and Chen Wei everywhere.

Although they were all the powerful figures in the underworld, now tiger is in Pingyang, guanchangfeng and Chen Wei represent only 150 million Chinese coins. Once they get it, they are not immediately rich, and do little mischief.

But no matter how we find it, Guan Changfeng and Chen Wei seem to disappear, without any sound. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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