Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:26 AM

Chapter 478

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In the east of Queen's road, Gao Xiangfeng, Xiao Yunhai, song Yunfeng and sunspot were trapped in the waste factory.

Sunspot scolded: "his mother, Xiangjiang police are doing what to eat, did not expect Guan Changfeng hand even have a gun."

Song Yunfeng said: "they are also careful enough to install silencers on guns."

Gao Xiang said: "when is it? What's the use of saying these. For the present, we have to find a way to get the gun as soon as possible. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's no way for us to hide like this. Sooner or later, they will find out. In this way, we split up. I'm with the sunspot team, Lao Gao, you and song Ge. We just need to take the gun from their hands, and we can do it easily. "

Gao Xiangfeng knew Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu and said, "Mr. Xiao must be careful. Sunspot, protect Mr. Xiao, you know? "

The sunspot nodded and said, "don't worry, boss Gao."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "you look down on me too much. Sunspot, let's go. "

Two people suddenly ran out, suddenly outside a burst of noise.

"Wego, where are they?"

"Go, catch up."

"Shit, it's gone again."

Chen Wei called out: "two people in a team, give me a little bit of search. We don't have much time. Reinforcements will arrive soon. Do you understand? "

"Yes," they answered in a deep voice

Looking at the huge waste factory, Guan Changfeng said, "it seems that we chose the wrong place to ambush. Xiao Yunhai, I didn't expect that they were so difficult to deal with. "

Chen Wei said: "boss, don't worry. Although the waste yard is large, there are not many places for Tibetans. It won't be long before we find them. "

"I hope so."

At this time, there suddenly sounded two shrill screams, in the quiet night sky, it seems particularly loud.

Guan Changfeng frowned and said, "what's going on?"

As soon as the voice dropped, two more screams began to ring from the other direction.

Chen Wei said: "no, boss, the other party should have got the gun from our people."

In the dark, in the waste factory, the sound of puffing and hissing kept ringing.

This is the sound of a bullet passing through the muffler.

After a minute of fierce confrontation, five or six thugs with machetes came out.

"Boss, let's go. The other party is a devil. All our people are dead."

As soon as the gangster finished, he puffed, got a shot in his leg and knelt on the ground.

Looking back, they saw Xiao Yunhai, Gao Xiangfeng, song Yunfeng and sunspot coming out with guns pointing at Guan Changfeng and Chen Wei.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Guan, Mr. Chen, let's meet for the first time. Xiao Yunhai almost had no luck with the gifts you gave me. "

Gao Xiangfeng called out to the five or six thugs with machetes: "you don't go away, do you really want to taste the taste of bullets?"

Five or six thugs, you look at me, I look at you, throw down the machete, run away.

Guan Changfeng's face was livid and he cursed: "traitor."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Mr. Guan, the police are coming soon. I think you'd better not make unnecessary resistance."

Guan Changfeng snorted and said, "I didn't expect Mr. Xiao's skill would be so good."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Guan is really a vindictive person. If it was me, I would have left Xiangjiang long ago. "

Guan Changfeng sneered: "if you don't die, how can I be willing to leave. Die for me. "

Guan Changfeng and Chen Wei both shot Xiao Yunhai at the same time.

Xiao Yunhai felt the danger when Guan Changfeng was talking and called out: "get down quickly."

Gao Xiangfeng's reaction speed is very fast. As soon as Xiao Yunhai's voice falls, he immediately lies on the ground, pulls the trigger and shoots at them.

In addition to Xiao Yunhai, Gao Xiangfeng and Gao Xiangfeng were all sharpshooters in the army. After only one round, they shot Guan Changfeng and Chen Wei, and all of them were shot in the middle of their eyebrows.

Xiao Yunhai came to the two men, sighed and said, "no matter what, they are also men."

With that, Xiao Yunhai bent down and gently closed Guan Changfeng's eyes.

Suddenly saw his chest bulging, and took out the contents from his arms.

It turned out to be a wallet. Open to have a look, Xiao Yunhai eyes a bright, quickly put up.

At this time, as in the movie, after the bad guys were killed by the protagonist, the police appeared and began to clean up the mess.

In addition to them, there are many reporters behind, Xiao Yunhai's people also came here.

The speed of the truck was only 20 minutes. It was only too slow for them to get mixed up by the truck.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm a star. It's OK for you to recognize the killing."Gao Xiangfeng nodded and said, "we understand."

Xiao Yunhai said in a low voice: "now, our security company can't even be famous."

Soon, a senior police sergeant came over and saluted Xiao Yunhai, saying, "Mr. Xiao, what's going on here?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I was going back to the hotel after attending the banquet hosted by Mr. Zhao, the general manager of the party. Suddenly, I was hit by a truck. Then I saw Guan Changfeng and more than 20 people rushing out with guns in their hands."

"Fortunately, my bodyguard was alert and took me into this waste factory. They all came from special forces. They took the gun from the opponent's hand by using the terrain, and then had a gun fight with them. The result was like this. "

The sergeant frowned and said, "Mr. Xiao, after all, more than a dozen people have died. Can you come with us and take a statement? "

Of course, Xiao Hai nodded

The sergeant shook hands with him and said, "thank you for your cooperation."

Xiao Yunhai four people were taken to the car by the police, the surrounding reporters quickly surrounded the car.

"May I ask Mr. Xiao why so many people died here? Did you kill them?"

"Mr. Xiao, is the dead Guan Changfeng? If it was him, why would he bring so many people to kill you? "

"Mr. Xiao, is it because of the downfall of your company? That's why Guan Changfeng wants to kill you. "

Xiao Yunhai opened the window and said with exhaustion: "Dear journalists, this evening, I experienced a shooting scene that only appears in movies. Now the whole person is a little exhausted and doesn't want to answer anything. If everything goes well, I will hold a press conference tomorrow. At that time, I will answer your questions one by one. Excuse me, please. I need to go to the police station to take a statement. "

The police car moved slowly through the crowd of reporters and soon came to the police station.

Xiao Yunhai asked the police to call Ren Qiaoqiao. He and Gao Xiangfeng and other mobile phones in the gun battle, did not know where to lose.

Xiao Yunhai tells Ren Qiaoqiao about Guan Changfeng's death and asks him to find a lawyer for himself.

As soon as any bridge listened, he quickly agreed to come down.

Twenty minutes later, not only the lawyer came, but Ren Qiaoqiao and Zhao Xiyan also came to the police station.

This case is very clear. Although Xiao Yunhai and others killed 18 people, including Guan Changfeng, it belongs to self-defense. It is not only innocent, but also praised by Xiangjiang police.

However, this commendation was declined by Xiao Yunhai.

Before leaving, the Senior Sergeant took Xiao Yunhai aside and said, "Mr. Xiao, this matter may affect the evaluation of our Xiangjiang police. Please say a few good words for us at tomorrow's press conference."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Sergeant Li, why don't you come to my press conference tomorrow, so that I don't have any inappropriate answers."

On hearing this, Sergeant Li said happily, "that would be great. Thank you for your help to Xiangjiang police."

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said with a smile, "yes." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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