Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:22 AM

Chapter 481

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Back to the magic special effects company's car, Xiao Yunhai learned from Daniel that his old acquaintance Tian Junhao also came.

His "swordsman biography" shot very fast, two days ago has been killed, is nervous to do special effects.

Daniel secretly told Xiao Yunhai that Tian Junhao seemed to know that he had been cheated. He was very rude to the magic staff. If it hadn't been for 500 million dollars, people would have beaten him up.

It's a coincidence that Xiao Yunhai just got out of the car downstairs of the magic effects company when he met Tian Junhao.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Tian Junhao's eyes were about to burst into flames.

He angrily came to Xiao Yunhai, pointed to his nose and cursed: "Xiao Yunhai, you son of a bitch, how dare you pit me so much money. Five hundred million dollars, how dare you say that. "

After coming to Hollywood, Tian Junhao visited more than a dozen special effects companies. After reading his plan, his highest price was only 300 million US dollars.

Xiao Yunhai asked him for $500 million, which was like a lion's mouth.

Xiao Yunhai put his hand to one side and said with a smile, "why should Director Tian Da be so angry. The so-called money for goods, in other special effects companies, they are absolutely unable to do the magic effect

Tian Junhao said angrily: "you'd better return my debit note to me now, or I'll go to the court to sue you for monopoly and cheat you."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a smile, "Director Tian Da, are you not ill. Don't forget, the price was set after our discussion. I didn't force you. As for the monopoly you said, ha ha, that's even more ridiculous. The whole Hollywood is using our magic technology. Have you ever seen such a monopoly? "

Tian Junhao snorted and said, "but you cheated me at least 200 million dollars, which is a fact."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Tian, our magic special effects company ranks first in the world. Both the speed and the quality are the most powerful in the world. Of course, the fees are more expensive than ordinary companies. Besides, even if you don't believe me, don't you believe your classmate Thomas? "

Tian Junhao sneered: "one of the things I regret most is that I trust Thomas too much. Xiao Yunhai, I know you must be very proud now, but I want to tell you that one day, I will find it back. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Director Tian Da, why do you put so much emphasis on it. Between us, it's just reciprocity. At the beginning, my "Legend of Zhen Huan" was dragged by the film and Television Bureau for a month, until it was broadcast at the same time as "Chu River and Han kingdom". If I didn't have two brushes, I'm afraid I would have been defeated by you. Hehe, even so, when will you see me so angry like you? "

"Director Tian Da, to tell you the truth, some people still think that the price is low. That is to say, for the sake of the same Chinese, I only received 500 million US dollars. You are content. "

Tian Junhao's eyes are like a knife, and he looks coldly at Xiao Yunhai. If his eyes can kill people, even if Xiao Yunhai has ten lives, I'm afraid all of them will die.

"Xiao Yunhai, let's see."

With that, Tian Junhao, with a gloomy face, left by car.

Xiao Yunhai smiles and says in his heart, "it's really a fool to insult yourself."

Next, Xiao Yunhai entered the working state again.

He went to Xiangjiang these days, the special effects staff are not idle, has completed a lot of tasks.

A week later, all the special effects of Langya Bang were finished.

After watching the first episode, Daniel gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "boss, the picture of your TV play is so beautiful, it's just like your Chinese ink painting."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what I want is this feeling. Daniel, how much does the special effects of Langya Bang cost? Give me a good calculation. Remember, as much as you want, don't give me any discount. I don't want to be caught by Thomas. "

You know, paramount now has three films doing magic special effects. If Daniel privately gives Xiao Yunhai a discount, once Thomas finds out, he can use this matter to find Xiao Yunhai's trouble.

If, therefore, Paramount's three films also had a discount, then Xiao Yunhai would have suffered a great loss.

After decades of wandering in the circle, Daniel naturally understood Xiao Yunhai's meaning and said, "boss, don't worry. Whether you or Mr. Thomas, I will charge strictly according to the company's regulations. "

Xiao Yunhai patted Daniel on the shoulder and said: "magic has a housekeeper like you, I am very relieved."

Daniel said, "by the way, boss, Mr. Kerry is calling to invite you to MGM."

"Isn't it possible for Kerry to tell me directly without my number?" Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone and took a look: "Oh, my cell phone is out of power."

Xiao Yunhai took a taxi and went to MGM for the second time.

Just entering the building, a receptionist at the front desk came up and asked, "are you Mr. Xiao?"Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes."

The receptionist said with a smile, "Mr. Kerry is already waiting for you. Please follow me."

Under the guidance of the receptionist, Xiao Yunhai came to Kerry's office.

At this time, he was receiving a beautiful lady in her thirties.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Kerry pointed to the sofa opposite and said, "Xiao, sit there first. I'll treat you to dinner later."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you are busy with you, don't need to take care of me."

Kerry nodded and said, "if you're bored, take a look at Ms. Rowling's magic novel."

Hearing the name of Rowling, Xiao Yunhai was shocked and asked, "who do you think it is?"

Kerry pointed to the middle-aged lady and said, "this is Ms. Joanna Catherine Rowling. She has written several magic novels called Harry Potter, and she wants to work with us at MGM to make the novel into a movie

"Ms. Rowling, this is Mr. Xiao, a Chinese, the owner of magic effects company. If you really want to shoot Harry Potter, you have to rely on him for special effects

Rowling stood up, stretched out her hand to Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, it's nice to meet you."

But Xiao Yunhai is like a wooden man, standing there motionless, his mind is in a mess.

This woman turned out to be Rowling.

God, it's incredible.

Who is Rowling?

The author of Harry Potter in his previous life is the most famous children's writer in the world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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