Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:16 AM

Chapter 485

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After sending a car to Ren bridge to the hotel, Zhao Mingsheng went home.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing have been chatting with Yan Feiyun. Seeing Zhao Mingsheng, they stand up and want to go back to their own place, but they are stopped by Zhao Mingsheng.

"It's so late. Stay here all night."

Yan Piaoyun snorted and said, "I don't want to blame you. What time is it before you come back. "

Zhao Mingsheng said with a bitter smile: "if you want to blame, you should blame Yunhai for shooting langyabang so well. Mr. Ren and I were attracted by the story. Even dinner was eaten in the screening room. "

The fox swallow said: "true or false? Don't lie to me

Zhao Mingsheng said, "why do I cheat you. Yunhai, tomorrow Mr. Ren wants to talk to you about langyabang. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem. Dad, I will submit Langya list to the film and Television Bureau for approval tomorrow. It is estimated that it will be passed in two days.

At that time, I need you to help me contact the TV station. "

Zhao Mingsheng said, "no problem. Ha ha, after watching the previous episodes, I am full of confidence in your "Langya Bang". How are you going to promote it? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "small ads, newspapers, magazines, Internet, TV stations... As long as people can see, I will let them see the slogan of Langya bang at the first sight. This time, I would like to do all-round and three-dimensional publicity of Langya bang at all costs to create a huge momentum in China. No matter whether the publicity cost is 100 million or 200 million, I don't care. The only thing I care about is whether it can beat "outlaws of the marsh" and create a new viewing record of Chinese TV series

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Yan Piaoyun was surprised and asked, "is Langya Bang really that good-looking? More beautiful than the legend of Zhen Huan? "

Zhao Mingsheng said: "the two plays are not the same type. But in terms of the quality of the TV series, Langya Bang is obviously better than the legend of Zhen Huan. It seems that in Langya bang, Yunhai should be more attentive. "

Yan Piaoyun said with a smile, "then I must have a good look. Yunhai, can you make a VCD of this play for me

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course."

I'm kidding. My mother-in-law has orders. Xiao Yunhai doesn't dare to say a word.

The next morning, Xiao Yunhai came to Ren bridge's hotel with Zhao Mingsheng.

After breakfast with Ren bridge, the three returned to Hanhai.

In Zhao Mingsheng's office, Ren Qiaoqiao said bluntly: "Mr. Xiao, Zhao should have told you. Your "Langya Bang" is one of the best TV dramas I have ever seen. Compared with the legend of Zhen Huan, it is better than anything else. So, I want to introduce this play. What do you think? "

Of course, Xiao Yunhai said, "no problem. However, Mr. Ren, what kind of price are you going to give me? "

Ren bridge held out his hand and said, "I want to use 500 million Chinese dollars to buy out the broadcasting right of Langya bang in Xiangjiang and other Asian countries. What do you think?"

Xiao Yunhai's "Langya Bang" cost 830 million Chinese dollars in total, excluding the subsequent publicity costs.

Any bridge bid 500 million Chinese dollars, should be considered very high. If you change someone, you may agree to it immediately.

But Xiao Yunhai is very dissatisfied with the price.

"Mr. Ren, do you know how much the legend of Zhen Huan sold abroad?"

Without waiting for any bridge to speak, Xiao Yunhai held out his thumb and forefinger and said, "eight hundred million."

"It's impossible." Ren bridge said in surprise.

Xiao Yunhai said: "general manager Ren, if you don't believe it, you can go and inquire about it. In fact, this matter, the film and Television Bureau has long been on the official website, and now I don't know whether it can be found. As you said, the quality of langyabang is better than the legend of Zhen Huan. Since the legend of Zhen Huan can sell for 800 million yuan, is it too low for you to pay 500 million yuan? "

Ren Qiaoqiao frowned and said, "Mr. Xiao, there are a lot of 500 million Chinese coins. According to the cooperation agreement between our galaxy film company and Hanhai film and television investment company, the money... "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said," Mr. Ren, this langyabang was shot by myself, and it has nothing to do with my father and Hanhai. I am me, and the sea is the sea, and the two cannot be confused. "

Ren Qiaoqiao said: "there is only one daughter, Miss Zhao Wanqing. In the future, Hanhai will surely be handed over to you. There is no difference between you. It's too insincere of Mr. Xiao to say so. Besides, although Langya Bang is excellent, it has not been tested by the market. Whether it can be recognized by the audience is still unknown. Therefore, I think 500 million Chinese dollars is very appropriate. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "the audience will love this play. There is no doubt about it. Mr. Ren, since you still have doubts about this, let's sign a gambling agreement according to the results of Langya League in the future. "

Ren Qiaoqiao asked, "how to gamble?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I know that your galaxy TV station is all over Southeast Asian countries. We will determine its price based on the average ratings of langyabang in various countries. What do you think? "As soon as the bridge's eyes brightened, he said, "this is a good suggestion."

Xiao Yunhai said: "can I have a look at the ratings of your TV station in the past two years? After all, ratings must be different in different countries. "

Ren Qiaoqiao said, "I'll send a copy."

Five minutes later, Xiao Yunhai got the ratings list of Galaxy TV in various countries.

Looking at Xiao Yunhai's frown, Ren bridge said with some embarrassment: "let Mr. Xiao laugh. In the past two years, the ratings of our galaxy TV station are indeed very average. "

What is general? Obviously, it's very bad, OK.

Taking Thailand as an example, the annual average ratings of Galaxy TV only reached 0.09%, and the highest ratings were just above 0.5%.

Other countries have had enough.

Even in the best Japan, the average ratings are only 0.22%, and the highest ratings are less than 1%.

Such a result is indeed speechless.

Xiao Yunhai said quietly: "it doesn't matter. If Langya Bang can be broadcast in your station, I believe the ratings will be better soon."

Ren Qiaoqiao said: "this is the reason why I want to introduce langyabang."

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "Mr. Ren, what do you think? We use the highest ratings of Galaxy TV in various countries as the benchmark for calculation. If the average ratings of langyabang do not reach your highest ratings in the past two years, I will only charge you 10 million Chinese dollars for each country. "

Any bridge eyes a bright, way: "if more than?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you exceed it, you will have to pay me five million Chinese dollars for every 0.1% increase in average ratings. Let's take Japan as an example. The highest rating of Galaxy TV station is 1%. If my average rating of langyabang reaches 1.1%, you will have to pay me 15 million Chinese dollars; if it reaches 1.2%, it will be 20 million yuan. What do you think? "

Ren Qiaoqiao seriously considered it and said, "no way. If the average rating of langyabang reaches 10% in Japan, I will pay you 500 million. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "general manager Ren, the average audience rating of 10% of the TV series, the advertising cost may exceed two billion bar."

Any bridge is a Leng, can't help laughing: "this is also. OK, that's the decision. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Ren, no matter how many rounds your TV station plays, we will follow this regulation. What do you think?"


Ren Qiaoqiao turned to Zhao Mingsheng, who had been silent all the time, and said, "Mr. Zhao, I really envy you. It seems that your vast sea has a successor."

Zhao Mingsheng shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "the good things in other people's eyes may not be able to see them."

A few days ago, Zhao Mingsheng told Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing that he wanted to retire early and leave the company to two people to manage.

Xiao Yunhai immediately refused. He said that he was not the boss's material and could not manage the company well.

And Zhao Wanqing also said that she did not dare to be interested in the business community, and did not like the social activities and so on.

Seeing that the two people regard their hard-earned Hanhai film and television investment company as a hot potato, Zhao Mingsheng is immediately angry.

No matter how to say, Hanhai is also a big company with a market value of tens of billions. It's strange that Zhao Mingsheng can be happy because he is not treated by his daughter and son-in-law at all.

Ren Qiaoqiao said in surprise, "No. The market value of Hanhai film and television company is tens of billions. Does Mr. Xiao have no interest at all? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I am not the material of the management company. If Hanhai were to be handed over to me, it would have to be closed in less than a year. Besides, my father is only forty-six years old this year. It's just the time of his prime. It's too early to retire now. "

Zhao Mingsheng said: "OK, you and Wanqing don't pull down. When my grandson grows up, I will give him Hanhai

Next, Zhao Mingsheng asked the company's lawyer to draw up a contract according to their agreement.

Ren Qiaoqiao took a look at it carefully. After no problem, he signed with Xiao Yunhai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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