Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:13 AM

Chapter 487

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Ten minutes later, Zhao Mingsheng looked at the first two offers and sighed, "are both Hebei TV and Henan TV crazy? One will give you 90% of the advertising profits, and the other will take the last move, which is 1% more than the TV station with the highest share. That is 91%, which is too cruel. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is not strange. After the successive broadcasting of legend of Zhen Huan and Xiao Ao Ao Hu Hu Hu, Hebei TV station is no longer what it used to be. As long as the results of Langya Bang are similar to those of Zhen Huan, it is certain that it will become a first-line TV station. Yunan TV station is a little sad, its ratings have been very low, they want to use "Langya Bang" to open up the situation. What's more, even if they only get 10% of the advertising profit, the revenue of Yunan TV station is better than that of the third rate TV series. It is reasonable for them to choose so. "

Zhao Mingsheng nodded and said, "the whole entertainment industry can make them quote such a price before they see the film."

Indeed, Xiao Yunhai has set up his brand as the king of audience after four TV dramas, i.e. startling step by step, legend of Zhen Huan, love apartment and smiling proud of the lake.

All works invested, directed or starred by Xiao Yunhai must be excellent.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Hebei TV station and Henan TV station are willing to exchange 90% of the advertising revenue for the first round broadcasting right of Xiao Yunhai's langyabang.

Xiao Yunhai drew out a tender from it and said with a smile: "Dad, what really surprised me is that Mr. Zhu Tianran of CCTV has 80% advertising profit. Ha ha, he really wants to make trouble to the end."

As the real boss of the film and television industry, the advertising cost of CCTV has been high.

Mango TV station is the king of local TV stations, and the advertising cost is about 30000-40000 per second. If it encounters a hot program, the maximum amount can be raised to 60000 per second.

The starting price of CCTV is 60000 a second.

Last year, when "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" was broadcast on CCTV, the advertising cost of one second was even fried to 100000 yuan by advertisers, which made the whole film and television industry lose their voice.

If he had signed a contract with Xiao Yunhai according to the 8:2 advertising share, Zhu would have been sent directly to the police station by CCTV after returning home.

Zhao Mingsheng sneered: "CCTV has always been the leader of the industry, and its style is very overbearing. It will not broadcast a TV drama with other TV stations at the same time. Zhu has spared no effort in order to destroy

It's a pity that Xiao Hai's move is poor. He thinks that 80% of the advertising share is already very high, but he does not want to be higher than his full eight TV stations. Hehe, Zhu nature is not good enough. If he writes 99% directly, even if he knows that the offer is false, I have no choice but to choose him. "

Zhao Mingsheng said: "he doesn't have an accurate positioning for your work, so it's hard to avoid making mistakes. Well, go ahead and announce it. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and returned to the conference room with the tender.

Glancing at Zhu nature, who was elated there, Xiao Yunhai sneered in his heart and said, "all the leaders of TV stations, the bidding documents have been counted. Hebei TV station and Henan TV station won the first round broadcasting right of "Langya Bang"

"No way. Xiao Yunhai, you are playing tricks. How could CCTV win the bid for such a high share of advertising

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's voice fell, Zhu naturally stood up and accused Xiao Yunhai.

"Mr. Zhu is right. We require the bidding results to be published, so as not to make the loss unclear."

"I agree."

"Mr. Xiao, we hope you can open the bidding results. Even if we lose, we also want to be convinced."

More than a dozen TV stations are also clamoring.

Zhu Tianran sneered: "Mr. Xiao, you don't choose them deliberately because you have cooperated with southern Henan and northern Hebei platforms regardless of the results. If so, it would be too much. Our other TV stations will never agree. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Zhu is too arbitrary. I don't have the right to make your bid public unless everyone agrees. "

"Well, that's what you want." As soon as Zhu nature patted the table, he said in a loud voice: "we are a total of 32 TV stations. Do you disagree with the public bidding?"

After ten seconds, Zhu said triumphantly, "Mr. Xiao, have you seen it? We all agree."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "well, in this case, I'll read the top ten statistics. The other 22 TV stations can raise their objections if they have any. "

"No. 10, Shanxi TV station, with 75% advertising."

"No. 9, Xinjiang TV station, with 78% of advertising."

"The eighth place is CCTV, with 80% of the advertisements."

On hearing this, they all looked at Zhu nature strangely and said to themselves, "this guy is too bold. Eighty percent of the ads will be shared by CCTV. It seems that Xiao Yunhai is right. This guy is here to make trouble. ""The second place is Yunan TV station, with 90% of the advertisements."

"The first one is Hebei TV station, with 91% of the advertisements."

"This is the top ten bids. Everyone should have no objection. " Xiao Yunhai asked.

"No. Mr. Xiao, the 80% advertising share of CCTV is much higher than that of Southern Henan and northern Hebei. Why don't you choose us? " As soon as Zhu Ziran's eyes turned, he stood up and asked.

Xiao Yunhai said: "the average ratings of my" Langya Bang "will reach 20%. Put in any TV station, advertising costs will not be much lower. Why do I have to choose CCTV? "

Xiao Yunhai's words, let the high-level of the major TV stations in an uproar.

"An average audience rating of 20 percent, or the bottom line, how can that be possible?"

"With Mr. Xiao's achievements in the past, the highest audience rating is 20%, which should be no problem. However, with an average audience rating of 20%, there are some...... "

" Mr. Xiao's self-confidence is too much. "

"The average audience rating is 20%, Mr. Xiao, are you kidding?" he said with a smile

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Zhu doesn't believe it?"

Zhu said, "of course. I don't think any of you here will believe it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "do you dare to make a bet with me? The average rating of langyabang is less than 20%. I lost 10 million to you. If it exceeds, you can give me 10 million. How about that? "

Zhu nature snorted and said, "ten million is too little, and one hundred million is almost the same."

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and asked, "does Mr. Zhu have so much money?"

Zhu said, "you don't have to worry about it. If I lose, I will call you one hundred million. However, I don't believe in empty mouth and white teeth. I want something written. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that Mr. Zhu is winning. OK, I'll have someone ready. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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