Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:07 AM

Chapter 491

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In the box of a hotel in Yanjing, director Jiao fangtao, leading actors Guo Jingtai, fan Zhuohuan and Wu Jun of Fengshenbang, Lang Yu, deputy director of CCTV-1, and Zhu Ziran, director of the program department, sat together.

Lang Yu held up his glass and said, "ladies and gentlemen, let's drink to the super high ratings of the" God's list. "


Six people smile, drink the wine in a cup.

Zhu said a mouthful of food, put it into his mouth, and said: "this time, our" Fengshen list "can be said to be a total victory. With an average audience rating of 4.5%, it's a waste of water to beat several other local TV stations. "

Jiao fangtao said with a smile: "I didn't expect that" Fengshen list "can get this result, which is thanks to the vigorous publicity of our TV station."

Lang Yu said with a smile, "yes. By the way, Lao Zhu, I heard that you had made a bet with others. It seems that it has spread widely in the circle recently. You are also a public servant. You should pay attention to such matters in the future. The impact is very bad. "

"I don't know," said Zhu. Xiao Yunhai, the director of langyabang, is really arrogant. The average audience rating is 20%, and the highest rating is 40%. This is the bottom line he set for Langya list. He he, I Zhu nature has been in CCTV all my life, and I have never seen such a brazen director. "

Lang Yu was surprised and said, "he really said that? Ha ha, young people are very energetic."

Zhu Tianran said with a smile: "now that I have Jiao's Fengshen list, I see how he can get me 20% ratings. Well, under the influence of so many excellent TV series, let alone 20%, even if it is 2%, it's good that he can achieve it. "

Zhu has always been full of confidence in his 100 million yuan bet with Xiao Yunhai.

He admitted that Xiao Yunhai was indeed brilliant, and that he was able to produce such plays as the legend of Zhen Huan, and his directing ability was really extraordinary.

even if Xiao Yunhai said that the highest ratings reached 20%, Zhu would not dare to bet with him.

But Xiao Yunhai even said that the average audience rating was 20%. Ha ha, even if Zhu Tianran was killed, he would never believe it.

Are you kidding? The average audience rating of 20% represents that 300 million people in China have to watch this "Langya list" every night. This is an impossible thing in the Internet era.

Zhu nature has now begun to fantasize about how to spend after getting 100 million yuan from Xiao Yunhai.

Among these people, the only one who has dealt with Xiao Yunhai is Wu Jun.

He plays King Zhou in Fengshenbang.

Wu Jun said: "I think we'd better not be careless. I know Xiao Yunhai very well. He has always been steady in his work and never says anything in vain. Since he dares to say so, I think he should have a certain degree of assurance. "

Jiao fangtao frowned and said, "Lao Wu, do you think that the langyabang shot by Xiao Yunhai has an average audience rating of 20%? I don't believe it

Wu Jun said: "director Jiao, don't forget his legend of Zhen Huan."

Jiao fangtao said: "the reason why the legend of Zhen Huan was so popular was that there were not enough other TV dramas to compete with him. If "Chu River Han boundary" has the backbone to fight with him, I think "Legend of Zhen Huan" will not get this achievement in any case. "

Guo Jingtai, who plays Jiang Ziya, nodded and said, "I totally agree with Jiao Dao's analysis. I am very optimistic about Xiao Yunhai, a young man. I haven't left a single episode of his "Legend of Zhen Huan". And "Langya Bang" Trailer I also saw, the picture is very beautiful, atmosphere, the details are also very good. Even so, I don't think langyabang can beat our Fengshenbang, let alone the average ratings of 20%

Except for Wu Jun, others all agreed.

Lang Yu suddenly asked, "recently, people in the circle are saying that Xiao Yunhai is the boss of Hollywood magic special effects company. I don't know if this rumor is true? "

Wu Jun sighed, "it's true. He once said it in front of many people. Even Mr. angel, the president of Paramount Pictures in Hollywood, did not dare to offend him easily. In Hollywood, this guy should be regarded as the role of the master. Because all the special effects teams of film companies need to use magic special effects patents

Jiao fangtao said in surprise: "I didn't expect that this young man should be so powerful. I really want to see him."

Fan Zhuo Xuan complained: "Lao Wu, why didn't you say that last year, Jiao and I went to Disneyland and suffered a lot from those foreign devils. If we had known Xiao Yunhai was the magic boss, we could have found him. After all, they are all Chinese filmmakers. Can he still embarrass us

Wu Jun said: "you have wronged me. I learned about it through Director Tian Junhao when I was shooting swordsman at the end of last year. It's already that night. "

Jiao fangtao waved his hand and said, "Lao Wu, if you have a chance, you must introduce it to me. Knowing him, I won't have to worry about special effects in my films. "Hearing everyone's good words about Xiao Yunhai, Zhu ran couldn't sit still and said with a sneer: "director Jiao, you'd better not look for him. This boy is very unskilled. Mr. Tian Junhao's "swordsman biography" got magic effect, and Xiao Yunhai even offered him a sky high price of 500 million US dollars. Later, he went to Hollywood and inquired about other special effects companies. The highest price he asked was 300 million dollars. Hum, it's too much for this boy to treat Chinese compatriots like this. Mr. Wu, you should know about it, don't you? "

Everyone looked at Wu Jun.

Wu Jun nodded with a wry smile and said, "Xiao Yunhai really asked Tian Dao for 500 million US dollars."

Jiao fangtao patted the table and said, "this is too much. Although our "Fengshen list" is claimed to be 300 million US dollars of special effects, it is actually only 500 million Chinese dollars. No matter how high the requirements of swordsman are, it can't cost US $500 million. "

Hum, it's just a kind of entertainment. The level of special effects in our country is so poor that we don't have to go to Hollywood. "

Zhu said intentionally or unintentionally, "if Xiao Yunhai can bring more than 50 patented technologies back to China and let our film and television company set up its own special effects team, it would be great."

Hearing Zhu's words, Wu Jun looked at him thoughtfully and said in his heart, "this Zhu nature wants Xiao Yunhai's lifeblood."

Originally, Wu Jun wanted to explain for Xiao Yunhai. Seeing this situation, he didn't say anything more.

After we had enough to eat and drink, we all went back.

Wu Jun and Jiao fangtao live in the same community, not far from the hotel, so they don't take a car. Instead, they chat and press the road.

Wu Jun said: "director Jiao, I heard that you are going to adapt a story of Liaozhai into a film? Is there such a thing

Jiao fangtao was slightly stunned and said, "Lao Wu, who are you listening to?"

Wu Jun ha ha ha smile, way: "two days ago, in the community, met your family leader, so casually asked a sentence."

Jiao fangtao shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "my wife just can't keep her words. To tell you the truth, I have been very interested in Chinese mythology since I made the Fengshen list. Idle boring time, I went to the bookstore to buy a "Strange Tales of a lonely studio.". When I saw the article "Xiaocui", I suddenly felt that it would be very good if the story was adapted and made into a film. No, I've been busy writing scripts lately

Jiao fangtao is a very talented person. He likes reading since childhood. His pen is very hard. He has been nominated for the golden cup award for best screenplay.

Wu Jun said with a smile, "when are you going to shoot?"

Jiao fangtao said: "the script is about to be finished. I reckon that in half a month we'll be able to form a crew. "

Wu Jun said: "special effects are necessary to make such films. Are you still going to go to the Disney special effects team?"

Jiao fangtao stopped, turned to look at Wu Jun and said, "Lao Wu, what do you want to say

Wu Jun Zhengrong said, "director Jiao, I hope you don't listen to Zhu Tianran. Xiao Yunhai is not what they say. "

Jiao fangtao asked, "didn't you say that Xiao Yunhai did receive $500 million before he was willing to do special effects for swordsman? Even if I want to find him, I don't have so much money. "

Wu Jun said: "at first, I didn't understand why Xiao Yunhai asked so much for Tian Junhao? Later, I heard a friend of the film and Television Bureau say that they had a long time ago

"Xiao Yunhai didn't know what offended Tian Junhao. He secretly made his" Legend of Zhen Huan "audited by the film and Television Bureau for a full month, while the review of" Chu River and Han kingdom "took only one day. So, the two TV series met together

"At that time, Xiao Yunhai was just a new director. If he didn't have two brushes under his hand, he ran into Du's" Chu River and Han kingdom ". Ha ha, the result can be imagined

Jiao fangtao said: "you mean Tian Junhao originally wanted to use Du Hongtai's Chu River Han Jie to attack Xiao Yunhai's biography of Zhen Huan, but he didn't expect Xiao Yunhai's biography of Zhen Huan to be so successful. Therefore, "Chu River Han boundary" had to retreat. But what does that mean? "

Wu Jun said: "this shows that Xiao Yunhai has a feud with Tian Junhao, so in the swordsman biography, Xiao Yunhai deliberately dug a hole to let Tian Junhao jump in. However, if director Jiao goes to him for special effects in the future, Xiao Yunhai will never do this to you. "

"Jiao Dao, I told you that because we have been friends for many years. Magic is the No.1 special effects company in the world. Its technology is better than that of Disney. Besides, with Xiao Yunhai as the boss, you don't need to be constrained by those foreigners. For you, Baili is absolutely harmless. "

Jiao fangtao nodded and said, "so it is. Lao Wu, you can introduce me. My film, will use a lot of special effects, need special effects division with the team shooting. If it's the right price for himWu Jun said with a smile: "this is no problem."

Jiao fangtao walked forward two steps, and suddenly "Yi" said, "Lao Wu, what good has Xiao Yunhai given you? How can you help him say so many good words?"

Wu Jun laughed and said, "we have only seen a few sides. But this young man gave me a very good impression. When you really get in touch with him, I'm sure you'll like this guy, too

Jiao fangtao said, "I really want to see him when you say that." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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