Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:06 AM

Chapter 492

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At 7:30 p.m. on April 15, half an hour before the broadcast of Langya bang, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to the data monitoring room of Yunan TV station.

When Liu Qingshan, the head of Taiwan, saw the two men, his face was a little embarrassed.

At the beginning, he did not resist the pressure of Tian Jishang in the story of Zhen Huan. He missed a play that could make the southern Henan TV station fire again. Liu Qingshan regretted it.

Now, seeing Xiao Yunhai again, Liu Qingshan felt a little hot on his face, turned around, and finally turned back to Xiao Yunhai. Why did he come here.

Xiao Yunhai naturally saw Liu Qingshan's uneasiness, so he held out his hand and said with a smile, "long time no see, Liu Taichang. The last "step by step" has benefited both of us a lot. This time, I believe that we will be able to cooperate successfully

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Liu Qingshan laughed, took Xiao Yunhai's hand and said: "I have read the first few episodes of Langya bang. Mr. Xiao, I'm not flattering you. This play is definitely the best costume film I've ever seen. I think success is certain, but I don't know how successful it will be. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "let's wait and see."

Zhang Heng said: "the biggest enemy of our" langyabang "is the" Fengshenbang "set by the Central Committee. Yesterday, the average audience rating of the play reached 5.7%, and the highest rating was 10.4%. There was also a lot of praise on the Internet. It is definitely our strong enemy."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "director Jiao fangtao is worthy of being one of the best directors in China. I watched this book for two nights in a row, and it was really very good. If it's not for special effects, it's still a bit stiff, and I'm sure the results will be better. "

But I firmly believe that it will still be better than the blue mountain

Xiao Yunhai said with a confident smile: "of course. My goal is not just a list of gods. "

At 7:50, in the central data monitoring room, Bao Hanfa, the director of monitoring, came in with a smile.

"Xiao Li," Fengshenbang "is about to start broadcasting. What is the audience rating now

He sat on the chair and asked.

Xiao Li took a look at the monitoring screen, turned his head and stammered: "director, the situation is not very good."

"What?" Bao Hanfa, who just had a smile on his face, heard Xiao Li's words, his face immediately pulled down, his brow frowned tightly, and said, "say, how much is it?"

"The audience rating is 1.2%," said Xiao Li softly

"How much? You didn't eat. Speak up Bao Han FA said angrily.

Xiao Li yelled, "it's 1.2%."

"What? 1.2%, how can it be so low? "

Bao Hanfa has not spoken yet. Lang Yu, vice head of the stage who has just entered the door, hears Xiao Li's words and can't help asking.

Lang Yu has been in the monitoring room for the last two nights.

He remembers that at this time yesterday, the rating of "Fengshenbang" was 3.4%. How could it be that the gap was so big in one day.

You know, the difference in ratings is 2.2%, which represents tens of millions of people.

Xiao Li said, "I don't know. This is not the director's control room. We can't see data from other TV stations. "

As a fan of the cloud emperor, Xiao Li knows that the reason for this result must be the idol's "Langya Bang".

If I hadn't been on the night shift tonight, I'm afraid I would have already transferred the TV to Hebei or Henan.

Bao Hanfa said, "director Lang, let's wait and see. Maybe the ratings will rise in a short time."

Lang Yu thought about it and said, "is Xiao Yunhai's langyabang premiere today?"

Baohan method a Leng, nodded and said: "yes."

Lang Yu hesitated and said, "it's not because of Langya bang, is it?"

Bao Hanfa said, "I don't think so. Does he have such influence? "

Xiao Li said, "of course. Yunhuang's products must be excellent. Do you think it's a joke? "

Lang Yu said, "wait a minute."

In an ordinary building in Yanjing, a middle-aged couple are arguing over the remote control.

"Wife, what's so good about" spicy mother-in-law "all day long. It's not interesting at all. Quickly switch to CCTV, and the list of gods is about to start. "

"No. "Fengshenbang" books have been you to turn rotten, inside the plot you also know clearly, read on, what's the meaning. I'll tell you, tonight, I'll watch granny spicy. "

"Wife, I beg you. It's not easy for me to have a favorite TV play. Please give me the remote control. "

"If you say no, you can't. And so on "God list" on the network video, I will give you money, let you download. But now, I has the final say. "

"Wife, you are too overbearing.""If I'm overbearing again, does your mother bully me?"

"Why do you mention my mother again? I'll tell you..."

seeing that the couple are about to quarrel, their son Xiaoshan comes out of the bedroom and says, "Dad, mom, I've finished my homework, give me the remote control quickly."

"What are you doing?"

"My idol's" Langya Bang "will be broadcast today. As his iron powder, I will certainly watch it. Otherwise, when I go back to school tomorrow, I will be laughed at by my classmates. "

The couple who were just quarreling looked at each other and honestly handed the remote control to their son.

Xiaoshan immediately transferred the program to the southern Henan TV station. At this time, the opening song of langyabang was playing on TV.

"Ha ha, that's great. It's just starting."

The beginning of langyabang is the battle of Meiling.

In order to play a preemptive momentum, Xiao Yunhai spent a lot of energy on the war scene.

First, the deafening sound of horse's hooves from far to near, then thousands of Armored Cavalry, waving weapons, roaring out, the momentum of the majestic, moving.

The husband stared at the TV without blinking his eyes and asked, "hill, is this a movie or a TV series? This scene is too big."

Xiaoshan said triumphantly: "the product of the emperor of cloud must be a fine product. I'm an idol. I don't care about money. Dad, you don't really don't know about the legend of Zhen Huan, do you? Its propaganda is very big. "

His wife said, "are you talking about the director Xiao Yunhai who made the legend of Zhen Huan. I think I still have a big poster for the play. It turns out that his play is on the air today. Since it was made by the director of the legend of Zhen Huan, it can't be wrong. "

"Well, let's not talk about it for a while, and we'll talk about it after reading it," said the hill , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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