Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:04 AM

Chapter 493

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On TV, the camera changes. In a forest, a young general with firm eyes calmly asks the deputy general: "have all the pit pits been dug?"

The deputy general replied, "report to the young general that the excavation has been completed, so as to ensure that the cavalry of the Northern Wei Dynasty will never come back."

"Good. Tell my brothers, this is a fierce battle. If we beat back the Northern Wei Dynasty, there will be no war in the northern territory of Daliang within ten years. We can go home. " In the eyes of the major general, there was a deep aversion to war.

"Yes, little general."

The lieutenant general seemed to hear something. He lay down on the ground and listened for a moment. He said, "little general, the cavalry is here."

Little general eyebrows a pick, way: "ready to meet."


In the Northern Wei Dynasty, thousands of cavalry, with the momentum of wind and clouds, rushed towards the Liang army tent at the foot of Meiling mountain.

As soon as we were approaching the army tent, a big pit with a depth of more than ten feet appeared in front of us, with a sharp spear underneath. Since the fall of the first horse, dozens of cavalry in front of them could not dodge and fell in one after another.

Because the cavalry in the back was too fast and did not know what was happening in front of them, they could not stop at all. As a result, the cavalry who had already reined in the front were pushed down one after another and died miserably inside.

The general of the Northern Wei Dynasty called out: "there is a pit in front of you. Stop for me."

As soon as the words fell, a sharp arrow pierced out of the woods like a meteor, hitting the chest of the general of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

In order to highlight the power of the sharp arrow, Xiao Yunhai used slow lens to show the perfect trace of the arrow cutting through the air.

"Wow, this shot is so beautiful."

"I've never seen this kind of shooting before. It's like an arrow coming out of the TV. It's so powerful. "

"This TV series is absolutely a classic."

Just looked at the first five minutes, the husband will give it a definition, immediately put his favorite "God list" to forget.

In the woods, the major general put his bow back and drew out his sword. His eyes shone with cold light and cried, "kill."

"Kill. "

at this moment, thousands of soldiers hidden in the woods roared in unison and killed the already disordered cavalry.

The two sides were at war with Marton.

"It's tragic." Looking at the scene of a soldier and the enemy perishing together, Xiaoshan said in shock.

"Great, it seems that your idol is very good at this kind of big scene, even I watch it with passion."

After killing thousands of cavalry, the young general returned to the camp and reported to his father Lin Xie.

Upon learning this, Lin Xie was overjoyed and immediately dispatched troops to punish the general and prepare for a decisive battle with the enemy.

The next day, a bigger war began.

Seventy thousand red flame army VS 80000 Northern Wei army

the two sides fought in Meiling with no light.

Xiao Yunhai made the war scene into an epic level, so that the three members of the family could not catch sight of it.

In particular, the scene in which major general Lin Shu, with thousands of cavalry, rushed to the other side's 20000 infantry soldiers and flew countless soldiers with his horse was like Halley's comet hitting the earth to the audience of this world.

"When did the Chinese TV series go wrong? Even if it's in a movie, I'd like to pay for it. " Murmured the husband.

There are still a lot of audiences who are similar to them.

The camera changes. Not far from Meishan, a grim looking general is sitting on his horse, looking at Meishan without saying a word.

A spy came to him quickly and said, "general, the red flame army is in a fierce battle with the Northern Wei army, and has gained the upper hand at present. It won't take long for the red flame army to defeat the enemy. "

The general said, "I will order that after the victory of the red flame army, the army will send Meishan with the fastest speed, and no one can be let go."

The adjutant next to him bowed down.

On Meishan mountain, banners are hunting, fighting and screaming.

After three hours of fighting, the red flame army finally defeated the Northern Wei army and won the final victory.

After the first World War, the soldiers of the red flame army were exhausted.

While they were resting, a large army suddenly appeared in front of them.

Looking at the "Liang" character on the banner, a ChiYan general laughed and said, "they didn't come early or late, but they came only after we won the battle. Well, it's a good time to choose. "

As soon as the words fell, a sharp arrow cut through the air again and passed through the throat of the general.

"What's the matter?"

"What are they doing?"

The audience of the TV station was stunned.

The leader of the general roared: "Your Majesty, the red flame army colludes with the king of Qi, intending to rebel, and all of them are on the ground. Kill. "

How could the red flame army, which had just fought with the Northern Wei army, be the opponent of this new force? Countless soldiers were killed by their own people."Damn it, it's a hell of a mistake." Hill looked at the TV screen, a brave general, with an incredible expression, was cut to death by his own people, a burst of grief and anger from the bottom of his heart, can not help but scold on the spot.

Xiaoshan's father and mother also opened their eyes and couldn't believe it.

Their family was completely brought into the story.

The reason why Xiao Yunhai made great efforts to portray how the red flame army defeated the enemy is to make the audience have a good impression on this brave and extraordinary army.

In this way, when they are slaughtered by friendly forces, a strong shock, indignation and dissatisfaction will be created in the hearts of the audience, and a sense of substitution will also be generated.

It can be said that Xiao Yunhai's goal has been achieved perfectly.

Countless hot blooded young people like Xiaoshan, after seeing this festival, their eyes turned red, pointing to the TV and scolding them.

Lin Xie and Lin Shu, commander-in-chief of the red flame army, retreated to the top of Meishan mountain under the protection of the red flame generals.

The front is the abyss, and they have no way to go.

Little general Lin Shu summoned up the last strength in his body, and resisted the enemy general, but was kicked away by one of his feet.

Seeing that he was about to fall into the abyss, his father Lin Xie seized his hand.

Lin Xie red eyes, crazy cry: "live, must live."

With his hands loose, Lin Shu fell into the abyss.

Behind Lin Xie, the general held up his sword and cut off his head.

"Father." Mei Changsu in her sleep suddenly wakes up.

The 15 minute battle scene made the three members of the Xiaoshan family dare not make a scene.

Until this moment, saw the Xiao Yunhai plays Mei Changsu, this just eased over.

"It's so beautiful where it was taken." The mother of Xiaoshan looked at a white dove passing through a clear lake, a waterfall as high as a hundred feet, and a steep mountain.

Next, the beautiful scenery in the mountain of Langya Pavilion eased the nervous audience completely.

Soon, the first episode of Langya bang was played.

Yunan TV station monitoring room, a jubilation.

The average audience rating of the first episode of "Langya Bang" was 7.4% with the highest rating of 8.7%, which made Liu Qingshan and Zhang Heng jump happily.

Xiao Yunhai smiles and says to Zhao Wanqing: "wife, your prediction of 2% seems to be inaccurate."

Zhao Wanqing pretended to be silly and said, "who predicted two percent? Don't talk nonsense, will you

Xiao Yunhai said: "the average audience rating of 2% is not what you said?"

"Of course not," said Zhao Wanqing

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said helplessly, "you women, sometimes more rogue than men."

Just after that, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rings. When you open it, it's song Longqi's call. It should be to tell him the ratings.

"Director Song, the ratings here are very good. How about you?"

Song Longqi couldn't restrain himself and said excitedly, "Congratulations, Mr. Xiao. You have created a miracle. The average audience rating of the first episode of "Langya Bang" is 11.6%, and the highest rating is 13.2%. Your "Langya Bang" is a success. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it should be said that it is our langyabang."

After talking with song Longqi, Xiao Yunhai said to the people, "the results in northern Hebei are better than ours. The average ratings were 11.6% and the highest ratings were 13.2%

Liu Qingshan's eyes were almost staring out and said, "director Xiao, isn't that saying that the average rating of langyabang is 19%. God, the miracle is even greater than "startling step by step" and "Legend of Zhen Huan."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Liu Taichang, do you have a computer that can access the Internet?"

Liu Qingshan pointed to the computer on the edge and said, "that one is OK."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm going to publish the results of Langya list now, so as to stimulate those Internet users to join the army of watching Langya list."

Open his home page, Xiao Yunhai will two TV stations ratings passed up.

In less than three minutes, the whole network exploded.

The news of langyabang appeared one after another in various well-known forums, which caused a short period of heated discussion, and then disappeared quickly.

Because the second episode of Langya Bang is going to be broadcast.

Contrary to the southern Henan TV station and the northern Hebei TV station, it is CCTV.

When Bao Hanfa heard that the average rating of "Fengshenbang" was only 1.5%, the whole person lost his mind.

Lang Yu's face was hard to see, and murmured: "how can this be possible? It's too far from yesterday. Is it really "Langya Bang"... No, I have to ask. "

Lang Yu called Liu Qingshan and Shen Minghui respectively. After learning about the ratings of langyabang, she sat down on a chair.Bao Hanfa asked in a low voice, "is it really the reason of Langya bang, director Lang?"

Lang Yu gave a bitter smile and said, "what else can there be except Langya bang?". The average audience rating is 19%. Ha ha, Xiao Yunhai is against the weather. "

"How could that happen? You can get this score in the first episode. What will happen after that? " Baohanfa said in disbelief.

"In the future, no one knows where Langya Bang will go. Maybe it can really kick "outlaws of the marsh" off the altar Langyu road.

Hearing their conversation, Xiao Li said in his heart, "the emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud, worthy of being my idol. Unfortunately, I need to go to work today. Otherwise, I would be able to see this drama just like others. Oh, it's so sad. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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