Published at 11th of May 2022 05:56:02 AM

Chapter 495

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The night after the premiere of Langya bang, Xiao Yunhai and his wife returned to Yanjing.

Zhao Mingsheng knew their itinerary for a long time, so he called them home for dinner.

On the wine table, Zhao Mingsheng took a sip of wine, put down his glass, and sighed, "Yunhai, I have to say, you boy is really a genius. The audience rating of the first broadcast of "Langya Bang" exceeded 20%, which is unbelievable. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "before shooting Langya bang, my goal has always been" outlaws of the marsh. ". Even if "Langya Bang" has achieved such a good result, it is still unknown whether it can fall into the altar. "

The average audience rating of "outlaws of the marsh" was 25.7%, while that of the two episodes of "Langya Bang" yesterday was only 20.6%, with a difference of 5.1%.

Don't underestimate this 5.1%. There are 1.5 billion people in Huaxia, and 5.1% represents more than 70 million people and 20 million households.

if the Langya list is not suck, it is still impossible to surpass the outlaws of the marsh.

Of course, compared with other TV series, it is already good and can not be better.

Yan Piaoyun said with a smile, "Yunhai, your requirements are too high. You know, there is no comparison between the past and the present. Despite the frightening high ratings of "outlaws of the marsh", in the 1980s, when entertainment was not developed, its income, even if inflation was included, was not as much as one tenth of yours. "

Zhao Wanqing was surprised and said, "Mom, are you wrong. "Water Margin" so high ratings, how can not be compared to "Langya Bang" one tenth of it

Yan Piaoyun said: "your mother used to do this, how can you miscalculate. Here, I'll calculate it for you

In Yan Piaoyun's narration, Zhao Wanqing knew that Langya Bang had made so much money for Xiao Yunhai.

According to the terms of the agreement between Xiao Yunhai and the two TV stations, the advertising revenue of langyabang will account for 90% and 91% respectively.

Each episode of "Langya Bang" has 12 minutes of advertising, 50000 Chinese dollars per second, and the advertising revenue of one episode is 36 million.

A total of 65 episodes of "Langya Bang" were broadcast on two TV stations with a total revenue of 4.68 billion yuan.

Xiao Yunhai can get 4.2 billion yuan, excluding personal income tax and all kinds of film and television tax. The first round of "Langya Bang" brought about 3.5 billion yuan for Xiao Yunhai.

With the quality of the play, the ratings of the next round of the second, third and even the fourth round are not much worse. Coupled with the final online video download, there is no accident. Two billion should be any problem.

Don't forget that other countries in Southeast Asia will also bring hundreds of millions of income to Langya list.

In this way, Xiao Yunhai's net profit will be at least 7 billion yuan with only one Langya bang.

What is a big profit?

Langyabang is the best interpretation of this word.

After listening to Yan Feiyun's words, Xiao Yunhai said: "I didn't expect that my TV series could make so much money. What else do you want to make? Just change to TV series. "

Zhao Mingsheng shook his head and said with a smile, "do you think all TV plays are like the legend of Zhen Huan and Langya bang. I tell you, of 100 TV series, at least 40 are losing money, 40 are not making any profit, and the remaining 20 are likely to make money. Even if it's these 20, no more than three will make more than 100 million. "

"Ha ha, if all were like Langya bang, our film and television company would have dominated the world."

Xiao Yunhai asked curiously, "Dad, how many films and TV plays can we make money in a year?"

Zhao Mingsheng said: "last year, Hanhai invested a total of 12 TV series and 10 films. Among them, there are only five TV dramas making money, and only three films are even worse. In the film and television companies, it's already pretty good. "

Zhao Wanqing was surprised and said, "didn't Hanhai lose money last year?"

Zhao Mingsheng shook his head and said, "no, we actually made money. Because those eight successful films and TV series brought us 4.5 billion profits, and the remaining 14 failed works only lost us about 1.3 billion, that is to say, we made a net profit of 3.2 billion. "

"Well, that's the reality of entertainment. A big fire movie and TV series often represents the defeat of more than ten or even dozens of films and TV plays. Like this "Langya Bang", once broadcast, the ratings of other TV stations which had been good dropped to the bottom. How do you want them to make money? "

"I tell you, it's very good that Hanhai can make so much money from movies and TV series. In the film and television industry, Xia Chengfeng, who has a very bad relationship with Yunhai, lost 1.2 billion yuan in the film and TV series invested by his Hongda entertainment company last year

Xiao Yunhai said: "no, they have made a lot of money in the romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Han kingdom of Chu River."

Zhao Mingsheng sneered: "because of the drug problem in romance of the Three Kingdoms, Hongda paid several hundred million yuan. Although the ratings of the three countries were good later, they could only be regarded as no gain or loss at most. "Chu River and Han kingdom" is very good. It has brought them 1.5 billion profits. However, the other 20 films and TV series invested by Hongda have almost been destroyed, with a loss of up to 2.8 billion yuan. Hehe, if it wasn't for Hongda music network, their capital flow might have a big problem. "Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems that film and television companies are not easy to do."

Zhao Mingsheng said, "yes. Yunhai, now langyabang has been successful. Do you have any plans next

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "in another two days, if the ratings are still high, I will hold a large celebration banquet. Hehe, when the time comes, besides the langyabang crew, I will also call the "Xiaoao Wujiang" crew. They have made so much money for me, and I haven't really appreciated them. "

"After the celebration party, I'm going to start preparing my second movie, if you are the one."

Zhao Mingsheng said: "a few days ago, when I was drinking with Minister Liang Qianqiu, I heard that he was talking about splitting up Huaxia cinema."

Since he got to know Liang Qianqiu and Xiao Yuanyang, Zhao Mingsheng gave full play to his ability of long sleeves and good dancing. He invited them to dinner if he had something to do.

He does not deliberately please the two people, just chat with them, joking, a long time, the three people will naturally become good friends, talk, also at will a lot.

The split of Huaxia cinema is the news that Liang Qianqiu drank too much and accidentally disclosed.

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and asked, "Huaxia cinema has been running very well, and its income is also very good. Why did the Ministry of culture and the film and television administration do this? "

Zhao Mingsheng shook his head and said, "I don't know. It's only vaguely heard that it seems to have something to do with the United States and Europe and other countries. We can't find out about the details. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "there has always been a saying that cinema is king in the film and television industry. Dad, if Huaxia cinema really wants to be split up, do we have a chance to buy it? "

When Xiao Yunhai wants to make films in the future, he will have to deal with cinemas. Once the relationship is not good, it may even be restricted by them.

But if Xiao Yunhai has his own cinema, he won't have to ask anyone to shoot movies as he likes in the future. He feels comfortable thinking about it.

Zhao Mingsheng shook his head and said, "it's very difficult. The scale of Huaxia cinema line is very large. There are their cinemas in the first tier, second tier, third tier and even fourth tier cities, with a market value of 600 billion Chinese dollars, which is more than the combined market value of the other three cinema lines. Even if it is divided into four cinemas, it will cost at least 150 billion yuan, which we can't afford. "

Hearing Zhao Mingsheng's words, Xiao Yunhai was tongue tied. The Chinese cinema is much more expensive than the paramount cinema.

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "Dad, in China, the enterprises that can buy the whole cinema line are estimated to have the strength of those state-owned enterprises. Private enterprises can't have so much spare money. In fact, we don't need to hold shares. We just need to have some shares in it and have some voice. "

Zhao Mingsheng nodded and said, "you are right. As long as they don't get in the way of our company's film distribution, it's all right. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "if the news is true, I want to put a foot in all the four cinema lines. Each theater line only needs to occupy 10% of the shares. In this way, we have a nationwide cinema. It's only 10 percent, but it doesn't stop us from showing our own company's films. "

Zhao Mingsheng thought about it and said, "you have a good idea. But even 10 percent would cost 60 billion. My company can provide 8 billion yuan at most. If we use Hanhai for mortgage loan, we can get about 20 billion yuan. If we add up, it is only 28 billion yuan, which is still 32 billion yuan short. "

Xiao Yunhai turned to Zhao Wanqing and said, "wife, how much money do we have?"

"Our total working capital is about 18 billion," Zhao said

Yan Piaoyun a Leng, way: "how can you have so much money?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "you forget that we have 6 billion yuan in our own right. Later, the movie" Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu "brought us 2.2 billion yuan of net income. The video sold to Mr. Ren and Mr. Zhao was 5 billion yuan. After Guan Changfeng died, he gave us 6.4 billion yuan. If it hadn't been for the investment of "voice of China", "run, brother" and "Langya Bang", we would have had more than 20 billion cash flow now. "

Zhao Mingsheng shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "I've convinced you both. With so much cash in hand, don't you know how to invest? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "buying Huaxia cinema is the best investment. Dad, I'll raise the rest of the money. "

Xiao Yunhai's "good voice of China" and "run, brother" are about to start broadcasting. It is estimated that two billion yuan should be no problem.

If you add in the 7 billion of Langya bang, it will be 27 billion. We are still five billion short of 60 billion.

No, Xiao Yunhai can mortgage paramount cinema and magic effects company to the bank, and there should be no problem with a loan of 10 billion yuan.

In this way, 60 billion yuan will come together.

Zhao Mingsheng said: "in fact, the problem of money is OK. The key is how can we buy the shares of these four cinemas?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's simple. Yuanyang brother is the manager of Huaxia cinema line. No matter how the Huaxia cinema line is dismantled, it is impossible to cross him. I'll talk to him and ask him to help. As long as we don't want a cent from him, I think it should be OKZhao Mingsheng nodded and said, "it's OK. Hehe, have you talked about it? It seems too early for us to discuss it now. I'll talk about it later. "

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing returned to their villa. It's not enough for a young couple to have a relationship with the outside world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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