Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:56 AM

Chapter 499

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At 6:00 p.m. on April 22, at the invitation of Wu Jun, Xiao Yunhai came to a hotel with northeast characteristics.

Entering the box and seeing Wu Jun, Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Mr. Wu, our if you are the one has not been turned on yet. I have missed me so early."

Wu Jun gave a peep and said with a smile: "you don't disgust me. What do I want you to do. I asked you to come here today to ask for your help. Let me introduce you first. This is director Jiao fangtao, one of the most famous directors in China. "

Xiao Yunhai quickly reached out his hand and said with a smile, "Hello, director Jiao. Nice to meet you."

Jiao fangtao shook hands with him and said with a smile: "now, your" langyabang "has defeated my" Fengshen list ". I just want to settle accounts with you."

Wu Jun cut in: "that's right. As a director and a leading actor, we are both 40 and 50 years old. If you bully us like this, should we be compensated? "

Xiao Yunhai listened and said, "it's simple. I'll take care of it tonight."

Wu Jun made a gesture to please sit down and said with a smile, "you have it. We don't have the money you have, but we can afford a meal. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "director Jiao, teacher Wu, what are you looking for me for?"

At this time, the waiter brought up the food and wine.

The hot northeast food, together with the most authentic Erguotou in Yanjing, makes people have an appetite.

Seeing that Wu Jun was about to pour wine, Xiao Yunhai snatched the bottle from his hand, unscrewed the lid, and poured wine for two people. He said, "Mr. Wu, don't rob me. I'm afraid I will lose my life if I drink the wine you pour me. "

Jiao fangtao saw that Xiao Yunhai respected him so much that he could not help nodding secretly. He said in his heart: "although he has achieved achievements that others can't achieve in his lifetime, he is still not arrogant and impetuous, modest and polite, and his speech is so humorous and funny. It's no wonder that Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun and Hong Tiancai praise him all day long. They are really a rare artist."

Wu Jun took up his glass and said to Xiao Yunhai, "Yunhai, although your boy's Langya Bang has beaten us to pieces, Jiao Dao and I are still very happy. In recent years, China's film and television industry has been in a dilemma. Although the younger generation has several good seedlings, it is far behind the development of China's film and television industry. We old men are relieved to have a genius like you. "

Jiao fangtao nodded and said, "Lao Wu is right. I've seen your "Langya Bang". Whether it's props, costumes or scenes, it's extremely exquisite. The plot is very infectious and full of sense. The performance of the actors is also commendable. The most impressive thing is no doubt that your picture processing is so beautiful, just like a giant landscape painting. Even I, an old man, have been attracted, let alone the audience. "Fengshen list" lost to you, my director is convinced

Xiao Yunhai hastily and modestly said: "director Jiao, Mr. Wu, you said so, let me be a little embarrassed."

Wu Jun said with a smile, "I don't believe you. Come on, don't say anything. Let's have this cup first. I wish our Chinese film and television industry better and better. "

The three men touched each other, and they all drank in one gulp.

Jiao fangtao put down his glass and said, "Xiao Daodao, you..."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and interrupted Jiao fangtao's words, saying, "director Jiao, if you look up to me, just call me Yunhai."

On hearing this, Jiao fangtao said with a smile: "that's good. Yunhai, tell me the truth. Have you seen the Fengshen list I shot

Xiao Yunhai said honestly, "I've seen the first two episodes."

Jiao fangtao said, "what do you think?"

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "director Jiao, like Langya bang, you are also very concerned about the details of this play. The lines are very exquisite. The performance of the actors is the film emperor's film queen. There is almost no problem in the whole play. Even if it is shot by a world-class director, that's the level. "

Jiao fangtao flashed his eyes and said, "almost no problem? That means there are still problems. Sea of clouds, you don't have to worry about it

Xiao Yunhai said: "I think the biggest problem lies in the special effects. Jiao Dao, the biggest point of Fengshen list is the collision between magic and magic weapons. To be honest, your special effects are not very good. "

Jiao fangtao and Wu Jun looked at each other, sighed and said to themselves, "you are right. Hehe, the so-called "300 million dollars special effects" is just for publicity. In fact, it only costs half of it. Otherwise, we would not have made such a level. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned: "even if it is 150 million US dollars, we should not only achieve this level."

Wu Jun said with a wry smile: "Yunhai, you are the boss of the magic special effects company. If you want to make special effects for your films, who dares to tell you what to do, but we are not the same. For the sake of the list of gods, Jiao takes people to Hollywood Disneyland special effects company. I don't know how angry he is with them. "

Jiao fangtao said: "all of their special effects artists have grown up to the sky, and they despise us at all. They gave me a 20% discount for all the effects I asked for. If you ask them for a theory, they say that we can only pay this amount at most. No way, we'll go to other companies. It had already been discussed, but when they heard that the job was originally Disney's, they changed their words one after another. Well, the most difficult days in my life are those in Hollywood. Now think about it, I'm very angry. "Xiao Yunhai took up his glass and drank one with him. He said, "director Jiao, if you want to do special effects in the future, you can come to me. At magic effects, no one dares to be angry with you. "

Jiao fangtao patted his thigh and said, "what I want is your words."

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he suddenly realized that he was looking for me for special effects

Wu Jun said with a smile: "yes. Director Jiao adapted "Xiaocui" from "Strange Tales of a lonely studio" into a movie. The scene is very large and needs a lot of special effects. So I invited you here. "

Xiao Yunhai said with tears and laughter: "then you can just say no? Do you need to go around like this?"

Wu Jun said: "we are not" swordsman biography "that 500 million dollars to frighten

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I'm the enemy of Tian Junhao. Finally, with the opportunity of swordsman biography, I feel sorry for myself if I don't pit him. Director Jiao, you can rest assured that our magic has always been marked price, generally according to props, 1.5 times the cost of labor charges. At that time, I'll ask them to make a list, and I'll make sure that you won't suffer any loss. "

Jiao fangtao said happily: "that is really very grateful."

Wu Jun said with a smile, "Yunhai, you can't make a discount."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and sighed: "there are three magic shareholders. In addition to me, there are also MGM's crown prince Kerry Smith and paramount boss Angie Cruise's nephew Thomas. Don't say it's the director of Jiao. Even my langyabang doesn't allow a cent. You know, once I get a discount, it's going to be the same for MGM and paramount movies. In this way, in less than a year, I could lose hundreds of millions of dollars. "

Wu Jun's face changed and said, "it's so serious."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "when dealing with these Hollywood giants, we must not take a wrong step. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will be eaten by them, not even bones."

Jiao fangtao said with deep sympathy: "it's really not easy for Chinese people to fight in Hollywood. Yunhai, your magic effects company, is your biggest chip in Hollywood in the future. With it, even the big companies in Hollywood will respect you three times. Don't let it go wrong. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I have 53 magic technology patents in my hand. As long as I don't sell them, no one can move me. Of course, if there are better special effects technology and software, then I can't help it

Hearing about the patented technology, Jiao fangtao frowned and said: "recently, in order to make China's special effects technology reach the level of Hollywood as soon as possible, the film and Television Bureau seems to want you to share these patents with the major film and television companies, and set up special special effects teams to shorten the gap between China and Hollywood. I don't know if it's true or not? "

Xiao Yunhai was shocked. As Jiao fangtao said, there must be such a storm of wind.

Ha ha, want to rely on empty mouth white teeth, want to own patent, that really want to do not want to think, even if the film and Television Bureau to come forward.

Xiao Yunhai said: "thank you for your concern. I'll take care of it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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