Published at 11th of May 2022 06:07:30 AM

Chapter 5

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Thinking about it, Xiao Yunhai simply stood up and prepared to go out and rent a suit of clothes to show his identity. Then, with his good acting skills, he disguised himself as a capable and successful person. In this way, who dares not take me seriously.

Just as Xiao Yunhai was trying to put it into action, he suddenly saw a gentle middle-aged man in his forties. He was walking steadily towards his own direction. On a closer look, it is Mr. Huang Peiqi who plays the role of Emperor Kangxi.

Xiao Yunhai was overjoyed. It's really a village with poor mountains and rivers and no road to doubt. At the same time, his heart is also very admirable. This is the star, the real teacher of morality and art.

Look at the artists from the outside world. In order to show their big stars, most of them are assistants and bodyguards in groups, especially those young stars. The posture is even more amazing.

A few days ago, it was reported that even if a star in his thirties went out of the toilet, he would let people go to see if the toilet was clean. When Xiao Yunhai saw it, he was speechless. At that time, I was still thinking, if the toilet was not clean, the guy would have to pee in his pants. Of course, this kid is more likely to be put on the line.

But look at Huang Peiqi, who is more famous than others and whose acting skills are even more marvelous. When he comes out to do things, he doesn't even bring a person with him. He doesn't show off his wealth, doesn't show off his appearance, and he doesn't do packaging. He gets a high status by his own ability. Who dares to look down on him. It's a real thing.

Xiao Yunhai secretly determined that he would enter the circle in the future, that is, to be an artist like him, and to impress all the audience with his works. If one can't do two, if two can't, then three. On his mother's disbelief, with his own ability, can't we play a piece of sky, we must make those false packaging.

Seeing that Mr. Huang Peiqi walked in front of him, Xiao Yunhai rushed to meet him. He bowed to him first, and then said bluntly, "Hello, Mr. Huang. My name is Xiao Yunhai, a student of Yanjing Film Academy. I came to you today mainly to contribute to the theme song of Emperor Kangxi. Please do help. "

Huang Peiqi looked at the young man who almost scared himself. He laughed and asked, "you are a student of Film Academy. Who is your teacher?"

"My instructor is Yao Wenyuan."

Yao Wenyuan is a teacher of the college and a top actor in the entertainment industry. He won the golden cup award for best supporting actor. He attaches great importance to Xiao Yunhai, and Xiao Yunhai also respects him.

"It turned out to be Lao Yao's student. I don't understand. You are a film school student. If you don't think about acting, how can you be interested in music. Besides, if you want to contribute, you can do it through the Internet. Why do you want to come here yourself

Xiao Yunhai replied, "my mother is a music teacher and has been learning music with her since childhood. As for the reason why I came here in person, I didn't have enough time to finish the collection. I was afraid that Mr. Chen would not be able to see it. So I came directly to kill two birds with one stone, so as to avoid any trouble. "

Huang Peiqi was stunned. The boy was very confident. When he talked about his works, he was full of confidence. He suddenly felt a trace of interest, but his face was calm, and he could not see any joy, anger or sadness.

"It looks like you have a lot of faith in your songs. Then why don't you go to Director Chen? Sitting here waiting for me? You're not waiting for me, are you? " With that, he suddenly exudes the power of a big star and stares at Xiao Yunhai's eyes.

Xiao Yunhai seemed to have no feeling at all. He spread out his hands and said helplessly, "I can't find director Chen. I asked several people and ignored me. I can't help it. I just sat on the bench next to me and tried to find a way. I just saw you coming, so I had to trouble you. "

Can he know that people like Huang Peiqi are all people who know everything. It is impossible to be clever in front of them. You should know that the person who can mix up to the film emperor's level, the heart and the city hall are the top choices, how can they be fooled in the past. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai simply tell the truth, at least can leave a good impression.

"Well, I'm Frank enough, I don't mean it. "Sure enough, Huang Peiqi's face softened and he laughed at Xiao Yunhai's words, and then went on to say," ha ha, if you say you're looking for me, I'll leave immediately, and I won't care about you any more. Now, I'll give you a chance. By coincidence, I came here to see him. Come on, I hope your songs will surprise us

Xiao Yunhai was overjoyed and said happily, "I will never let Miss Huang down. Thank you

On the way, they had a brief chat. Huang Peiqi asked him what he had thought to do to meet Chen. Xiao Yunhai talked about his way of pretending to be a successful person, which made Huang Paiqi laugh and said: "life is like a play, drama is like life. You can even think of this method. It's really not easy. However, this method may work. I just don't know if you can pass the stage. "

Xiao Yunhai smiles. He can't say his acting is very good.

Some of the staff passing by were very surprised. They didn't expect that the young man could walk with the movie king class celebrities, and even said that he was laughing.After a few twists and turns, Huang Peiqi finally stops in front of a one story house about 80 square meters and rings the doorbell. After a while, the door opens, revealing an expressionless face.

Seeing that it was Huang Peiqi, the other side's face gave him a little expression and said, "Mr. Huang, you are here. Go and persuade Mr. Chen. It's been a whole day, but you can't find a good song. I'm crazy now. " With that, he took a strange look at Xiao Yunhai and put both of them in.

"Why, Lao Zhao, is the old boy stubborn again?"

"Isn't it? Mr. Han Shilei has sung more than 20 songs, but there is no one in the picture. Mr. Han has a good temper and old friendship. If he had changed someone else, he would have given up his job. "

Xiao Yunhai listened and walked into the house, only to find that this is a recording studio, and looking at the decoration, it seems that it is quite new. All kinds of daily necessities are very complete. There are even leftover breakfast in the rest room.

Three people into the studio, Xiao Yunhai saw a man wearing headphones listening to music. Judging from the wrinkles on his face, this man is no longer young, but his face is firm, his eyes are full of bloodstains, and he has a stubborn look and an appearance of never giving up when he fails to achieve his goal.

In the isolation room, a singer is wearing a headset, looking at the music score, in the emotional singing, but his face is not very good-looking.

If not, the two should be director Chen Qingqing and singer Han Shilei.

Lao Zhao pointed to Director Chen, who was attentive to the song. He spread his hands out and made a miserable expression to Huang Peiqi. Huang Peiqi smiles, shakes his head, shrugs his shoulders, and tells Zhao that he is helpless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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