Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:28 AM

Chapter 50

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Wu Zixu looked at it two or three times from the monitor screen. He always felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't tell. Under helpless, let zhangjiaxuan come to help to have a look.

After all, Zhang Jiaxuan saw the problem at a glance and said, "director Wu, the reason why this scene looks a little awkward is that Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu performance is full of sense of power, one move in one form and fierce and domineering. Although Xue Ming also knows some Kung Fu, they are all performance methods, which are tangible and godless, without any strength, so there is some violation. This problem can be dealt with later in the process. "

Wu Zixu said with a smile: "yes, that's the problem. Ah, it seems that in the future, we have to find an expert like Xiao Yunhai to make such kung fu films. "

Zhangjiaxuan said with a wry smile, "director Wu, don't be kidding. Such skills as Xiao Yunhai are rare in the entertainment industry. If you add acting skills, I'm afraid Xiao Yunhai is the only one left. Where are you going to find it? "

Wu Zixu patted Zhang Jia Xuan angrily and said, "can you be smart and coax me?"

Zhang Jiaxuan was silent about Wu Zixu's occasional childishness.

Xiao Yunhai can go back after shooting this scene.

He is not willing to stay in this crew, mainly because those Xue Jiaban in the studio look at him with disgust, which makes Xiao Yunhai very unhappy. There is no way. You can't be angry just because people see you. In that case, you will make trouble without reason.

Therefore, simply eye not pure, heart is not bothered, Xiao Yunhai directly back to the dormitory. Just before he left, he invited Huang Qiusheng, who had no night drama, to have a drink. Huang wanted to talk to the young man who was very good at acting. Therefore, he readily agreed.

Seeing the time is still early, Xiao Yunhai is free and ready to go back to the dormitory to rest.

A young man just walked into the door of the hotel. The man looked up and found it was Xiao Yunhai. There was a trace of fear in his eyes. Although the other party covered it up quickly, Xiao Yunhai still caught it.

The man apologized to Xiao Yunhai and went on quickly.

Looking at his back, Xiao Yunhai felt that the man was familiar. After a careful review, he remembered that he was from Xue Jiaban.

"The people of Xue family class? See yourself and have some fear? Ha ha, there seems to be a problem. It's better to check the dormitory first, so as not to be framed Xiao Yunhai's mind changed, and in a flash he thought of many cases in his previous life.

When I go back to the dormitory door, I find that there are some traces of Xiao Yunhai's passive door. It's just that there are some traces of Xiao Yunhai's passive door.

Entering the room, Xiao Yunhai looked around and found no suspicious signs. Check their own things, but also a few, a lot.

"Is it because you are worried? No, there must be something wrong. "

Xiao Yunhai firmly believes in his own judgment, so he carefully checks the whole room inside and outside. Finally, in the shoe kitchen of the room, Xiao Yunhai finds a small bag of white powdery things. Don't look. It must be white.

Suddenly, in Xiao Yunhai's eyes, there is a big opportunity to kill.

"It's a good Xue Jiaban. It's about putting yourself to death. Once it is found out, I am afraid that he is jumping into the Yellow River and can't wash it. It's a killing. It's going to kill me. Good, good. Since you want to play so much, let's have a good time

Xiao Yunhai stood there, considered for a while, then put the white flour into the toilet, and then washed away with water. He knew that even if he found the director with his own things, there was no use.

Because I don't have any evidence to prove that this bag belongs to Xue Jiaban. He can deny it completely and bite himself again, and then he can't really explain it. So destroying it is the best way to deal with it now.

After finishing all the traces, Xiao Yunhai went out to buy something.

Xiao Yunhai first bought two high-definition pinhole cameras in a high-end electronic city. If the other party can frame himself once, he can frame up the second time. Xiao Yunhai has to defend himself.

Good guy, the one who sells electronic products is black. All of a sudden, Xiao Yunhai spent all the 30000 yuan he got from filming this time, and he also pasted 10000 yuan. Of course, for Xiao Yunhai now, the 40000 yuan is nothing.

After finishing these, Xiao Yunhai went to a supermarket to buy two bottles of good wine, and casually made some drinks and vegetables, and went back to the hotel in large packages.

He put his food on the table, saw that it was still early, and began to tamper with the camera. One on each side, cleverly put them in a secret place, so that the whole room is in the shooting range. Xiao Yunhai tried it. It was worth 40000 yuan. Even his hair could be magnified.

Xiao Yunhai finished everything, looked at the time, almost, while playing computer, waiting for Huang Qiusheng to come. Ha ha, there's nothing wrong with you. It's just a good show for Mr. Huang.

The other party deliberately set traps for themselves, which is a long dream. If you don't come to catch dirty at night, it's the hell. Look at the time. It's 19 o'clock. It's estimated that Mr. Huang will be here soon.Sure enough, after a while, Huang Qiusheng came over and saw the wine and dishes on the table. Huang Qiusheng said with a smile, "I've been suffocating this old guy these days. You said that now this young man doesn't know how to respect the old and love the young. He doesn't even have a man to buy me a drink. I'm so angry. Hey hey, you're a good guy. You know my old man is good at it. "

Xiao Yunhai asked Huang Qiusheng to sit down, poured him a glass of wine, and said, "you can't blame them. Who makes you a star of the Movie Empire level? Who dares to invite you

In today's conversation, Xiao Yunhai found that Huang Qiusheng is an informal temperament. When chatting, he did not look like a movie emperor. He was very amiable, which was quite different from his calm temperament when he was filming.

The more you can't let go of such a person, the more you respect him, the more uncomfortable he may be. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai simply did not polite to him, what to say.

Huang Qiusheng was very happy to see that Xiao Yunhai didn't have any formality in talking to him. The whole person relaxed, pointing to Xiao Yunhai and saying, "I've been in this business for nearly 30 years, and I've seen countless talented new people. None of them is respectful to me. You are a brave boy. You dare to talk to me like this. However, I'm also mean. The more you say that, the more happy I am. "

Xiao Yunhai took up his glass and touched Huang Qiusheng. He drank all the wine in the glass and said, "we martial arts practitioners can have nothing, but we must be bold and bold. If you lose your heart before you fight, you will lose no matter how hard you fight. "

Huang Qiusheng put a piece of beef in his mouth and said, "after watching the match between you and Liu Qing today, I am really convinced. Good guy, you can blow a punch. That's great. How do you practice? Can you teach my boy. That boy is 16 years old. He knows how to pick up girls all day long. I'm so angry. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if you are willing, I can introduce him to my grandfather. He has taught boxing all his life. Even if it's a piece of steel, he can give you soft training. "

Huang Qiusheng was stunned and asked softly, "is it bitter?"

Xiao Yunhai added a cup to Huang Qiusheng and said with a smile, "I have been beaten by my grandfather with a stick for three years. This is still my qualification."

On hearing this, Huang Qiusheng shook his head in a hurry and said, "forget it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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