Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:54 AM

Chapter 500

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After full of wine and food, Xiao Yunhai returned to his villa.

As soon as he entered the door, he received a call from Xiao Yuanyang.

"Brother Yuanyang, call me so late. Is there anything important?"

Xiao Yuanyang said: "Yunhai, are you a major shareholder of Hollywood special effects company? Most of the magic technology patents are in your hands?"

Xiao Yunhai moved in his heart and said, "that's right."

Xiao Yuanyang said in an extremely dignified tone, "you should pay attention. In order to shorten the gap with Hollywood in special effects technology, they hope you can contribute these technologies. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it won't be free contribution."

Xiao Yuanyang tentatively said: "if you really want to contribute free of charge?"

Xiao Yunhai sneered and said, "then they just want to press people down. Xiao Yunhai is not threatened by any force. Better a broken jade than a whole house. It's a big deal. I can sell magic directly to MGM, at least for billions of dollars. " "As like as two peas," Xiao Yuanyang laughed, "your

's temper is just like mine. I tell you, the seven major entertainment companies have come up with a joint application this time, and there must be a big hand behind it. Otherwise, they won't be so united. "

Xiao Yunhai didn't think about it, so he blurted out: "who else can there be except the leader of Tian Da?"

Xiao Yunhai thought about this matter with his butt. He also knew that Tian Junhao must have let his father do it.

Hehe, he just got him two hundred million dollars, and this guy is more ruthless. He wants to kill the magic, which is really powerful.

Xiao Yuanyang said: "I'm calling to tell you that you need to come to the film and Television Bureau tomorrow. At that time, not only the chief executives of the entertainment companies, the cadres of the film and Television Bureau, but even the leaders of the Ministry of culture may have to come in person. This storm is too big. You can't go out and hide. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "brother Yuanyang, some things can't hide from the first day of junior high school, but can't avoid the fifteenth. Since Tian Jishang has made a move, how can he return without success? "

Xiao Yuanyang said: "you know that there are tigers in the mountain, and you are inclined to go to the tiger mountain. OK, don't worry. They can't make any big waves with me. "

Xiao Yunhai said gratefully, "brother Yuanyang, thank you."

Xiao Yuanyang laughed and said, "nothing to thank. Who let us get along with each other. "

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai in the heart a little confused.

He didn't understand that Xiao Yuanyang only met with him a few times, and he didn't give him any benefits. Why did he help himself at all costs.

One side of Zhao Wanqing looked at Xiao Yunhai worried and asked, "what's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Tian Jishang has summoned many managers of entertainment companies to try to make me magic special effects. I need to go to the film and Television Bureau for a meeting tomorrow. "

"What about Zhao Wanqing

Xiao Yunhai put her arm around her Qian waist and said with a smile: "cold sauce. Hehe, don't worry, brother Yuanyang will help me. By the way, Wanqing, have you met brother Yuanyang

Zhao Wanqing said, "I met you once from afar. Don't say, he looks like you. All the way, I almost took him for you

Hearing Zhao Wanqing's words, Xiao Yunhai was shocked, and countless questions suddenly appeared in his heart.

He thought that his parents had never been to Yanjing, as if Yanjing were like a great beast, without even mentioning it.

From childhood to adulthood, my father never took himself to visit relatives on New Year's holidays. He didn't have grandparents, uncles and uncles. When he was a child, he asked and was beaten. After beating, his father's tears flowed down. It was the only time he saw his father shed tears.

It's all too hard to understand.

Even more ridiculous is Xiao Yuanyang.

He is Xiao's junior, deputy director of the film and TV series, but he is just a small artist. When he met for the first time, he did not hesitate to lower his status, and he had to be brother-in-law with himself.

Now he is so concerned about his own affairs. If there is no special relationship, how could he be so.

All these things are connected together, which makes Xiao Yunhai think that his father is also Xiao's family, but he can't return to Beijing for some special reasons.

If so, he and Xiao Yuanyang should be cousins. If he is so concerned about his own affairs, it will be in the past.

Why did you stop there when you saw her husband

Xiao Yunhai came back to his senses and said, "it's OK. I just suddenly think of some strange things. Ha ha."

Zhao Wanqing worried and said, "is tomorrow really OK?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry. You will be ok if you have ocean brother's help."

Tian Junhao, a five-star hotel in Hollywood, is talking to Xia Chengfeng, an old acquaintance of Xiao Yunhai."Xia Shao, how many entertainment companies have you contacted now?"

Xia Chengfeng said: "16 large and small, even the Tianhua entertainment company where Xiao Yunhai is also agreed."

Tian Junhao said with a satisfied smile, "that's about it. I don't believe Xiao Yunhai can bear the pressure of the presidents of 16 companies, the leaders of the film and Television Bureau and my father's presence. "

Xia Chengfeng complimented him: "Tian Shao, you are so powerful. This time I see how Xiao Yunhai died. "

Tian Junhao snorted and said coldly, "if you want to blame, you can only blame yourself. The pit who is not good will dare to pit me. If he does not die, where will my face go

Xia Chengfeng said with a smile: "Tian Shao, your revenge is really gratifying."

Tian Junhao said: "things have developed to this point, Xiao Yunhai has been defeated. I believe that even if Xiao Yunhai is brave enough, he doesn't dare to compete with the whole entertainment industry. As long as we get the magic special effects technology, we don't have to be constrained by him in the future

Xia Chengfeng said: "Tian Shao, you are waiting for the good news of our victory in Hollywood."

After the phone call, Tian Junhao's face was ferocious and said with gnashing teeth: "Xiao Yunhai, I'll let you taste the end of fighting against me tomorrow. Ha ha

The next day, at 8:30 a.m., luxury cars drove into the film and Television Bureau.

A staff member of the film and Television Bureau said: "what day is it today? Xia Hongda, President of Hongda entertainment company, Xue Tianhua, President of Tianhua film and television media company, Peng Huaibin, President of pengpai entertainment, and Shen Le, boss of Yuele film and television, have all come to our Bureau. Is this the rhythm of the meeting? How come we haven't heard anything about it."

Next to a person said: "so many company bosses come here, there must be something that affects China Film and television."

"Look, Li Dongfang, the boss of Oriental entertainment company, Zhang Huafeng, the boss of Huafeng international, and Chu Heng, the boss of brilliant film and television, are all here. Damn it, except for Xiangjiang and Taidao, there are almost all entertainment companies in the mainland. What is the matter? "

At 8:45, Tian Jishang, Vice Minister of culture, appeared at the door of the film and Television Bureau.

Director Zhang Xinji, with deputy directors Yang Li, Peng XiMao, Xiao Yuanyang, as well as 16 or 7 entertainment industry bosses, quickly stepped out of the building.

Zhang Xinji opened the door himself, and Tian Jishang stepped out of it.

"Director Zhang, have you made a big battle?"

Tian Jishang is 46 years old today. He is mature and elegant. He is wearing a stiff suit, a tie around his neck, and his hair is meticulously combed. He has a leading style.

Zhang Xinji said with a smile: "minister Tian is here to guide the work of the film and Television Bureau. How can we not come out to meet him? Minister Tian, let me introduce you to you. This is deputy director Yang Li ... "

Tian Jishang shook hands with all the people with a smile and said," why didn't you see our hero today? "

Zhang Xinji said, "he hasn't arrived yet. Ocean, have you informed him? "

Xiao Yuanyang said, "I told him last night. However, I didn't tell him the topic of the meeting. I guess he didn't think the meeting was important, so he didn't take it seriously. "

Xia Hongda on one side snorted and said, "Xiao Yunhai depends on his talent and arrogance. Director Xiao personally informed him that he has not arrived yet. What a shame. "

Li Dongfang nodded and said, "yes. I've heard that Xiao Yunhai is domineering and arrogant. I saw it today, and it was so. Mr. Xue, why don't you care? "

Xue Hua didn't think of it all day.

Tian Jishang waved his hand and said, "forget it, Xiao Yunhai is only in his twenties this year. It's inevitable for young people to be arrogant. As long as he can take into account the overall situation and make his own contribution to the development of the film and television industry, he is still a good young man in China. Right? "

They all agreed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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