Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:53 AM

Chapter 501

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Xiao Yuanyang looked on coldly, dismissing Tian Jishang's solemn words.

Just then, a great wall limousine came in from the outside.

Seeing so many people in front of him, the car quickly stopped and Xiao Yunhai stood out of the car.

Xiao Yuanyang saw Xiao Yunhai's feigned blank eyes, and his heart was dark and happy. He called out: "Xiao Yunhai, come here quickly. What time is it now? How can you come? "

Xiao Yunhai put on a look of injustice and said," director Xiao, it's only eight fifty-five minutes. It's five minutes before you said nine o'clock. I'm not late. You seem to be busy here. I'll come back in the afternoon

Hearing his words, Xiao Yuanyang's heart almost laughs crazy, this guy is worthy of actor origin, expression, eyes, lines are really in place. If he didn't know in advance, he would believe that Xiao Yunhai didn't know anything.

Xiao Yuanyang tried to hold back his smile and was about to stop her.

Peng XiMao beside him was already unable to restrain himself and said angrily to Xiao Yunhai who turned around and left: "stop for me."

Xiao Yunhai stopped and looked around. He seemed to find no one. He pointed to his nose and said, "you are calling me."

Peng XiMao frowned: "not you, who else? Today's meeting is for you. "

It's not polite to speak to Peng Zhenhai.

Xiao Yunhai said in a puzzled way: "it's not appropriate for me to go. You are either a big leader or a company boss. What do I do as an artist? I'm not a recorder, are you?

Yang Li said, "if you go in, you can go in. Where can I get so much nonsense?"

Looking at Yang Li, Xiao Yunhai said, "which company's boss are you? How can such a big official prestige be? I don't know. I thought it was the head of the government. "

Yang Li and Xiao Yunhai, deputy director of the film and Television Bureau, naturally know each other.

He heard Xiao Yuanyang say that Yang Li once wanted to let the film and Television Bureau deal with himself because of his attacks on the film and Television Bureau in the guest room of Jiang and Qin. If Xiao Yuanyang had not helped him, it was still unknown whether the legend of Zhen Huan could be broadcast.

Moreover, he was a member of Tian Jishang's line and had a very good relationship with him.

Since it has been determined that it is the enemy, Xiao Yunhai will not be polite.

Yang Liqi's face turned blue and his chest fluctuated. He pointed to Xiao Yunhai and was about to speak, but Tian Jishang waved his hand and interrupted him.

"Well, let's go to the conference room."

With that, Tian Jishang should go to the film and Television Bureau building first.

The crowd followed.

Xiao Yuanyang cast an appreciative look at Xiao Yunhai and followed him up.

Xue Tianhua, who was at the end, looked at Xiao Yunhai deeply and said with a complicated look: "Yunhai, let's go."

Xiao Yunhai gave him a smile. After a while, he walked into the meeting room.

See everyone's famous brands in the east row, and the West row is only their own, Xiao Yun Haydn stopped.

"Leaders, you haven't told me what to do with me? And why is my position in a separate row? Have I done anything wrong? "

Tian Jishang's eyes were slightly coagulated. He asked, "Mr. Xiao, do you really don't know anything?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said innocently, "of course, I don't know. Also, I asked to sit in your row. I'm a little flustered to get a seat for me alone, making me look like everyone's class enemy. "

Tian Jishang said with a smile, "I don't see that Mr. Xiao is worried? Just sit there. Ladies and gentlemen, let's have a meeting now. Today's main topic is how far is the gap between Chinese special effects and Hollywood? How to make up for these gaps? Mr. Xiao is the actual person in charge of magic effects company, so please come here

Next, Tian Jishang read three manuscripts and put a slide on the wall showing the gap between Chinese and Hollywood special effects. The final conclusion is that as long as Huaxia has the same special effects technology as Hollywood, Huaxia's film and television industry can catch up with them as soon as possible.

Several owners of entertainment companies have spoken, saying that as long as we have our own special effects team, we can shoot a film

hearing a headache, Xiao Yunhai scolded: "these people are really capable of pulling. Don't you want special effects? It's hard to beat around the bush. "

After all of them had finished speaking, Tian Jishang nodded and said, "you're very good. Mr. Xiao, as the boss of magic, you should be familiar with the level of special effects in both countries. What do you think is the fastest way to make up for the gap between the two countries? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "this is very simple. Most of the technical patents of magic effects company are in my hands. You can pay me a certain amount of patent fee every year, so we can have our own special effects team? "

Xia Hongda sneered: "how much money do we need to pay you?"Xiao Yunhai said: "we are all Chinese. I can make it cheaper.

The big seven Hollywood companies need to pay me 50 million US dollars in patent fees every year. If it is converted into Chinese currency, it will be 150 million. I will only charge you 100 million. "

There are so many entertainment companies in Huaxia. There are at least 20 companies that have the strength to have special effects teams. If each company gives him 100 million yuan and Xiao Yunhai does nothing, he will be able to earn 2 billion yuan, which is really a big profit.

Li Dongfang said: "Mr. Xiao, China's film and television industry is too competitive, and the major film and television companies are not rich. Belong to the same vein of China, can't you carry forward the patriotic spirit and share the magic special effects technology? "

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "you want to use it in vain. That's not good. I'm kidding. Mr. Li, my magic now has a market value of 4.3 billion US dollars. With the development speed of the world film and television industry, it will not be difficult to increase the market value to 10 billion US dollars in a few years. And what is the core of demonization? It's special effects. Mr. Li, you asked me to contribute tens of billions of dollars. Ha ha, I don't think anyone here can do such a thing. "

Xia Hongda snorted and said: "if I have magic effect technology, as long as the country needs it, I will donate it without saying a word. Mr. Xiao, this is a film maker should have a sense of responsibility. "

Xiao Yunhai clapped his hands, extended his thumb to Xia Hongda, and said with admiration: "Mr. Xia is worthy of being a big figure in the film and television industry. This ideological state alone is not what ordinary people can achieve. In this case, I will give you an opportunity to contribute to Chinese film and television. "

Xia Hongda was puzzled and asked, "what do you mean?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's very simple. I'll exchange 51% of magic effects for your shares in Hongda. Then you will contribute magic special effects technology, this is not the best of both worlds? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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