Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:49 AM

Chapter 504

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Ten minutes later, Xiao Yunhai followed Xiao Yuanyang to his office.

Sitting on the sofa, Xiao Yunhai didn't say a word. He just kept staring at Xiao Yuanyang.

"Why do you look at me like that? I tell you, I don't like that. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "brother Yuanyang, you should have spent a lot of effort to get so many managers settled and let director Zhang speak for me."

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "it doesn't take much. I just asked my father's secretary to help me and make a few phone calls. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "why do you want to help me like this?"

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "who let us get along with each other."

"Congenial?" Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "these two words are too light to let a decent deputy director of the film and Television Bureau do so many things for me without any reward. Am I right, ocean cousin

Hearing Xiao Yunhai call out the name of cousin, Xiao Yuanyang's face changed and said, "did you guess?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "if I can't guess, what's the difference between that and a fool? Last night, after I received your call, I became suspicious. So, I asked people to find out how many sons Xiao had? As a result, in addition to your father and second uncle, there is an old three who is not around. It happened that my father was about the same age as the third, and he had not returned to Yanjing for more than 20 years. In addition, my name is Xiao Yunhai, your name is Xiao Yuanyang, and there is another one named Xiao Changhe, which is all related to water. Ha ha, you said that there can not be so many coincidences in this world. "

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile:" you are very smart. Yes, your father is my third uncle, and you are my cousin

Xiao Yunhai asked, "what happened in those years? Why isn't my father with him? "

Xiao Yuanyang shrugged and said, "I don't know. This matter is taboo at home, no one dares to mention it. I only hear from time to time. It seems to be related to your mother. "

Xiao Yunhai, thinking deeply, said, "it's not the bloody plot that some rich children fall in love with Cinderella and are driven out by their families?"

When Xiao Yuanyang heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said, "you boy, you are really open-minded. What about? What does it feel like to know that you are the master of the Xiao family? "

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "even if there are tens of thousands of buildings, sleeping is only three feet wide. Even if it's the Xiao family, what can you do? It's not time to eat or drink. Brother Yuanyang, it's not me who blows with you. With my present wealth, even playing for a lifetime is enough. "

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "what I like most is your mentality. No wonder the old man said you are the most like him

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "what do you mean?"

Xiao Yuanyang said: "since you came to Yanjing, the old man asked people to investigate you and sent someone to protect you secretly. It's not until you become a star that it takes people down. He has read all your martial arts novels, music works, movies and TV dramas. He is full of praise for you. What about? Do you want to see him? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "forget it. As for my temper, I'm afraid to get angry with him. Well, if it's OK, I'll go first. "

Xiao Yunhai had just reached the door when he suddenly turned back.

Xiao Yuanyang said, "what's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai giggled and said, "brother Yuanyang, there is a hearsay saying that the Huaxia cinema line will be divided into four parts, right?"

Xiao Yuanyang frowned and said, "this matter is highly confidential. If I'm not the person in charge of Huaxia cinema, I'm afraid even I don't know. How do you know that? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't worry about it. I just want to ask you, if I want to get in the way, is it possible? "

Xiao Yuanyang said scornfully: "even if it is divided into four cinemas, each of them needs at least 150 billion yuan. You are only two years old. How can you get so much money?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I didn't want to buy the whole cinema line, but I hope that there will be some shares of me in these four cinema lines. It doesn't need to be more. Ten percent will do. Six billion, I can still afford it. "

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "good boy, you are so rich. I'm really impressed. Ha ha, I see. If you do this, you will have a theater line for all China in disguise. Although it only accounts for 10%, it is enough for you to show your films without any hindrance. What's wrong with me

He was so clever that he said, "it's so clever to play Yuanyang. Yes, that's what I think. "

Xiao Yuanyang first burst out laughing, then suddenly closed his smile and said, "it's impossible."

"Why?" asked Xiao Yunhai

Xiao Yuanyang said: "if the cinema is to be split in the future, the film and Television Bureau will certainly adopt the form of auction. The state-owned enterprises will not intervene, while the private enterprises do not have such strength, which will inevitably lead to the alliance between the companies. Unless you can get into these four circles, you can't achieve your goal. Even if I want to help in business, I can't help. "Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "forget it, there must be a way to the front of the mountain. Let's talk about it then. When will it be split up? "

Xiao Yuanyang said: "the Chinese cinema is a giant, involving many aspects. After the split, how to safely over, is also a problem. With the current progress, it's very good to be able to complete it before the year

Xiao Yunhai puzzled asked: "I don't understand, the Chinese cinema line is running well, why should suddenly sell it?"

Xiao Yuanyang said: "this is because China's film and television protection barriers have reached the age limit."

Different from previous generations, Huaxia has been following a market economy. In addition to some industries related to national strategy that must be nationalized, other markets are completely open.

Only in the film and television industry, Huaxia has set up protective barriers and will not be open to any foreign companies until it is strong.

Therefore, even the film and television companies in Xiangjiang and Taidao have not entered the mainland of China, let alone those foreign film and television companies.

Of course, because of this, China has been strongly dissatisfied by countries all over the world.

You know, China has a population of more than one billion, and it is far richer than in previous generations. In such a large market, countries can only watch but not eat. How can you make them reconciled.

In order to calm down the anger of various countries, Huaxia has to set a fixed period of time, that is, before entering the new century, Huaxia should completely open the film and television industry and allow foreign companies to enter normally.

Huaxia cinema line is the largest state-owned cinema line in the world. Since it is to be fully opened, it is naturally impossible for it to exist. Therefore, this split has taken place.

Hearing Xiao Yuanyang's words, Xiao Yunhai can't help worrying about China.

He has been to Hollywood and knows the gap between the two countries' film and television companies. Can domestic film and television companies resist the invasion?

Xiao Yuanyang looked at Xiao Yunhai with a sad look on his face and said with a smile, "soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. After so many years of development, coupled with the cultural differences between China and foreign countries, if we still can't resist it, we can only blame ourselves for not striving for success. Cloud sea, the great era of Chinese film and television industry, is coming soon. Come on. I hope you can be a trendsetter. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I have confidence in myself." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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