Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:47 AM

Chapter 505

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Out of the building of the film and Television Bureau, Xiao Yunhai is preparing to go back by car when he suddenly receives a strange phone call.

"Hello, this is Xiao Yunhai. Who are you?"

"Yunhai, this is Xue Tianhua. Are you free now? Mr. Zhang and Mr. Chu want to talk to you

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Xue Zong personally makes an appointment. If you don't have time, you have time."

Arriving at the appointed Hotel, Xiao Yunhai enters the private room.

After shaking hands with Xue Tianhua, Zhang Huafeng and Chu Heng, Xiao Yunhai said: "thank you for your help at the meeting. Otherwise, I may be finished."

Chu Heng said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao is young, but he dares to confront the Vice Minister of culture. I really admire Chu Heng."

Zhang Huafeng said: "and if you scold Xia Hongda, it's really gratifying."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "don't say that. I'm young and full of vigor. When I get angry, I can't control myself. I don't think about the consequences at all. Ha ha, this time it's totally offended Tian Jishang. I don't know how many shoes he will give me. "

Xue Tianhua said: "with the gratitude and resentment between you and his son, even if there are no things today, I'm afraid there will be no good in the future. Yunhai, you won't really pit his son with $500 million? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it spread very fast. Yes, I have a grudge against that boy. How immortal, this guy even asked magic to do special effects for him. Ha ha, I don't pit him who. However, the three bosses can rest assured that if you need to use magic in your films in the future, I will never pit you a dollar. "

Chu Heng said with a smile, "thank you very much. Mr. Xiao, the reason why I invite you to come here is to discuss the magic effects with you. You should also know that the film and television protection barriers in China will disappear completely next year, and those film and television giants from abroad will enter China in a large scale. "

Xue Tianhua said: "in order to improve our ability to resist risks, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Chu and I want to jointly invest to set up a special effects company. Magic technology is recognized as the first in the world, so we need your help. You can rest assured that we will never lose your patent fees. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there is no problem at all. But have you got the staff? "

Zhang Huafeng said: "this is not yet. As long as you promise to send experts to help us set up the company, we will immediately go to the market to recruit. We have a population of 1.5 billion, and the most important thing is talent. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "no problem. As long as the three managers need it, I immediately transfer from magic. But their salary needs to be discussed with him. "

Chu Heng said: "this is easy to do. Can't our three companies afford a few teachers? "

People joking, the hotel staff will continue to bring up the wine and food.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Chu Heng suddenly said, "have you heard about the separation of Huaxia cinema?"

Zhang Huafeng was surprised and said, "is there such a thing? Mr. Xue, do you know? "

Xue Tianhua nodded and said, "I heard a little wind. It is said that in order to make the Chinese film and television industry completely market-oriented, the Chinese cinema may have to be divided into four parts. "

Zhang Huafeng said: "our entertainment industry has always been the king of cinemas. Since there is such an opportunity, we have to step in. In order to avoid being ostracized by other people when they make films in the future. "

Chu Heng patted his thigh and said, "I mean the same thing. However, the market value of Huaxia cinema is 600 billion yuan. If you want to win one of them, it will cost at least 150 billion yuan. If the competition is fierce, I'm afraid 200 billion will not be impossible. We are brilliant. Even if we make loans, we can provide at most 32 billion yuan, which is far from enough. "

Zhang Huafeng said: "at most, I will spend 30 billion yuan. Mr. Xue, you are a famous millionaire in the circle. I wonder if you can take out the rest? "

Xue Tianhua shook his head and said," up to 80 billion. Yes? Do you want to work together

Chu Heng said: "yes. The future of China's film and television industry, is certainly a mess. Only when we have our own cinema, can we stand in an invincible position. How about Mr. Zhang and Mr. Xue? "

Xue Tianhua and Zhang Huafeng looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Xue Tianhua looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "Yunhai, do you know if your father-in-law Zhao Mingsheng is interested in the cinema? Even if our three companies join hands, they are still weak. If we add Mr. Zhao, there should be no problem. "

For Xiao Yunhai, this matter is naturally desirable, but he did not immediately agree.

"I'll go back and ask my dad, and if he's interested, I'll have him call you all."

"That would be great. Once it's done, we don't have any short board. Everybody, let's drink to a better tomorrow. "


Coincidentally, while Xiao Yunhai and Xiao Yunhai were drinking, Xia Hongda, Li Dongfang and Peng Huaibin sat together and talked about the same thing about the Chinese cinema.

The company of the three of them ranks in the top five in the whole Chinese entertainment circle, which can be said to be a combination of strong and powerful.After discussing the courtyard line, Xia Hongda's eyes were cold and he said with gnashing teeth: "Mr. Li, Mr. Peng, I would like to ask you to kill Xiao Yunhai with me. How do you feel?"

Li Dongfang and Peng Huaibin met one eye, and shook his head at the same time, saying: "No

Xia Hongda frowned and said, "why?"

Li Dongfang said: "Mr. Xia, Xiao Yunhai is not an ordinary artist. Unless he made public anger, causing dissatisfaction from the government or the entertainment industry as a whole. Otherwise, it's just a joke to kill him. You know, people are backed by the vast sea, and they are 10 billion rich. If they want money and money, they want people, there is nothing to ask us. You say, how can we kill him? "

He dare not even offend Hollywood's eight magic companies, and he dare not offend us. Once he uses special effects technology to block us, I'm afraid we can't find a special effects company to do it in the future. Mr. Xia, I'm not afraid that you are angry. I may ask him to help build our own special effects team in two days. I will never offend him unless I have to. "

In fact, how can Xia Hongda know that Xiao Yunhai is now full of wings, and the price he has to pay to kill him is unacceptable.

But this morning, I was scolded by him in front of many colleagues. I lost all my face. If I didn't give him any trouble, how could I get rid of my hatred.

Li Dongfang seemed to have guessed Xia Hongda's idea and said: "Mr. Xia, I heard that Xiao Yunhai invited many people to make a film. If you want to get angry, you can have a hard fight with him in the movie. Xiao Yunhai is not a saint. I don't believe he can win every time. "

Xia Hongda sighed, "that's all I have to do. Well, I regret it now. However, who would have thought that he could develop to this extent in such a short time. "

Tian Jishang, Vice Minister of culture, came back to close the door. His calm face could no longer restrain his anger, and his face was extremely ferocious.

He picked up the tea his secretary had made for himself and took a hard drink. Suddenly, he dropped the cup to the ground with a bang.

"Xiao Yunhai, how dare you be arrogant and arrogant in front of me. OK, OK. "

Tian Jishang has been in the officialdom for more than 20 years. Although he often loses to his competitors, he still follows the rules of officialdom. Whether he wins or loses, his face is not ugly.

But I didn't expect that I would fall into the hands of a young man in his twenties. Not only did the meeting fail to achieve its goal, but also Xiao Yunhai was beaten down by Xiao Yunhai in full view of the public. It was a shame to leave him in the grandmother's house.

It was also the most unyielding meeting he had ever attended.

He still doesn't understand why Zhang Xinji and Xiao Yuanyang are enemies for Xiao Yunhai.

In terms of official positions, their own level is higher than the two of them. How dare the owners of entertainment companies choose them. Is there someone on top of them?

It is said that Xiao Yuanyang and Liang Qianqiu are very close to each other. There is no shadow of him inside.

Just then, Tian Jishang's mobile phone rang. It's my son's.

"Junhao, what's the matter?"

"Dad, how's Xiao Yunhai's magic special effects company?"

Tian Jishang's face instantly pulled down, rebuked: "do your TV play well, these things don't need your management."

As soon as Tian Junhao heard this, he knew that it had not been done, which led to his father's bad mood. So he said honestly, "I know, Dad."

Tian Jishang looked a little better and said, "Junhao, don't go to Xiao Yunhai in the future. The energy behind this person is very important. I thought I could use the power of the whole entertainment industry to force him to submit, but I was secretly disturbed by people. In addition, in terms of legal principle, we can't stand up for this incident, which makes the original plan fail. "

Tian Junhao said: "Dad, there is a long way to go. I don't believe that Xiao Yunhai will never make mistakes."

"I wish you could think so."

Father and son chatted for a while, Tian Jishang put down the phone, his eyes slightly narrowed, and said, "Xiao Yunhai, let's wait and see." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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