Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:42 AM

Chapter 509

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Xiao Yunhai had a night's rest in a hotel he often stayed in.

The next day, after breakfast, Xiao Yunhai followed Daniel to the hospital.

Walking into an advanced ward, Xiao Yunhai meets Pete, who is seriously injured.

At this time, his wife is inside to take care of him to eat.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Pete reluctantly showed a smile and said, "boss."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Pete, how is your recovery?"

Pete said, "not bad. Alice, this is the boss Xiao I often talk to you about

Alice nodded to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Hello, boss. Peter often mentions you at home, saying you are the most generous boss he has ever met. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm sorry. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen in my company. "

"That guy is a murderer," said Alice, with a look of indignation on her face. We will not let him go. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "he will be punished. Peter, you have a good rest. The company will not lose you a cent in salary and bonus. Medical expenses must be paid by Tian Junhao for you. Don't worry about these. Alice, if you have any problems at home, just tell Daniel that the company will help you out. "

Alice said gratefully, "thank you, boss. You are a good man."

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. I'll see the others. "

Xiao Yunhai will be sent out of the ward, Alice said: "Peter, you are right, your boss is indeed a rare good boss."

Pete said triumphantly, "of course."

Xiao Yunhai and Daniel stayed in the hospital for more than an hour. Seeing that everyone's mental state was very good, Xiao Yunhai was relieved.

From the hospital, only 10 minutes, Xiao Yunhai came to the police station.

"Xiao... Cloud... Sea."

as soon as he got out of the car, Xiao Yunhai heard a woman gnashing her teeth and calling out his name. The voice was very deep and contained deep hatred.

Xiao Yunhai turns his head and finds that it is Li Rong, Tian Junhao's mother, who once met him.

After she learned that her son had been taken to the police station, she immediately arrived here by plane from Yanjing.

Just after talking with Tian Junhao for a while, Li Rong put all the blame on Xiao Yunhai after learning the whole story.

As the second generation of red, Li Rong's ability is still very strong.

After learning from the lawyer that this matter must be settled out of court, or his son may be in prison, Li Rong immediately got up and prepared to go to the hospital. No matter how much money is spent, it must be done.

Unexpectedly, she was about to get on the bus when she saw Xiao Yunhai getting off.

In her heart, Xiao Yunhai is the chief culprit of this matter. If it was not for him, how could his son have made such a big disaster.

With the new hatred and old hatred together, Li Rong naturally hates Xiao Yunhai to the bone.

Xiao Yunhai narrowed his eyes and said, "Aunt Li, long time no see."

Li Rong snorted and said, "Xiao Yunhai, my Junhao has done this. Are you very proud now? Are you here to show off

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "you misunderstood me. I want to talk to your son and see if I can settle out of court? "

Li Rong sneered: "would you be so kind?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course not. A man like your son, let alone go to jail, will only clap my hands if I give him a shot. If it wasn't for the fact that he owed me more than 200 million dollars, I would have had enough to live and die. "

Li Rong said angrily, "Xiao Yunhai, you are too presumptuous."

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "you should tell your baby son this. Do a special effect, can work for him special effects personnel to the hospital, he really has the ability

Li Rong pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said angrily, "it's not because of you. If you hadn't cheated him of $500 million and made him feel frustrated, he couldn't help it. "

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "he is so frustrated in his heart that he uses beating people to vent his anger. Your Tian family's tutor is really very good. No wonder he is now this kind of virtue. As for the matter of asking him 500 million dollars, he can only be blamed for his stupidity. Who makes him believe his classmates so much

Li Rong said: "Xiao Yunhai, you are less proud, let's see."

With that, he got on the bus and left.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the luxury car slowly leaving, and said to Daniel, "she must have gone to the hospital to find Peter. They are going to discuss the use of money. Daniel, you call Pete and ask his wife Alice to inform the others. No matter how much money Li Rong promised them, he told them not to promise, but also insisted on sending Tian Junhao to prison. In this way, even if there is a final settlement out of court, they will get more benefits. "

Daniel nodded and said, "I understand."

Daniel took out the phone and immediately conveyed Xiao Yunhai's meaning.Ten minutes later, Xiao Yunhai met Tian Junhao, who was slightly pale.

Tian Junhao looked at Xiao Yunhai and said coldly, "are you very proud now?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and laughed: "Tian Junhao, you and your mother are really interesting. She as like as two peas, and you are the same as mother.

Tian Junhao snorted and said, "what are you doing here? Just to see my jokes? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Tian Junhao, you look too high on yourself. What's good about your joke. In my eyes, you are a spoiled second generation ancestor in my family. You are not a threat to me at all. "

Tian Junhao sneered: "can't you say that? At the beginning of the legend of Zhen Huan, I tried a little bit to make it die. Yesterday, no, at the meeting of the film and Television Bureau the day before yesterday, if not for your good luck, I'm afraid magic is now in name. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "you are the second ancestor, but you still don't admit it. What would you have done without your father? Tian Junhao, my opponent is your father, not you. Do you understand? In fact, none of this is of any use to you. Because you're going to jail soon, at least five years. Ha ha, the best time of life is to spend in prison. What a pity. "

Tian Junhao said, "don't bluff me. My mother has gone to them. I don't believe they can resist the temptation of money. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "if I promise to give them 10 million dollars each, I will put you in prison. Do you hate your mother out of court

When Tian Junhao heard this, his eyes were full of cold light. With a trace of fear in his anger, he said: "Xiao Yunhai, do you dare?"

Xiao Yunhai chuckled and said, "just tens of millions of dollars, you will be killed. Would you do it for you? "

Tian Junhao said: "of course you can, but you can't. My mother Li's family is one of the top political families in China. My grandfather used to be the fourth chief executive. If I go to prison, do you think you will have a good life? My grandfather will never let you go. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I am a soft person, but not a hard one. Since Mr. Tian said so, I really want to see how capable the Li family is? Master Tian, I wish you a good time in prison

Tian Junhao saw that Xiao Yunhai was trying to leave. He stopped him in a hurry and said, "what do you want?"

Tian Junhao's intestines are green now.

He didn't expect, just beat a few people out of anger, unexpectedly fell into the hands of Xiao Yunhai. It's just too subdued.

If I had known that, I would not have killed him.

Xiao Yunhai, with a triumphant smile on his lips, said, "it's not much different. However, I can't tell you, your mother is still about the same. Good luck. Goodbye. "

Ignoring Tian Junhao's ferocious face, Xiao Yunhai got up and walked out of the police station with Daniel.

In the hospital, Li Rong was apologizing to the families of the six victims with a sad and angry face. She said all the good words, but did not let them relax.

Finally, Li rongxiao said with emotion and reason: "although we are from different countries, we love our children the same way. Junhao is a villain who hurt your husband in your eyes, but in my eyes, he is my favorite child. Please let him go this time for the sake of all the mothers. My child is only twenty-three years old this year. If he stays in prison for six years, it will ruin his life

"In this way, in order to be forgiven, I am willing to pay for all the medical expenses and give each person five million dollars. I believe that with this money, people don't need to let their husbands go out to work. "

When Alice heard of it, they would look at each other for five million dollars.

Li Rong knew that the person in charge of them was the woman who had never spoken.

Alice thought of Daniel's phone call and said, "you wait for me for a moment. I'll discuss it with my husband."

Li Rong said, "you are welcome."

As the eldest lady of the Li family, Li Rong has always been arrogant and has no regard for ordinary people.

This time, for her son, Li Rong did not hesitate to put down her airs and asked in soft language.

I have to say that the word "mother" is really great.

Alice is a very intelligent woman, though she looks ordinary and usually reticent.

When she came to her husband's bed, she picked up his mobile phone and called Daniel.

At this time, Daniel and Xiao Yunhai are returning to the magic car.

"Don't worry. I'll ask the boss." After hearing this, Daniel turned his head and looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "boss, Alice's phone call. She said that Li Rong was willing to pay US $5 million for an out of court settlement. Many people seem to have been moved."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "five million dollars? I'm kidding. Daniel, give me your cell phone. "Xiao Yunhai took the mobile phone from Daniel's hand and said, "Alice, do you all agree to settle out of court?"

Alice said, "I'm sorry, boss. We're all ordinary wage earners. If we had these five million, we wouldn't have to be so tired."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's normal. There's no need to apologize. However, I tell you, five million dollars may be a lot in your eyes, but in the eyes of each other, it's just a drop in the bucket. So, Alice, if you believe me, put the negotiation on my back. I promise to make you multimillionaires and live a more respectable life. If the negotiation breaks down, you can rest assured that I will still send 10 million dollars to each of you. Can you believe me? "

"Of course I believe you, boss," said Alice

Xiao Yunhai said: "great, thank you for your trust." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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