Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:27 AM

Chapter 51

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Two people talk and laugh, and soon talked about the entertainment industry.

Huang Qiusheng said: "you don't know. Today's young people are very coquettish. They are selfish. If they are good, they will go there. If they are not, they will hide. They are afraid of suffering, suffering and injury, especially in the performing arts circle. Once, I was invited to shoot an action play. A young star who performed very well on the screen didn't even jump a two meter high floor. The director asked him why, and he said that I was afraid of being hurt, which would affect the progress of the film. The director was so angry that he almost had a heart attack. A few days ago, I chatted with them and said that if our generation retired, it would be a real problem whether Chinese films could be carried by the younger generation. But when I see you, I see hope. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I can't stand your praise. In today's entertainment industry, all kinds of intrigues emerge in endlessly. It takes more effort to achieve your level than you did then. At that time, it was strength. Now, although it also depends on strength, the more important thing is relationship and support. No matter how good your acting skills are, others just don't need you, and no one can do it. "

Huang Qiusheng sighed: "you are right. After filming for so many years, I have seen the changes in the entertainment industry with my own eyes. To tell you the truth, I feel very sad. I'll take good care of you

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Huang may not know that today I have offended Xue Ming fiercely, which directly leads to my present situation is very bad. No, someone put some flour in my shoe cabinet this afternoon. Hey, I'm really willing. It costs about thirty or forty thousand for a bag. They may not have been caught downstairs

When Huang Qiusheng heard Xiao Yunhai's words, his hands, who were holding vegetables, suddenly stopped. His pupils shrank, showing a trace of disbelief. He said in a deep voice, "does Xue Ming really dare to do this? Young people nowadays are so cruel that they have to take the world's public opinion to do such things for the sake of a supporting role. It's with you forever. "

At the end of the day, the tone became colder and colder, and the complexion was as cold as frost.

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "maybe Xue Ming doesn't know about it. But it must have been Xue Jiaban. Hey, Miss Huang, I just wanted to have a drink with you. After discovering this, I changed my mind and wanted you to see a good play. I estimate that the police will be here by nine o'clock in the evening. Hehe

Xiao Yunhai finished and took a sip of wine. He didn't worry about it at all. He looked relaxed and freehand, as if it was none of his business.

Huang Qiusheng's face was heavy, and Xiao Yunhai was relieved. He looked at Xiao Yunhai with admiration and said, "I really doubt whether you are a man or a boy? You don't have to sit here and be impatient. Ah, it's just that the acting is good. It's really evil to have such a strong determination. By the way, where are the things? Is there any evidence? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "everything is finished. As for the evidence, there must be no evidence. The boy is very quick. Hey, wait a minute, Mr. Huang. Let's play a play and play with them, OK? "

Huang Qiusheng laughed and said, "life is like a play, and drama is like life. OK, no problem. Originally it was quite boring. I didn't expect such a good play to be staged. Ha ha, it's interesting. It's really interesting. "

They chatted while waiting for the police to come.

Soon, it was nine o'clock, the crew finished filming the night drama and returned to the hotel one after another.

"Comrades of the police, what are you here for?"

Xiao Yunhai and Huang Qiusheng heard Wu Zixu's voice outside and looked at each other with a smile. Zhengzhu really came.

"We are routine. Please cooperate."

After a while, Xiao Yunhai's door sounded a lot of footsteps, and then there was a sound of unlocking, and the door was opened.

"Don't move. Be honest with me, both of you."

A policeman with a pistol pointed at Xiao Yunhai and Huang Qiusheng and said in a sharp voice. Soon after, three or four policemen followed in and looked at the two people drinking.

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be surprised and said: "police comrade, what are you doing here?"

Huang Qiusheng also asked, "we have a drink here, and we haven't done anything illegal or criminal. Are you mistaken? "

The leading policeman sneered: "make no mistake, search to know." With that, he motioned to other people to search the house.

"Wait a minute." A sharp drink rang out of the door. Then Wu Zixu, a serious looking man, walked into the room, took a look at Huang and Li, and said to the policeman, "I've been shooting plays all my life, and I haven't really shot a police and bandit film, which gives me a good material. I want to know, what happened to my actors? Why do you want to search? "

"We have a report that someone is taking drugs here."

"Drugs?" Xiao Yunhai showed a look of shock and looked at Huang Qiusheng, who was also "surprised", and said, "you said we were taking drugs. I'm kidding

Huang Qiusheng also pretended to be angry and said, "Comrade police, you can't wrongly treat people like this without any basis. I'm also a star at least. I've never seen it before, except that I've seen it onceThe chief policeman snorted and said, "all right, don't waste time. We're going to have a search. Please cooperate."

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said, "do you have a search warrant?"

"Because of the urgency of the matter, the secret service is special."

Wu Zixu said angrily, "that's no more. Let me ask you, you don't have a search warrant. Who gives you the right to search this house. It's so brave of you to even use the gun. Did you get it? "

One of the cameras said, "it's all taken."

"Good. I'd like to see if you can really cover the sky with your hands. " Wu Zixu said angrily.

Wu Zixu was so angry that he had never encountered such a thing since he started his career, even if he had never heard of it. He is the director of the whole crew and the soul of all the actors and staff. If his subordinates are bullied in this way, he will not be able to act in the future.

Therefore, no matter what, Wu Zixu must first make his own gesture of directing and protecting the actors. Even if the problem is found out in the end, Wu Zixu can also handle it with ignorance. In that way, no one can say anything. On the contrary, he will be praised by the people in the circle. A director who is willing to protect the crew will certainly be respected by all.

"Forget it, Wu Dao. The Qing Dynasty is self-cleaning. Let's not embarrass the police. They are also working. I think it's like this, sea of clouds. If you are not afraid of the shadow, you can let them check. If we can't find out anything, we'll talk to their leaders

When Huang Qiusheng saw that things had evolved to this extent, he thought it was time to end. Therefore, he stood up and said these words.

Xiao Yunhai pretended to think about it and said, "OK. Director Wu, let them check. I'm good at it. I can sit up straight. It's OK. "

Wu Zixu saw Xiao Yunhai's attitude, and his worry was a little put down. He said angrily, "what else do you want to see? Check it out. "

The leading policeman winked at the other policemen, and several people began to examine carefully. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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