Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:41 AM

Chapter 510

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Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai's face showed a victory smile.

Alice said to Pete, "the boss just said that if the negotiations were left to him, he would make us multimillionaires."

As soon as Peter heard it, he said, "Alice, listen to the boss. He is a generous man. He can divide tens of millions of dollars and will never cheat us

Alice nodded and said, "I see."

Back in the meeting room, Alice said to Li Rong, who was full of expectation, "my husband has entrusted the negotiation to Mr. Xiao, the boss of magic effects company. So you can talk to him about the settlement out of court. "

"You want me to find Xiao Yunhai? No way. "

Hearing Alice's words, Li Rong stood up in shock and said angrily.

Alice said, "I believe in the boss. He is a generous good man, and he will give us a satisfactory account. "

After hearing Alice's words, other family members also expressed their opinions and entrusted Xiao Yunhai with the negotiation.

Li Rong didn't expect Xiao Yunhai's prestige among the staff was so high, but she really didn't want to ask Xiao Yunhai, so she raised the compensation from five million to eight million.

Alice saw that the other side really didn't care much about money, and she believed Xiao Yunhai's ability to make her family a multimillionaire.

So, no matter what Li Rong said about Xiao Yunhai, she just kept biting.

Finally, Li Rong left the hospital helplessly.

After Li Rong left, a woman asked, "Alice, that's eight million dollars. It's just thrown away in vain."

Alice said, "the boss said it would make us multi millionaires."

Another woman said suspiciously, "the boss won't cheat us, will he?"

Alice said with a smile, "the boss is so rich that I believe he will not cheat us."


Xiao Yunhai from magic special effects company came to Daniel's office and took a serious look at the financial statements.

After reading, Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction and said, "it's very good. In a short period of five months, excluding patent fees, the company has made a profit of 140 million US dollars, which is beyond my expectation. "

Daniel said with a smile: "boss, it's mainly because paramount gave us five lists, MGM has three lists, and other film and television companies have come to us for help. In addition, with the" swordsman biography "brought by the boss, this is more than one billion dollars."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I said that if you can make 700 million dollars of profits for the company within half a year, I will give them 10% of them as bonus. Now they have done it. It's time for me to live up to my promise. Daniel, tell everyone the good news ahead of time to make them happy. By the end of June 30th, you should give them 10% of your total profits. "

Daniel said happily: "boss, I think they will be crazy when they hear this news."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "then I will make you crazy once. Daniel, you've done a good job in the past six months. I'll give you two million dollars as a reward. "

When Daniel heard this, he screamed, "Oh, my God, it's amazing. I'm so excited that I don't know how to express it. We are lucky to work for you

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I'm lucky to have such a capable staff as you. Daniel, go ahead. I want to hear the cheers. That's what I like the most

"I'll tell them," he said with a smile

Half a minute later, cheers, shouts and growls spread throughout the building.

Daniel went back to the office and said, "they're crazy."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I heard that."

They looked at each other and laughed.

Just then, the office phone rang.

Daniel picked up the phone and said, "this is Daniel. Can I help you?"

After a while, Daniel said, "I see. Boss, the lady Li is downstairs. Do you want her to come up? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I'm waiting for her."

Daniel said, "please come up, Ms. Li."

A minute later, Li Rong and two bodyguards stormed in.

Xiao Yunhai smiles and says, "Aunt Li, what can I do for you?"

Li Rong said coldly, "Xiao Yunhai, do you really think our Li family can't help you?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "if it is an easy thing to get me down, I'm afraid your son Tian Junhao has already done it. How can we have today?"

"You "Li Rong said," what do you want to do to let my son go

Xiao Yunhai looked at the two bodyguards behind Li Rong and said, "this is not the time for negotiation. It should be a posture."Li Rong waved his hand and told them to wait in the back.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Daniel, you go out too."

Daniel bowed slightly, promised, and left the office.

Xiao Yunhai put up two fingers and said without any cover up: "three conditions. 1、 Tian Junhao is not allowed to abuse technicians and special effects personnel at will in the following work, and his temper will be better for me. "

"Yes, no problem."

"Two, six people injured, 20 million dollars each."

"Too much. I don't have that much money."

"You don't have a choice. I'm not asking for your opinion. You just need to answer yes or no

"You . OK, I agree. " Li rongqiang endure anger, said coldly.

"Third, it is said that the Ministry of culture is discussing the selection of the head of mango TV station. In terms of qualifications and achievements, my Uncle Chen Zhan should be the best choice for Taiwan President. But because of me, I was strongly opposed by your husband. Well, I don't want to see this happen again. "

It turns out that Ouyang Zhaoming, director of mango TV station, retired home in September. According to the Convention, the Ministry of culture needs to determine the new director three months in advance, so as to make the transition between the new and the old.

There are three deputy directors of mango TV station. Chen Zhan is in charge of the variety show, and the performance in the past two years is undoubtedly the best.

Ouyang Zhaoming also attached great importance to Chen Zhan's character and ability. In addition to the deal with Xiao Yunhai, he recommended Xiao Yunhai's Uncle Chen Zhan to the Ministry of culture.

To this extent, the vote of the Ministry of culture is just a passing act.

But unexpectedly, Tian Jishang clearly expressed his opposition at the meeting, leading to the delay of Chen Zhan's affairs.

This is the news Xiao Yunhai got from Ouyang Zhaoming.

Li Rong frowned and said, "I can't do such a big thing."

Xiao Yunhai said, "let's talk to me if you can."

Li Rong's silver teeth clenched, her eyes shot at Xiao Yunhai like a knife, and said, "good, there's yours."

Li Rong took out her mobile phone and called her husband Tian Jishang.

After explaining the situation, Li Rong handed the mobile phone to Xiao Yunhai.

Tian Ji Shang said: "Mr. Xiao, good means."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "thank you for your praise. Thank you for your son's help."

Tian Jishang hummed and said coldly, "a special meeting will be held tomorrow morning. At that time, I will support your uncle."

Xiao Yunhai said: "let's make sure. I'm sorry, but I can only let your son stay in it longer. "

"Don't you believe me?" Tian Jishang said

Xiao Yunhai did not save face for him at all, and said directly: "of course I don't believe it."

There was a long silence over the phone, Tian Jishang said: "Xiao Yunhai, I hope you don't fall into my hands."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "thank you for reminding me. I'll be very careful and promise I won't be as stupid as Tian Shao

Before he finished speaking, Tian Jishang hung up the phone.

"Such a big official is not elegant."

Xiao Yunhai complained and said to the impatient Li Rong, "Congratulations, your husband has agreed. As long as the news comes tomorrow that my uncle is on the stage, I will keep my promise. By the way, you need to call me for the money. "

Li Rong didn't say anything, but looked at him coldly for ten seconds, as if to remember him. His knife like eyes were full of resentment.

Seeing Li Rong's desire to cut himself into pieces, Xiao Yunhai suddenly burst out laughing and said, "auntie Li, is it interesting for us to stare at each other like this? If you have any moves in the future, just use them. I'll follow them with Xiao Yunhai. "

Li Rong picked up the bag and said coldly, "you wait, I will never let you go." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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