Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:37 AM

Chapter 513

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According to Xiao Yunhai's instructions, Daniel still warmly entertained them, as if it had never happened.

"Swordsman biography" also started production step by step. After staying here for two days, Li Rong felt relieved and flew back to Yanjing.

Xiao Yunhai and Yu Yuexian's plane landed steadily at Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport.

Out of the airport, the two saw Zhao Zhen who came to meet them.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "brother, it's hard."

Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "schoolmaster, compared with Langya bang, this time is really not hard."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and turned to Yuexian and said, "elder martial sister, this is Zhao Zhen, the deputy director of if you are the one, and also a student of Yanjing Film Academy. Zhao Zhen, I don't need to introduce you. "

Zhao Zhen stretched out his hand and said, "there are not many people in China who don't know elder martial sister. Nice to meet you, elder martial sister Yu. "

Yu Yuexian shook hands with him and said with a smile, "I've known you for a long time. Yunhai doesn't need to introduce you at all. "Langya Bang" is popular all over Asia. As long as it is a person in the circle, who does not know its deputy directors Zhao Zhen and Wang Wei. When Yunhai publicizes all over the country, it will advertise both of you at every stop, saying that the success of langyabang cannot be separated from your full assistance. Your fame is not comparable to that of ordinary people. I think it won't take long for someone to ask you to direct the play. "

Zhao Zhendao: "our work is not as important as Xiao Xuechang said. The senior student is trying to help us establish a reputation, so as to help us become a director as soon as possible."

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "it's good that you can understand the hard work of your senior. None of the director students graduated from our school these years have been able to mix up. You and Wang Wei's starting point is much higher than others. Come on, as long as you work hard, you will become excellent young directors in China. "

Zhao Zhen nodded and solemnly said, "we will not let you down and let the school down. Xiao Xuechang, Yu Xuechang, let's get on the bus. Mr. Ge Wuyou is waiting in the car. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "well, why didn't you say it earlier? Why did Mr. Ge come so early

As he walked along, Zhao Zhen said, "Mr. Ge came here two days ago and has been busy with our crew."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that Mr. Ge attaches great importance to this play."

Yu Yuexian said: "if you are the one is absolutely one of the best scripts in the circle. Mr. GE's eloquence is unique in the circle and coincides with Qin Fen. It's normal for him to attach so much importance to it. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "what about you, sister Yu?"

Yu Yuexian said, "of course I have no problem. You can pick out any one of them and I'll do it for you right away

Xiao Yunhai thumbs up and says: "dedicated."

Come to the parking lot, Xiao Yunhai and Yu Yuexian get on the car and see Ge Wuyou inside.

Looking at his shiny bald head, Yu Yuexian chuckled and said, "Mr. Ge, I don't know that you've shaved your hair and you're even more handsome than before."

Ge Wuyou touched his bald head and narrowed his small eyes into a slit. He said with a smile, "I feel the same way."

Yu Yuexian said, "listen to Zhao Zhen, you arrived two days ago. This is too serious."

Ge Wuyou said with a smile, "I'm at home idle, so I want to go for a walk. It happened that our shooting place was here, so I came to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Hangzhou in advance. Director Xiao, will the crew pay for the two days' accommodation? I don't have any money with me

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "the crew can still afford to pay for this. Mr. Ge and sister Yu, I want to discuss something with you. "

Yu Yuexian rolled her eyes and said, "if you have something to say, why are you so polite?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "when we turn on the machine the day after tomorrow, all the actors will come together. They don't have many parts. If they do well, they can be finished in two days. So I want to focus on their part first, and then shoot your play. In this way, they don't have to fly around. "

Ge Wuyou said: "I have no problem here, early shooting and late shooting are the same."

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "I'm the heroine. With so many parts, I must shoot from the beginning to the end with the crew. I can have any questions. "

Xiao Yunhai said happily, "that's great. When I got to the hotel, I called to discuss it with them. If all agree, Zhao Zhen, you need to rearrange it. "

Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "Xiao Xuechang, you can rest assured that it will be done."

Ge Wuyou looked at Zhao Zhen with appreciation and said, "Yunhai, there are no weak soldiers under the strong general. Although Zhao Zhen is young, he has no ability. Someone else followed you to shoot "love apartment" and "Langya Bang", two popular TV dramas. Now they are going to help you shoot this "if you are the one". Is it time for you to find a chance to let him try to be a director. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Zhao Zhen, what kind of ecstasy have you given Mr. Ge? You can even ask him to open his mouth and ask for a picture for you."Ge Wuyou said: "I was not hit by his sugar coated cannonball. I just watched him deal with the crew affairs, calm and orderly, if he is a director, it should be very good

Hearing Ge Wuyou's words, Zhao Zhen quickly said modestly, "Mr. Ge, you flatter me. I just stayed with Xiao Xuechang for a long time in the crew, and learned a lot from him, which was never learned in school. In the past, I have been complacent about my little achievements. Since I joined the real big group, I found that I was still far behind

Yu Yuexian said: "to be able to recognize your own shortcomings just shows that you have made great progress."

Xiao Yunhai solemnly said: "Mr. Ge and sister Yu, in fact, he and Wang Wei are excellent themselves. The only deficiency is lack of experience. If you stay in the ivory tower all day long, you don't get into the drama group to learn, and you don't practice, how can you do a good job? "

Nowadays, there are almost no famous directors under the age of 35. Although Wang Lei Wei and his family can't be regarded as the best entertainment for them. I don't know how many years it will take to mix it out if you work in it step by step. "

"The reason why I asked them to be my deputy directors was that, in addition to being too lazy to find someone else, the most important thing was to let them gain experience and make up for this unique weakness. Now that Wang Wei has gone to direct his new play, it's time for Zhao Zhen to take charge of it alone. "

When Zhao Zhen heard this, he was surprised and said, "Xiao Xuechang, do you really want to invite me to film?"

Seeing that a film and television company invited Wang Wei to shoot a TV series, Zhao Zhen could not see anything on the surface, but in fact he was very disappointed.

That night, Ge Wuyou was idle and bored. He went to a tavern to have a drink.

Zhao Zhen is the master of two cups of dizziness. When he drinks too much wine, he becomes a chatter. He breathes out his depression like a bamboo tube pouring beans in front of Ge Wuyou.

He didn't even know how to go back the next day.

The reason why Ge Wuyou told Xiao Yunhai about this is that he was really good at seeing this young man. He was serious, had a strong sense of responsibility, and was better than some second-line directors. Therefore, he told Zhao Zhen's mind through his own mouth.

After hearing Zhao Ge's words, he was excited.

Who is Xiao Yunhai?

He is the uncle of Hanhai film and television investment company, and he is a millionaire who has won tens of billions of dollars by virtue of his talent. If he really wants to help him become a director, it is just a matter of words.

Even if you don't have to ask for help from your grandfather and grandma, Xiao Yunhai alone can ensure that he has enough money to shoot, and he doesn't have to be harassed by producers like other directors.

A few days ago, Wang Wei often called him and complained that the producers had to save dozens of yuan.

There is no way, the new director can not get the trust of the producers, there will be such a thing.

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "after shooting if you are the one, I will give you the second script of" love apartment "for directing by you. As for the characters inside, it's better to use the original actors. Zeng Xiaoxian, I'm sure I won't play. You can find someone else. This play is relatively not difficult. It can be regarded as training for you. If you get good grades, I will ask my father-in-law to sign you to Hanhai. How about it? "

Zhao Zhen said happily, "of course I would. Thank you, Xiao Xuechang, Miss Ge, and sister Yu. "

Ge Wuyou said with a smile: "your boy's starting point is not so high. "Love apartment" now has tens of millions of downloads, and countless fans have been cultivated. As long as the film is not too many times, the audience rating will certainly be no problem. "

Yu Yuexian said: "come on, the future director."

A few people talk and laugh, came to the hotel crew. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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