Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:33 AM

Chapter 515

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At nine o'clock, Xiao Yunhai and the film's main creators Ge Wuyou, Yu Yuexian, Wu Lan, Zhao Wanqing, Li Xun, Yao Na, fan kuanwei, Cai pingya, Zhang Xinyi, Zhang Shuwen, Lin Lu and Lin Hui walked into the scene.

Looking at so many big stars, the reporters at the bottom are completely crazy. The cameras and cameras are all on the stage, and the flash is not stopped for a moment.

"Oh, my God, this line-up is more gorgeous than Langya bang."

"Shit, this time, the emperor of cloud has summoned so many celebrities in the entertainment industry. This is to play a big game."

"If you are the one" is a film of what kind, the emperor has not revealed any. He's not going to go through the secrecy. "

"The product of emperor Yun must be a fine product. I think it must be much better than Charlotte's worry

After everyone was seated in their respective positions, Xiao Yunhai took the microphone and laughed and said, "can the reporter sit down? I know there are many beauties in the crew, but you can't be so blatant."

"Ha ha ha."

The scene was full of laughter.

The young reporter sat down with a flushed face.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "thank you very much for coming to the launch press conference of" if you are the one ", which I edited, directed, performed and invested by myself. Xiao Yunhai looked up to the sky and sighed," now, I'm jumping into the Yellow River and I can't wash it. "

Yao Na next to her gently asked Zhao Wanqing, "is this kid really so scary on the set?"

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "you will know when you are filming."

Reporters on the stage wrote down in their books one after another.

"Yu Yuexian, the film queen, reveals that Xiao Yunhai's state on the set is quite different from that in ordinary times. Even the film emperor Guoan does not dare to offend him."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "ladies and gentlemen, I feel a deep sense of malice here today. Both the reporters and the actors on the stage seem to have a grudge against me. Now, please don't ask me any more questions. Even if you ask questions, I won't answer them. "

"Shit, the emperor is too wayward."

"The entertainment industry is also the cloud emperor dare to say that, if others, reporters would have been noisy."

"Well, Emperor Yun has always been unusual, but almost all journalists like to interview him, and don't know why."

"It's because he makes people feel real, does not pretend, does not say those false empty words, let people have a sense of closeness."

"The emperor of cloud has always been a man of gold. Since he has said so, we'd better not ask, so as not to waste an opportunity."

Ignoring the whispers of the reporters, Xiao Yunhai said, "the reporter in the third row, who is wearing a suit and tie, looks extraordinary and is about to catch up with me."

In the laughter, the reporter stood up and said, "director Xiao, I admit that I'm not as handsome as you are, but don't say it. It's too shameless."


"Ha ha ha."

"This reporter is also very interesting."

Xiao Yunhai said: "you'd better ask questions quickly. Too much said, disqualified

The reporter quickly asked, "excuse me, Mr. Ge Wuyou, why do you want to take part in if you are the one?"? As we all know, you are very selective. What attracted you? "

Ge Wuyou said: "of course, it's director Xiao's fame. Yunhuang's products must be excellent. When he came to me, I agreed without thinking about it. Later, after seeing the script, I found that the protagonist was simply tailor-made for me. I'm sure it will be very wonderful. "


next, reporters asked questions to a film emperor's empress, but no reporter asked Xiao Yunhai again.

Lin Hui, who was on the edge, was surprised and said, "director Xiao is so good. When he said no, the reporters did not really ask him again. Is this a journalist I know? "

Lin Lu said with a smile, "sister Hui, what's the surprise. Senior brother usually doesn't like to be interviewed, but his face is very big among reporters. I dare say that at least half of the hundreds of journalists here are his fans. If idols speak, they must listen. "

Lin Hui's eyes were full of envy and sighed, "if an artist can do the job of director Xiao, it's not white to walk in the entertainment circle."

The whole press conference lasted two hours. At the end of the conference, all the main creators stood up and let everyone take a photo of the whole family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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