Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:31 AM

Chapter 516

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After finishing the reporter, Xiao Yunhai, in accordance with the plan, took the actors with drama points, and went straight to the shooting site in the bus of the crew.

On the car, Xiao Yunhai entered the directing state.

"Sister Zhou, are you ready over there?"

"You're ready. This modern suit will be ready in ten minutes."

"Good. Zhao Zhen, are the scenes, group performances and props all right? "

"No problem."

"After arriving, all of them should be checked carefully to make sure they are safe. After shooting, they should leave immediately to catch up with the next set and try to shoot three scenes today."

Soon, the location was there.

As soon as the door opened, several makeup artists came up.

A woman in her thirties came to ge Wuyou and said with a smile, "Miss Ge, I'm your makeup artist. Please follow me."

Ge Wuyou nodded and said, "please."

Although Ge Wuyou is a film emperor, he does not have a full-time makeup artist. He usually takes an assistant and two bodyguards. Unlike some young artists, after becoming famous, there are more than ten assistants, bodyguards, makeup artists and life nannies.

Other make-up artists have also found their own service object.

In addition to the heroine Yu Yuexian, everyone did not let their makeup artist come over.

As for group performance, the crew is already ready.

Xiao Yunhai checked the set again. After confirming that there was no problem, Xiao Yunhai came to Geng Fuzhi and said, "Mr. Geng, it's a kind of pressure that moistens everything and is seamless. Zhang Xinyi only feels that she is affected by GE Wuyou's momentum, and follows him into the play.


"It is worthy of being one of the film emperors who can be juxtaposed with Liang Hui."

Those who have a little insight on the set can't help but sigh.

Yu Yuexian, who has been staring at the scene outside, can't help being solemn when he sees this situation.

As the heroine, she and Ge Wuyou's opponent is undoubtedly the most.

If you can't resist Ge Wuyou's momentum and show your own characteristics, the heroine in the play will be abandoned.

She has been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years, and Liang Hui is the strongest one among the opponents. The flexible and changeable means make Yu Yuexian unable to resist, and she was crushed to death as soon as she appeared on the stage.

However, it was at the age of twenty-four. It was only when acting was not a success. If it was today, she believed that she would not be so easily suppressed by him.

But today, seeing Ge Wuyou's superb acting skills, Yu Yuexian couldn't help but clap: "can I compete with him?"

Xiao Yunhai, sitting in front of the monitor, appreciates Ge Wuyou's acting skills. The film emperor is the film emperor. Everything is drama.

In addition to his appearance, he found that GE Wuyou and another elder brother in his previous life were almost the same mold.

is as like as two peas in deductive style or oral expression.

Standing beside Xiao Yunhai, Zhao Wanqing sighed softly: "husband, I just know now why you don't choose me to play the leading role. Mr. GE's acting skills are not what I can compare now. Even if I play, it's estimated that it's not much different from Sister Zhang now. "

Xiao Yunhai said softly: "Mr. Ge is one of our national treasure class actors. You think it's water injection."

At this time, Zhang Xinyi, who is in the studio, is very uncomfortable. She has just said two lines, but she raises her hand to ask for a pause.

Xiao Yunhai called out: "cut."

Zhang Xinyi was embarrassed to ge Wuyou: "Mr. Ge, I'm sorry, I want to adjust."

Ge Wuyou said with a smile: "it doesn't matter."

Zhang Xinyi frowned and walked off the set. Yu Yuexian immediately welcomed her.

"Xinyi, what do you feel?"

Zhang Xinyi said: "the spring breeze blows on my face, moistens things silently, and then the play is taken away. Mr. Ge is worthy of being one of the strongest Movie Masters in China. I am far inferior to him. I can't even maintain my momentum. "

Yu Yuexian said, "what are you going to do?"

Zhang Xinyi said, "I'll think about it again."

With that, he sat on a stool, closed his eyes and pondered.

Zhao Wanqing looked at Zhang Xinyi and said to Yuexian, "sister Yu, is Sister Zhang OK?"

Yu Yuexian shook his head and said, "it seems that the blow is not small. Mr. Ge is really too strong. She is the strongest opponent I have ever met except for teacher Liang Hui. Although I didn't end up in person, the onlookers were clear. I know very well that if Xinyi was replaced by me, I would also call cut "

Zhao Wanqing said," sister Yu, you have to refuel. If the heroine of this play is well performed, she is likely to be shortlisted for the golden cup film award. It is said that the laurel can be worn on your head after the film is not fixed. "

Yu Yuexian gave Zhao Wanqing a look and said, "it's all your fault. It's very easy to say that the shooting is very relaxed, and the work and tourism are the same. There is Mr. Ge in the crew. Which actor dares to relax? "Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "at the beginning, I was going to play the heroine. He refused to let me play. He said that my acting skills were not up to the standard. Therefore, I was angry. Now it seems that he is right. In front of Mr. Ge, my acting skills are not up to the standard. "

Yu Yuexian said, "I'm sorry. If you don't, you let me do it. It's miserable

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "those who can do more work."

Xiao Yunhai stood up from the monitor and went to ge Wuyou. He laughed and thumbed up and said, "Mr. Ge, it's too cruel. You've done your best to shock everyone. It's amazing. "

Ge Wuyou said with a smile, "isn't this what you mean? You can't blame me. "

It turned out that Xiao Yunhai saw the actors giggling and seemed a little relaxed, so he secretly found Ge Wuyou and asked him to teach us a lesson.

But what made Xiao Yunhai speechless was that GE Wuyou played too hard. All of a sudden, he lost the confidence of all the actresses. Even Yu Yuexian had a dignified face.

Ge Wuyou continued: "however, the actors you're looking for are really hard to choose. Miss Zhang Xinyi definitely has the acting skills of the movie queen. At the beginning, she noticed the problem and made corresponding response. If you change someone else, even if it's a first-line star, I'm afraid you can't feel the problem after shooting. "

Unfortunately, Xiao Yun still has no choice but to stop. I hope Sister Zhang can adjust. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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