Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:25 AM

Chapter 52

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At this time, outside the door was already three floors inside and three outside, surrounded by the people of "great master". In addition to Yu Yuexian, Zhang Xiaojing, Xue Ming and other stars, almost all the staff in the hotel also arrived. It's just that no one knows what happened.

Zhang Xiaojing asked Yu Yuexian in a low voice: "sister Yu, will there really be drugs in Xiao Yunhai's house?"

Yu Yuexian gave him a look and said, "how can I know. However, Xiao Yunhai is a martial arts student. According to common sense, he should not touch those things. "

Xue Ming said with some Schadenfreude, "it's not necessarily. You know people, you know your face, you don't know your heart. Some people are not like this, I hope Xiao Yunhai is not such a person. "

Yu Yuexian's face changed, and he snorted and stopped talking.

Not only they, but also a lot of people outside are talking about it.

"Do you think Xiao Yunhai really takes drugs?"

"I don't think so."

"It may be."

Huo gang and the mouse in the crowd listened to the discussion of the people nearby and gave each other a wink, and the mouse showed a trace of complacency. This time, I have made great achievements.

The policemen searched the shoe cupboard in the room according to the information given to him by the mouse and found nothing.

The policeman was so flustered that he scolded him in his heart: "mouse, you son of a bitch, dare to tease me. Now it's in trouble. "The great master" is a fantastic crew. I don't know how many media are paying attention to it. Now, if you don't have a search warrant, you come to the room without a warrant. You can't find out anything. You'll make the whole crew uneasy. If you want to make trouble in the Bureau, that's fine. "

When he was trying to find a way out, Wu Zixu spoke. He was just worried that if drugs were found out, his crew would really become famous. But now looking at what they have not found, he is completely relieved, but also a strong anger out.

"I said, comrade police, you have checked many times to see if it is over."

Hearing Wu Zixu's words, the chief policeman turned around and said with a strong smile: "I'm really sorry, director Wu. We are also performing our official duties. If we offend, please forgive us. "

Wu Zixu looked at the police with a reversed attitude and said seriously, "we must be OK. But I think you have a big problem. Not only did you forcibly search our crew's room without a warrant, you also took out pistols at our actors. Do you know that Mr. Huang is an actor at the film emperor level. You are just killing yourself by doing this. "

The chief policeman was about to cry. He said with a sad face: "I heard that this gentleman is a master of Kung Fu. That's why he used the gun. Director Wu, I'm really sorry. I didn't make a clear investigation. Please give us a high hand in any case and spare us this time. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at almost, then stood up and said, "Mr. police, I just want to ask one thing. Who in the end told you what drugs I have here?"

On hearing this, the policeman suddenly thought of his good brother, the mouse, who had hurt himself. If I told him, there would be no reason to shirk responsibility.

So he said decisively: "director Wu, gentlemen, the reason why I went beyond the normal process and directly came to search was because the people who came to report the case were your crew. I think you should understand me. Even your people say that you have a problem. We will certainly come. "

Scandals are absolute scandals. Actors in the same crew deliberately frame up another actor. This kind of thing will become the laughing stock of the whole entertainment circle in any drama group. As a director, he is the first to bear the brunt.

Actors in the crew can compete with each other, but no matter what means you use, at least you have to have a bottom line and a cover. Now, even that mask is not needed.

At this time, Wu Zixu is already out of anger, he forced himself to calm down, this matter must be handled properly, otherwise once spread out, his old face will not be lost.

Fortunately, everyone is outside. Only a few key personnel at the door can hear what is said inside. There is still something to save.

Thinking of this, Wu Zixu looked at Xiao Yunhai. Now the most important thing is to see Xiao Yunhai's attitude. As long as Xiao Yunhai does not go out to publicize, this matter can be completely digested within the crew.

When Xiao Yunhai saw Wu Zixu looking at himself, he immediately understood what he meant, so he said with a smile, "Mr. Wu, it's up to you to handle this matter. I have only one request that the person who framed me be severely punished. I don't want to live in this environment all day. "

Huang Qiusheng also said: "director Wu, this matter has touched the bottom line of the entertainment industry. We must deal with it seriously and make an example to others. Otherwise, let alone the sea of clouds, I will not allow it. As for these police comrades, I think as long as they don't spread it out, we will not investigate them. After all, they are also victims. "

On hearing this, the policeman nodded and said, "don't worry, we will keep our mouth shut about this matter, and we will never disclose it. After all, if we really want to spread it out, we will certainly be punished."Wu Zixu thought that Huang Qiusheng's treatment was undoubtedly the most correct way. He nodded his head and said, "well, that's it. As long as you don't tell the story and tell me who reported it, I won't hold you responsible. "

The policeman betrayed the mouse without thinking about it. If we talk about righteousness at this time, we will be finished.

When Wu Zixu heard this, his face was gloomy and he wanted to squeeze out water. He was a good xuejiaban.

Wu Zixu asked Niu Gong to send the police out. Then he walked out of the door and yelled, "what should I do? What should I do here? Xue Ming, let one of your men, the mouse, come here. I have something to ask him? "

As the final sound was very low, no one outside heard it. However, when Xue Ming heard that Wu Zixu wanted to see the mouse, he immediately felt that something was wrong. Was there something about the mouse in it. Thinking of this, Xue Ming immediately started to panic, if things really like what he thought, then Xue Jiaban would be finished.

"Mouse, don't go away. Come here for a moment. I have something for you to do." Xue Ming stopped the mouse, who was about to slip away.

Huo Gang realized that things might be exposed, and said in a low voice: "you must resist, I will think of a way."

The mouse took a look at Huo gang and made a sign to understand. Then he followed Xue Ming and came to Xiao Yunhai's house.

At this time, the room is already full of people. After a while, even Feng Zhongshi, who was drinking outside, was called by Wu Zixu. Seeing the calm atmosphere in the room, Feng Zhishi, who did not know it, had some doubts. What's going on?

"Well, almost everyone is here. Niu Gong, go to the door and stare. Don't let anyone approach. " Wu Zixu said to Niu Gong.

Niu Gong agreed and went to the gate to stand guard. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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