Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:25 AM

Chapter 520

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At nine o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai came to crown publishing house and met Jesse.

"Hi, Xiao, I haven't seen you for a week. It seems that you are a little thin."

Jesse was smiling and hugged Xiao Yunhai and said.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm making a movie nervously. It's strange to get fat. However, I see you are full of energy and energy. It seems that you have a good life. "

Jesse squinted and said, "of course. Harry Potter has sold 8.32 million copies so far. Can you say I'm not happy? Even when my father was alive, he never got this result. Congratulations, Shaw. The money you spent on Harry Potter will be back in a few days. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "thanks to your help, we can achieve this. Jesse, how many publishers have they come to

Jesse held out four fingers, made a comparison, and said, "the four are famous large publishing houses in Europe, and they have branches all over the world. They are Mr. Kohl of Macmillan publishing company in the UK, Mr. Louis of seiyi publishing house in France, Mr. Darren of mondaldori publishing house in Italy, and Mr. Garin of Bertelsmann publishing group company in Germany.

As long as they get the copyright, I can guarantee that Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone will sell well in Europe and the world as soon as possible. "

Xiao Yunhai has also heard the names of these four multinational publishing houses, and is not surprised that they are also interested in Harry Potter.

He thought for a while and asked, "what's the dividend ratio for books published by our publishing house before?"

"Based on the sales of books in the United States," Jesse said. Between one million and three million, we account for five percent. Between three and five million, we account for ten percent. Between five and eight million, we make up 15 percent. Between eight and ten million, we can make up 20 percent. As for more than 10 million, it is 25 percent, which is the highest point. Even if the United States sold 50 million copies, it was 25 percent. "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a while and said, "with the popularity of Harry Potter now, if I want 30 percent, do you think they will agree?"

Jesse frowned a little, thought about it, and said, "maybe. Harry Potter has sold more than 8 million copies in just 11 days, which has never appeared in the history of American sales. I think you can have a good talk with these greedy capitalists. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "what time will they come?"

"Ten o'clock, half an hour."

"Then we'll wait for them for a while."

At 9:55, the four persons in charge of the publishing house came to the reception room of crown press at the same time.

After introducing Jesse to you, cole of England, speaking fluent London English, said: "Mr. Shaw, I admire your vision and courage very much. Ms. Rowling's "Harry Potter" has been published by several publishing houses including Macmillan publishing company. Unfortunately, due to the high price of Ms. Rowling and the misjudgment of the editors, Harry Potter has not been sold well in Britain. We have to say it's a loss. Now, you've got the full copyright of it, and it's selling well all over the United States, so I think we can cooperate. "

Darren of Italy said: "yes. All four of our publishing houses have the ability to distribute all over the world. Through our operation, this Harry Potter book can be popular all over the world and set off a wave of magic. Therefore, we can't be wrong to give it to us. "

Xiao Yunhai puzzled asked: "the four publishing houses are world-class publishing houses, sales areas will not overlap?"

Berlin helped his glasses and said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, please don't worry about this. Our four publishing houses have cooperated many times, and there won't be any problems. The only question is, what kind of sales are you going to take? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "dividends."

"That's great," Greene said. I think Mr. Jesse has explained the rules of dividend to you. It's not difficult for Harry Potter to sell more than 10 million, so we can give you 25% profit. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said bluntly, "I want 30 percent."

Cole exclaimed, "no way. You are too greedy, Mr. Xiao. It's against the rules. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what are the rules. The biggest rule is the popularity of novels. Ladies and gentlemen, Harry Potter is not a general novel. Its potential is endless. After a while, MGM will make this "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone" into a movie. Once the box office is successful, its novel sales are bound to increase. At that time, the film and the novel complement each other and are prosperous, which is absolutely not comparable to other novels. Thirty percent is not high. "

Greene shook his head and said, "it's just a hypothesis. If the box office of the movie fails? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile:" it's still a worldwide free publicity for us, and the sales of novels will still soar, which is still good for us. Gentlemen, you know, this is only the first one. I have four more in my hand, plus the last two that Ms. Rowling is writing. Hehe, once the seven Harry Potter movies become popular all over the world, the profits it will make will be greatly beyond everyone's expectation. "Louis, who had not spoken for a long time, said: "Mr. Shaw drew a very big cake for us, but whether we can eat it or not is different. No matter how beautiful the future is, it's no use not reaching it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the sales volume of the United States is enough to give you confidence. Take a look at the comments on the Internet, more than 90% of them are highly praised, which is very rare for a work. "

Louis nodded and said, "that's why we're here. If you want to make a profit of 30%, you can do it, but there must be one premise, that is, our sales volume around the world must reach 50 million. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "no way. Sales of 30 million, this is my bottom line. And I also have a condition. I don't care about other countries. You can't enter Huaxia, because I have a very happy publishing house there. "

"No, no, No." Louis exclaimed, "Mr. Xiao, your conditions are too much. China has a population of 1.5 billion. Even if only one percent of the people buy this book, it will bring us hundreds of millions of dollars of wealth. We will never agree. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Lewis, are you sure? I am a writer in China. I have written four books with sales of 160 million and more than 40 million fans. If I say a word, they will rush to buy. At least 20 million sales, I can guarantee. With such a huge profit, if you are all here, you should have the same choice as me. "

"No matter how big the profit is, is it related to you? It's your pleasure to cooperate with the publishing house. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "my latest martial arts novel biography of Shooting Heroes" sold 50 million copies. The profit of sunshine publishing house is 90%

"No way." Darren exclaimed, "how could he have given you so high. What's more, your novels have sold 50 million copies? It's amazing. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's not difficult to inquire about it in China. If you really want the Chinese market, you need to give me a 35% dividend. "

Cole frowned, looked at the three men and said, "Mr. Xiao, we feel that you are too insincere. If you insist, we will have to give up. "

Xiao Yunhai solemnly said: "four gentlemen, I'm really sorry. Whether it is you or the publishers behind, this condition will never change. "

Xiao's face is so beautiful.

They stood up at the same time, made a move to leave, and said, "in that case, we can only give up."

Xiao Yunhai didn't have the slightest intention of detaining, and said: "I'm very sorry to let you all come here in vain. I'm going to have dinner with Kerry at noon. I'm afraid I won't be able to serve four of you

Cole narrowed his eyes and said, "Mr. Shaw, is Kerry Smith of MGM in your mouth?"

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and asked, "does Mr. Cole know him?"

Cole said with a smile: "of course. There is a best-selling novel in our bookstore, which is valued by Mr. Kerry, so we have a cooperation. You're not going to discuss Harry Potter movies, are you

Jesse, who has been watching the crowd, said: "Kerry has decided to shoot Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone two days ago. It is estimated that the investment will be 150 million US dollars. It is estimated that MGM's audit process has been completed."

"150 million dollars, isn't it too little?" Cole road.

Jesse pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "150 million US dollars is only half of the investment, and the other half is borne by Mr. Xiao in front of you. Ladies and gentlemen, if we start preparing now, the film will be released by the end of the year, and then our second film will be released. At that time, don't blame us for not giving you a chance. "

They looked at each other, frowned, and sat down again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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