Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:18 AM

Chapter 524

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In the evening, Xiao Yunhai, carrying a bag full of 2.4 million yen, and more than 10 brothers such as Gao Xiangfeng, came to a song and dance hall.

Zhao Xiang, a Japanese proficient special soldier, came to a gangster and said without expression: "we want to see your boss."

The gangster looked him up and down and said, "what are you doing?"

Zhao Xiang said, "send money. You can say that we are members of the if you are the one, and we will send him protection fees, and he will know

The gangster seemed to have heard of "if you are the one" and nodded to a Huang Mao er.

Huang Mao'er, knowing this, walked into a box. On the sofa inside, there were four or five guys with strong body and tattoos on their arms.

A pale yellow, not too tall youth is singing with a beautiful woman.

Huang Mao'er stepped forward, attached to Ichiro hiragawa's ear and said, "boss, the if you are the one crew has come to send money."

When Ichiro hiragawa listened, his face showed a smile and waved his hand. The music stopped quickly.

"Well, I'm waiting for them. Last time that Chinese drama group was unconvinced, I repaired it and paid me ten million. This time we have to have this number. Ladies and gentlemen, you go out first. I'll meet the director who comes to deliver the money

Five or six beauties kiss Ichiro hiragawa's face and go out.

After a while, Xiao Yunhai, Gao Xiangfeng and Zhao Xiang walked in.

Everyone else was stopped.

Zhao Xiang pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said in Japanese: "this is Mr. Xiao Yunhai, the director of if you are the one. I've come here to pay for your protection. I hope you can release our deputy director from the police station."

With a contemptuous smile, Ichiro hiragawa said to Xiao Yunhai in fluent Chinese: "you are too uneducated. You can't even speak Japanese. You dare to film here."

A little surprise flashed on Xiao Yunhai's face. Despite the excessive indulgence on the face of this guy in front of him, he didn't expect that his Chinese language was so smooth that he saved a lot of trouble.

Xiao Yunhai sat opposite to Ichiro hiragawa, put the black bag on the table and said, "Mr. hiragawa, you should pay attention to the rules everywhere. When our crew comes to film, we will naturally send you protection fees, but if you get people to the police station, that's too much. "

Ichiro hiragawa disdained to say: "who let that guy do not understand the rules. Go and find out. Ichiro hiragawa is famous in this land boundary and works according to the rules. No crew who has paid the protection fee to me has never had an accident. "

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "he's just an associate director. I asked him to come here in advance just to do some preparation work such as shooting before shooting and looking for group performances. He has no money at all. How can I give it to you? "

Ichiro hiragawa waved his hand and said, "I can't control it. Anyone who comes to me must pay. And you talk to me in a proper manner. "

"I always speak with this attitude. Let's ask Mr. hiragawa to bear with me."

After Xiao Yunhai finished, he opened the chain of his bag and revealed a bundle of brand-new Japanese yen. He said, "this is 2.4 million yen. Please let our people go."

When Ichiro hiragawa saw the money inside, his greedy eyes flashed away. He pretended that he didn't care. He said, "because your deputy director is too ignorant, the cost has increased by 10 million yuan."

Xiao Yunhai's face turned cold and said: "Mr. hiragawa, I know you are the nephew of hiragawa Xiong, the leader of the black tiger group. I also know that the Black Tiger Group is the largest gang organization here. But I want to tell you that I came to give you money just because I don't want to fight for this small 2.4 million yen. It doesn't mean that we are afraid of you. "

Ichiro hiragawa was stunned. Then he laughed and said, "for the first time in many years, I have heard that someone dares to threaten me. Good. For your courage, I'll give you a chance to kneel down and apologize to me. Otherwise, you'll be beaten up and thrown out. "

Xiao Yun sea expressionless said: "why don't you kill me? You don't even kill people in the underworld? "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Ichiro hiragawa was shocked and shivered at the cold eyes of Xiao Yunhai and his three men.

Although the Black Tiger Group is a underworld, in fact, most of the people are just a group of mobs, bullying people can, but you want them to fight with the dead, it is estimated that they run faster than anyone else.

Ichiro hiragawa is a second generation ancestor who doesn't do anything at all. He once saw several bodyguards who really killed people around his uncle. Their eyes and the murderous spirit they emit are the same as Xiao Yunhai.

Do you think they killed people?

Ichiro hiragawa asked solemnly, "who are you?"

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "kill the man who doesn't need any effort to kill you. Mr. hiragawa, it's just a matter of millions of yen. I don't want to go to this stage. But if you really want to force me, it's a dead end. Money or knife, you choose. "As soon as Xiao Yunhai's voice fell, a military dagger was thrust on the table like lightning. Ichiro hiragawa's face changed greatly and he stood up directly. The five big men nearby also looked at the three men with alert eyes.

Ichiro hiragawa knows that with the dagger skill of the middle-aged man just now, if his object is himself, I'm afraid

Thinking of this, Ichiro hiragawa suddenly shuddered.

Xiao Yunhai gently patted the table, and the dagger bounced up and fell into his own hands. He turned his head and said to Gao Xiangfeng, "Lao Gao, how can you be so unreasonable in front of Mr. Pingchuan, and don't you apologize?"

Gao Xiangfeng took the dagger from Xiao Yunhai's hand, played with it for two or three times and then disappeared. Then he said to Ichiro hiragawa, "I'm sorry, I just disturbed you."

Seeing Xiao Yunhai and Gao Xiangfeng's Kung Fu, Ichiro hiragawa didn't know that he had met a Chinese kung fu master.

If he annoys people, if he uses a dagger to give me a drop, then he is not dead.

Xiao Yunhai looked at Ichiro hiragawa, whose face was blue and white for a while. Feeling almost frightened, he pushed his bag back to him, with a smile on his face, and said, "Mr. Hirakawa, there is an old saying in China that an enemy should be solved rather than married. I'm not a person who doesn't know the rules. In fact, if you are the one is just a small group. Originally, I only needed to pay 1.2 million yuan, but I brought 2.4 million yuan here, which has fully demonstrated my sincerity. I also ask Mr. Hirakawa to give my brother this face. "

Play a stick, give a sweet jujube, this saying handed down by the ancestors was used by Xiao Yunhai is superb.

When Ichiro hiragawa saw that the other side had given him a step, he immediately stepped down the mountain and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, you are welcome. In that case, I will not be respectful. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it should have been so. Mr. Hirakawa's Chinese idioms are very good. Did you go to China to study them

Aware of Xiao Yunhai's kindness, Ichiro hiragawa sat back to his seat and said, "yes, I went to China to be an overseas student for four years."

"Shit, even the black ones are overseas students. It's so funny." Xiao Yunhai held back the smile in his heart and said, "so it is."

At this time, the yellow hair son suddenly rushed in and cried out in Japanese: "boss, it's not good. Our people are working with each other."

Hiragawa a listen, way: "hurry out to have a look."

When they came to the dance hall, the battle was over. Dozens of thugs were lying on the ground, screaming.

When Ichiro hiragawa saw that the other side was only a dozen people, he cleaned up so many of his subordinates. He wiped a sweat in his heart and said happily, "it's lucky that we haven't made enemies with each other."

When Xiao Yunhai turned his eyes, he suddenly burst into a drink. He raised his right palm and slapped it on a table beside him. He heard a bang, and the table fell apart.

The strong palm power surprised everyone.

Ichiro hiragawa was even more frightened. You should know that the table is made of solid wood, and it is extremely hard. Xiao Yunhai can smash it with one slap. If you slap it on yourself, it will break all the internal organs.

Xiao Yunhai angrily said to the crowd, "do you all think you are great. Ah? Did I let you do it? Mr. hiragawa and I have become friends. What are you doing? When you come back to Yanjing, I'll see how I deal with you. "

After scolding them, Xiao Yunhai turned to Ichiro hiragawa and said, "these guys used to be our special forces in China. They didn't know what to do. I'm really sorry. In this way, I will pay for the loss of the dance hall, the medical expenses of the brothers and their mental loss expenses. I will send the money tomorrow, and we will never let anyone suffer any loss. "

After one after another of Xiao Yunhai's deliberate beating, Ichiro hiragawa did not dare to be arrogant in front of him. He said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao is polite. A minor injury is just a common occurrence for us. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's no good. You can do what you should. Mr. hiragawa, do you think my people are... "

Ichiro hiragawa even said, "don't worry, Mr. Xiao, there is no problem. I'm going to make a phone call. You can have someone pick him up. "

Xiao Yunhai happily held his hand and said, "thank you, Mr. Pingchuan."

When Ichiro hiragawa slaps Xiao Yunhai on the table, his face turns white when he shakes hands with himself.

Xiao Yunhai laughed in his heart and let go of his hand and said, "in this case, Mr. hiragawa, we will go back. In the future, I'd like you to help us with the filming. "

Ichiro hiragawa now wishes Xiao Yunhai to get out of the house. Hearing this, he said in a continuous voice: "there is no problem. As long as it is here, I promise no one will make trouble for you. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "that would be great. Goodbye. "

Ichiro hiragawa said, "take your time, Mr. Xiao."

Seeing Xiao Yunhai off, Ichiro hiragawa took a deep breath and said, "this guy is too terrible."

A bodyguard next to him nodded and said, "it's terrible to slap the table like that with one hand."Ichiro hiragawa frowned: "let the brothers give me a long eye," if you are the one "crew, absolutely can not provoke, you know

"Yes." Five bodyguards said in unison. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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