Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:12 AM

Chapter 528

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When the two films are in full swing, Xiao Yunhai, in the center of the whirlpool, comes to a tea house wearing a long sleeve shirt and big sunglasses.

Walking into a box, Xiao Yunhai saw Yu Yuexian, who was about to come.

She was smiling and chatting with a handsome middle-aged man in her thirties.

Even the fool can see the deep affection in his eyes.

The other side also seems to have a good impression on her, looking at her eyes full of tenderness.

Xiao Yunhai said in his heart: "the relationship between sister Yu and him seems very different."

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Yu Yuexian's face turned red. She seemed embarrassed, but she soon returned to normal. She said, "Yunhai, come here quickly. Let me introduce you to him. This is my good friend man Wenbin, who has just returned from Wall Street. Wenbin, this is my brother Xiao Yunhai. You should know him. "

With a smile, man Wenbin stretched out his hand and shook Xiao Yunhai for a moment. He said, "Mr. Xiao's name is estimated to be unknown throughout China."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. man."

Yu Yuexian said, "you are too polite. In this way, Wenbin, you can call him Yunhai in the future. Yunhai, you... "

Xiao Yunhai interrupted her and said," sister Yu, do you want me to be brother bin or brother-in-law? "

On hearing this, Yu Yuexian blushed and said with shame: "what do you mean by a stinky boy?"

Man Wenbin is also embarrassed.

Xiao Yunhai can't help laughing when he sees the two men Lang's affectionate concubine's intentional appearance.

After the three sat down, Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea and said, "what a top Biluochun. Bingo, since you work on Wall Street, shouldn't you like coffee? Why did you invite me to the tea house

Man Wenbin said with a smile, "I heard Yuexian say that you are not interested in coffee, so I chose this tea house."

Yu Yuexian said: "Yunhai, your brother binge is famous on Wall Street. He once served as the CEO of several multinational enterprises. This time, he wants to set up a website and needs your help."

Xiao Yunhai did not understand: "what kind of website? What can I do for you? "

"I want to build a video website," man said

"Video sites?" Hearing man Wenbin's words, Xiao Yunhai could not help frowning.

In China, the three major video websites have divided up the entire film and television resources. It is unrealistic to take out a piece of fat from their mouths.

Man Wenbin naturally guessed Xiao Yunhai's idea and said with a smile, "Yunhai, are you afraid I have no piece to put?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said bluntly: "yes."

Man Wenbin appreciated Xiao Yunhai's directness and said, "you don't have to worry about that. My website focuses on foreign entertainment programs, and will not directly conflict with the three major websites. "

It turns out that while he was working on Wall Street, man spent more than two billion dollars on the copyright of more than 80 excellent TV series, more than 100 excellent films, more than 200 performances of various forms and dozens of superstar concerts.

So many shows are enough for him to support his website.

Xiao Yunhai puzzled asked: "brother bin, in this case, I don't understand, what can I do for you?"

Man Wenbin said with a smile: "my website has been set up a few days ago, and technicians are debugging. The network technology used is the most advanced in the United States, which can accommodate hundreds of millions of people to watch or download online at the same time, and the speed is very fast, which is much stronger than the three major video websites in China. Although the film library is not as good as them for the time being, with these wonderful programs from abroad, it is no problem to last for a year and a half. "

"Only in terms of publicity, we are far worse than them. It should be said that there is no comparability at all. Therefore, I hope you can sell me the network copyright of Langya list to make our website famous. You can rest assured that I won't charge a cent for all the online viewing and downloading costs. However, compared with them, the price may be 20% off. "

"Langya Bang" is the most successful TV series in China for decades. It is not only watched by more than half of the audience in China, but also a mess in Asia.

This TV play is like a torch. If it can be broadcast on man Wenbin's website, it will attract the attention of all Chinese people, and the website will also enter their field of vision.

This advertising effect alone is much better than advertising hundreds of millions of dollars.

Yu Yuexian said: "Yunhai, your langyabang will not be handed over to other websites, will it?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that's not true."

Yu Yuexian said impolitely, "don't you hurry to take it out. Yes? You can't help me out. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "now this TV play is being broadcast for the second time in Hebei and southern Henan. According to the contract, I can't put it on the video website. If binge wants copyright, he can only wait until the second round of broadcasting is finished. "Man Wenbin said with a smile: "my website will be opened in a month, this is not urgent. It's just that you can't sell the third round. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "it doesn't matter. But to get it, I have a proviso. If you can't, bingo, I'm sorry. I won't give it to you. "

Yu Yuexian said angrily, "you stinky boy, how big a thing you are, you even ask for conditions. Are you still my brother? "

Man Wenbin touched her and said, "Yunhai, what additional conditions do you want to talk about?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I hope the beauty next to you can become the hostess of your website as soon as possible. If you can do it, I'll give it to you. "

Yu Yuexian was embarrassed and angry and said, "Stinky boy, what are you talking about?"

With that, he secretly looked at man Wenbin next to him, and found that he was smiling at himself. Yu Yuexian was scared to shift his sight.

Man Wenbin said to Xiao Yunhai, "do you know the name of my website?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "how can I know if you didn't say so?"

Man Wenbin looked at Yu Yuexian affectionately and said, "it's called Xianyue video network."

On hearing this, Yu Yuexian was at a loss and said, "how can you name such a name? It's terrible. "

Man Wenbin said, "but I think it's the best name in the world. Yuexian, since Yunhai has put this matter on the table, I will not hide it. Yes, I've loved you since I saw you last year. You once asked me why I went back to China all of a sudden after doing a good job on Wall Street? I always smile and say nothing. Now I can answer you that the most important reason why I want to go back to China is for you. "

"Over the years, what I want most is a home, and I hope the hostess of the house is you."

"Yuexian, will you marry me?"

Hearing man Wenbin's confession, Yu Yuexian couldn't help weeping with joy. Just about to agree, he suddenly saw Xiao Yunhai sitting there laughing, so he said to man Wenbin, "Wenbin, this matter will be discussed after going home."


Xiao Yunhai rolled his white eyes and said, "sister Yu, if you like someone else, just say it directly. What's the meaning of hiding it. To tell you the truth, as soon as you came in, you knew you liked bingo. Because you look as like as two peas in his eyes, and my eyes are exactly the same. Ha ha, I didn't expect that I had the potential to be a lunar elder. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "you stinky boy, I'll settle accounts with you later."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "as long as you get married, don't forget to send me wedding candy. Come on, bingo. I was just joking with you. Don't worry, "Langya Bang" will be left for you. "

Man Wenbin said happily, "great. Thank you, Yunhai

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "it's just a little thing. Well, I'm not going to be a big light bulb here. Good bye, both of you. "

After man Wenbin and Yu Yuexian sent him out of the tea house, man Wenbin said with a smile: "although your brother is a big star, he doesn't have any airs. It's very comfortable to chat with him. There is no limit to the future of such a person. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "that's nature."

Man Wenbin said, "Yuexian, you haven't given me a reply."

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "look at your future performance."

Two people talk and laugh, left the tea house. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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