Published at 11th of May 2022 06:06:23 AM

Chapter 53

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As soon as Wu Zixu's face changed, his eyes looked at the mouse. The momentum of the top director was like a turbulent River, which spread out in waves and pressed directly at the mouse. Suddenly, the mouse's face was scared green. He is called a mouse, in addition to a good means of theft, there is another reason is timid.

Wu Zixu walked to the mouse step by step and said in a cold voice, "are you satisfied with the play you directed just now? Is it a sense of accomplishment? "

When the mouse heard this, his face turned pale. He knew that his police friend had betrayed himself. Although Xiao Yunhai's room is cool and comfortable with air conditioning on, at this moment, the big bea sweat still drips from his head.

The mouse thought of what Huo Gang said, gritted his teeth and forced him to say, "Mr. Wu, I don't understand what you mean?"

Wu Zixu laughed. He was very cold. The boy was still carrying the burden of not admitting. He didn't know what to say.

One side of Xue Ming clapped the table and said angrily, "mouse, you tell me the truth, just that one is really you do?"

He was so angry that he didn't dare to look down at Xue Ming.

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, stood up and said, "you are called a mouse. The nickname is a bit interesting. You are very good at unlocking the lock. Moreover, when you enter my room, I can't find any trace of being passive. It can be seen that you are a good master in this field. But do you know why you failed tonight? "

The mouse raised his head and looked at Xiao Yunhai, then lowered his head.

"I'll tell you." Xiao Yunhai continued, "because when you are outside the hotel, your performance is too bad. When you see me, you don't know how to cover it up. It makes you look scared. You are too timid. "

The mouse knew that he couldn't hide, so he took all the things and said, "yes, I just don't like you. How can you play such an important supporting role as a newcomer, and we have worked so hard for so many years, but we can't even show a face. That's why I'm jealous

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "brother, don't carry it hard. You can't carry it. I ask you, how much do you pay for a month? You can afford to buy drugs. It costs fifty or sixty thousand for that small package. "

On hearing this, the mouse pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "you Did you put it away? "

"I should say I threw it away. It's no fun talking about it now. Tell me, for what? "

The mouse clenched its teeth and was silent again.

Wu Zixu said coldly: "in this case, well, you can go now, and don't come to our crew tomorrow. Get out of here. "

There is really no way for us to do this. You don't have any evidence to say that he used drugs; you can't tell that he slandered and falsely accused him. Wu Zixu was so angry.

After the mouse left, Xue Ming's face was gloomy and said, "I'm really sorry, everyone. I'm not strict with this kind of thing. I promise I won't do it again in the future."

About the mouse, Xue Ming said he was not angry. It was a fake. It's stupid to challenge the bottom line of the entertainment industry for a small role. He knew that Huo Gang must be behind this incident. Otherwise, with the mouse's courage, he would never dare to go alone.

Wu Zixu snorted and said, "Xue Ming, you should know the seriousness of this matter. Not to mention anything else, once the mouse's goal is achieved, not only Xiao Yunhai is finished, but also our crew will be greatly affected. Whether we can continue shooting or not is still a matter of two words. I asked you xuejiaban to help, but you came to me. Do you dare me to use you? "

"Director Wu, after listening for so long, I finally understand the whole story. People say, when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. I think this matter is just a mouse's personal behavior, which has nothing to do with the whole Xue Jiaban. There is no need to upset the whole Xue Jiaban's hard work because of this one mouse dung. Since the film started shooting, Xue Jiaban has done a good job Feng on one side squinted truthfully and said.

As a representative of investors, Feng's words still have a lot of weight, and every sentence is reasonable, so people can't say anything.

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha a smile, said: "that teacher Feng can guarantee, after this kind of thing will not happen again?"

"Hum, a new person should have the appearance of a new person. So many senior people don't speak on the field. You just chew your tongue here and understand the rules."

For Xiao Yunhai, Feng Zhongshi has no good tone. If it was not for him, the money he collected would not be returned.

Xiao Yunhai snorted coldly and said, "rules? ha-ha. I almost got hurt in the rehab. You're still talking to me about the rules. I know that director Wu gave this role to me, and inadvertently offended a group of people. Everyone also saw that the first time they made a move, they were so cruel. Next time, they would have to kill me directly. I want to ask now, can my personal safety be guaranteed here? Am I going to put my life on the scene? ""You..." Feng Yunhai can't tell the truth.

Surprisingly, Zhang Xiaojing, who has always been a very low-key actor in the crew, suddenly spoke at this time.

"Everyone, I don't think Xiao Yunhai's words are alarmist. To tell you the truth, I am also very afraid now. This time Xiao Yunhai escaped by a fluke, but who can guarantee that he can escape the second time. If my room is also put things, then I can have such good luck? It's something that can ruin a person's life. "

Zhang Xiaojing has always been against Xue Ming. Because Xue Ming is a senior in the film industry, his status is higher than his own, and he is more popular than himself. Zhang Xiaojing can only swallow his anger, so he seldom expresses his opinions.

But not this time. Out of such a thing, Zhang Xiaojing's heart is also cluttered for a moment, in case this Xue Ming sees oneself not to be agreeable, let a person come to such a time for oneself, that oneself still can't be finished. The more he thought about it, the more afraid he was, and then he made a complaint.

Zhang Xiaojing's words immediately shocked everyone. Yu Yuexian stood up directly and said, "I'm afraid to hear Xiaojing say so. No, I'm going to check my house. "

With that, she was about to leave, but was pulled by Huang Qiusheng.

"Yuexian, don't worry, the sky will not fall. How to deal with this matter? Now it's panic. The rat business is really too much. If it is not handled properly, I think not only you but also all of us should be careful

When Wu Zixu saw the situation in front of him, he thought, "no, the two tranquilizing needles in the crew are putting pressure on the crew. If you don't handle it well, I'm afraid the whole crew is in danger of falling apart. "

Since Wu Zixu entered the circle, he has never encountered such a difficult matter.

Even Feng truthfully felt that things were not good. Although he was angry in his heart, he did not dare to speak again. If the drama group is really finished, as the spokesperson of investors, he must also follow the end. The gold owners behind them are not good men and women. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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