Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:09 AM

Chapter 530

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At three o'clock in the afternoon, Su Yingxue, who has not been seen for many days, comes to the villa with her team.

Seeing his agent, Xiao Yunhai exaggerated arms, hugged her, and said, "sister Xue, we haven't seen you for at least one or two months. I'm dying."

Su Yingxue rolled her eyes and said, "you don't talk. I've been back to Yanjing for such a long time. I didn't even call me. I was so lucky to say that I miss you and cheat the ghost. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "am I not busy promoting if you are the one?"

Zhao Wanqing took Su Yingxue's arm and said, "sister Xue, it's better if he doesn't look for you, so as to avoid trouble."

Su Yingxue sighed: "I feel sorry for the salary he gave me."

Since he became Xiao Yunhai's agent, Su Yingxue has done few things for Xiao Yunhai. No matter it is music or film and TV series, Xiao Yunhai doesn't need his own help at all, and his salary is the highest in the industry.

If you change an agent, you may be very happy about the situation, easily get so much money, where can there be such a good thing. But on Su Yingxue, who has a high spirit, she can't stand it.

The so-called "no merit, no reward", just give her so much money. Su Yingxue thinks that the money is burning.

Zhao Wanqing advised, "what's right with this? I'm sorry. Don't think so, sister Xue. In the future, he will trouble you a lot. "

Su Yingxue said, "I hope so. Swallow, it's almost time to make him up. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "sister Yan, you have to help me later. I didn't prepare anything but the dress. "

Zhao Yan said, "no problem. Why don't I give it to you first? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "it's OK. Sister Xue, is my dress ready? "

Su Yingxue nodded and said, "of course, it's the latest suit provided by Haoyu. It was agreed that it would be brought before four o'clock. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's great. By the way, I haven't heard the news of floating for a long time recently. What are you busy with now? "

Su Yingxue said: "I'm learning to perform. She is very malleable, and the company is going to train her to be a star in the third phase of film and TV songs. You'll have to help her

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem. When it comes to the role that suits her, I will keep it for her. Sister Xue, how are you thinking about my studio? "

Su Yingxue said with a bitter smile: "Yunhai, what I fear most is that you ask this question. I'm sorry, but I decided to stay in Tianhua. "

Xiao Yunhai frowns slightly, way: "why?"

Su Yingxue said: "I know that being an agent for you will bring me fame and fortune, and may even follow you to the level of a world star. But you know, it's me who follows you to that position, not you, which is a failure for an agent. Yunhai, you are so excellent that I have no sense of existence as an agent. No matter how much you achieve, it has little to do with me. But piaofeu is different. She is a very clever and sensible girl. She is tough, self-motivated and highly plastic. She is very attached to me. If one day, she can develop into a star performer, then I will have a great sense of achievement in my heart. Do you understand? "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "I understand. You are in order to realize your life value, which is very admirable. Sister Xue, I respect your choice. You and Piao Piao will come to me if you encounter any difficulties in the circle. I'm not bragging. There should be very few things that I can't handle in the whole Chinese entertainment industry. "

Su Yingxue's eyes turned red. She quickly suppressed her tears and said, "you guy, can't you say that? I'm sorry about it. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I'm sorry to come here. The door of my studio is open for you at any time."

Just then, the doorbell outside rang.

Su Yingxue said happily: "it should be the staff of Haoyu company. I'll go out for a while."

After a while, Su Yingxue came back with a suit.

After opening the package, Su Yingxue carefully inspected it from the beginning to the end. There was no problem, so she was relieved.

After a while, Zhao Wanqing came out after her make-up.

Xiao Yunhai used the extremely exaggerated expression to shout: "wife, you are simply too beautiful, just like the nine fairies descending to the earth."

Zhao Wanqing turned a deaf ear to Xiao Yunhai's words and said, "don't talk nonsense. Hurry in. Elder sister Yan is waiting for you."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned, shook his head, sighed, and said, "women are not easy to coax now."


"Ha ha ha."

Everyone laughed, even Zhao Wanqing could not help laughing.

The Organizing Committee attaches great importance to this golden cup TV Festival. With such a good result, it is natural to have a matching award ceremony.

Therefore, they not only invited artists from almost all over China, but also invited celebrities from the entertainment industry, managers of entertainment companies, and relevant leaders from the Ministry of culture and film and Television Bureau to participate in the grand event.On that night, the gate of Yanjing cultural theater was full of lights and stars.

According to statistics, the scale of the golden cup TV Festival is undoubtedly unprecedented. There are more than 300 stars, big and small, invited in. The red carpet show should go an hour more than before at least.

Two hundred meters of red wool carpet and high iron fences on both sides are ready to be continued. Hundreds of police officers who maintain public order are also standing in their own positions.

Hundreds of reporters just crammed the carpet on both sides, and fans had already arrived. They held up banners, held various fluorescent sticks and light signs, and had a heated discussion there.

The emotion is beyond words.

At six o'clock sharp, the first couple of stars finally stepped out of the car and stepped on the red carpet.

Fans cheered and screamed, and the atmosphere became warm.

The reporters' cameras, cameras and DVS roared in unison, and the flash lights turned the night into day.

This evening, the organizing committee arranged for Xiao Yunhai's female companion named Sun Liang. She is as beautiful as her name is. She is a very good actress. With Lu pheasant in Chu River Han Jie, she was shortlisted for the best supporting actress.

She is an artist of Hongda film and television company. She is very clear about the bad relationship between Xiao Yunhai and Mr. Xia. After a simple greeting, Sun Liang turned her head to one side.

Naturally, Xiao Yunhai would not stick his hot face to his cold butt, so he took out his mobile phone and played in the car.

If not for his wife Zhao Wanqing and his father-in-law Zhao Mingsheng, Xiao Yunhai would not agree to the arrangement of the organizing committee.

One minute later, Xiao Yunhai and Sun Liang are about to enter.

Sun Liang suddenly turned to look at Xiao Yunhai, tried several times, but did not mean to speak.

When Xiao Yunhai saw Sun Liang's silence, he couldn't help but feel happy. But for the sake of being a woman, Xiao Yunhai couldn't go too far, so he said, "Miss Sun, let's talk about anything. Don't worry. Words can't reach Xia Hongda and his son. "

Sun Liang's face turned red and said, "Mr. Xiao, I don't want to be like this, but as a Hongda person, I can only follow the orders of the boss."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I understand, so I didn't embarrass you, did I? Miss sun, if you have anything, please tell me clearly. "

Sun Liang said: "as you can see, it's not convenient for me to walk in this dress. So, I'd like to ask Mr. Xiao to help and take care of him a little later. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "no problem. Even if you don't, I will. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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