Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:08 AM

Chapter 531

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Soon, their car stopped steadily. A waiter in a white shirt and a red bow tie came up and politely opened the door for them.

Xiao Yunhai took the lead to get out of the car, waved to the fans who had already screamed, and then very gentlemanly took Sun Liang out of the car and joined hands in the entrance.

All of a sudden, the reporters did not stop to see the camera and flash.

Fans have long been crazy to shout, the audience collectively yelled Xiao Yunhai's classic slogan: "cloud emperor and cloud emperor, the world is unique.".

The sound was deafening and set off the climax of the whole red carpet show.

A reporter sees this scene, can't help but sigh: "cloud emperor's popularity is really too high."

"Of course. Mei Changsu, a gifted kylin in "Langya Bang", has been portrayed vividly by him, which has spread all over Asia. There are 110 million fans alone. You can see the popularity. "

"Throughout the Chinese entertainment industry, he is the most likely to become a world star."

Seeing the fans' crazy pursuit of themselves, Xiao Yunhai's face showed a brilliant smile and waved to everyone.

To say that the most painful is Xiao Yunhai's wife Sun Liang.

She knew that Xiao Yunhai was very popular, but she didn't expect to be so high.

Thousands of people, even some reporters, were shouting the classic slogans of Xiao Yunhai. All the people's eyes gathered on him, but they seemed to turn a blind eye to himself. This made Sun Liang extremely embarrassed and her smile became very reluctant.

When she was in a trance, she suddenly accidentally stepped on the edge of her skirt. When she raised her left foot and stepped forward, she screamed and fell forward. If you follow this trend, you may end up in a mess.

Seeing this accident, all the reporters were in a state of spirits, and the camera shot quickly turned from Xiao Yunhai to Sun Liang, who was shocked.

Although Xiao Yunhai has been waving to fans, she occasionally puts Yu Guang on Sun Liang. First, he has promised to take care of her. Second, her skirt is too long. Xiao Yunhai is worried that she will step on her clothes.

Therefore, after discovering that Sun Liang had an accident, Xiao Yun Haiyan quickly pulled her to his arms.

Reporters saw such good material, naturally will not let go, the flash lights up quickly.

Sun Liang's family background is average, can mix in the entertainment circle today this status, the intelligence occupies the majority.

Seeing all the eyes of the audience gathered on her and Xiao Yunhai, she made a crazy move and even in front of all the people, she kissed Xiao Yunhai.

Caught off guard, Xiao Yunhai quickly stepped back a few steps and looked at her discontentedly. She knew that she was using herself to improve her fame.

Fans also appeared a brief silence, followed by a bang, the whole scene exploded.

Who is Xiao Yunhai?

He is a Chinese superstar with hundreds of millions of fans. All his works, whether novels, music, movies and TV series, are highly praised by fans.

His love with Zhao Wanqing is the envy of female fans all over China. They are the most perfect couple in everyone's heart. Up to now, they are almost isolated from the scandal.

Such a clean-up star would let a woman kiss in front of the public for a while, and all fans expressed strong dissatisfaction.

"Who is that woman? It's shameless to kiss the emperor secretly. "

"Just now the emperor should not have saved her, let her fall a dog eat excrement."

"How could it be that this woman is not loving herself in order to attract attention."

"I don't know how angry I am when I see it."

Some impulsive fans, while cursing, throw their fluorescent sticks on the red carpet to show their dissatisfaction with Sun Liang.

Other fans saw this, and some of them learned from it.

This can be enough for those police who maintain order to drink a pot, fluorescent rods, mineral water bottles like grenades scattered down, how can they cope with it.

Seeing this, the red carpet security officer rushed out with several people, and then walked into the Grand Theater with Sun Liang, who was in disgrace.

Looking at the indignation of the crowd and still scolding Sun Liang's fans, the security officer went to Xiao Yunhai with a serious face and said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm afraid you still need to come forward with this matter."

Xiao Yunhai nodded, took a loudspeaker from a staff member's hand, and called out to everyone, "brothers and sisters, be quiet."

All the fans stopped at his words.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I'm also surprised at what just happened. Ms. Sun Liang may be grateful that I saved him, so she made the following action. I hope you don't get excited, let alone make any drastic actions, which will hinder the normal holding of jinzung TV Festival. How can I, Xiao Yunhai and He De, be so loved by everyone? I am really moved. However, I hope you can keep order and stop littering. Do you want to know that there are still many Empresses of heaven and queen of heaven and Empress of the movie coming. Are you still going to let us walk on the red carpet with fluorescent sticks and mineral water bottles? ""Ha ha ha."

Xiao Yunhai said, respectively to the fans on both sides of a deep bow, and then while waving, while walking into the theater, even the camera area, Xiao Yunhai did not stop.

Joking, Sun Liang's lipstick may still be on his face. If he doesn't wipe it clean, it's a shame.

Sure enough, when I came to the bathroom, I saw a little lipstick on my face.

Xiao Yunhai quickly washed his face and wiped off his lipstick.

Entering the meeting hall, everyone looked at him.

What happened on the red carpet has been passed on for a long time. As for why Sun Liang wants to kiss Xiao Yunhai, we are all artists. We are like a mirror in our hearts. How can we not know her mind.

Speaking of it, Xiao Yunhai is a victim. It's really depressing to be used by people who save themselves.

Xiao Yunhai, with a serious face, turned a blind eye to the eyes cast by the audience, and walked to his seat under the guidance of a staff member.

When she got to the fifth row, Sun Liang stood up and showed a pitiful expression to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, I just wanted to express my gratitude, not to attract people's attention. Please don't mind."

Nearby, the artists who heard her talk all snorted coldly, and said in their hearts, "you are deceiving ghosts."

Xiao Yunhai looked at her deeply and said, "no, that's the best. We artists want to be famous because of their works. No matter how clever the means of hype is, it is only a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water. Miss sun, if you're OK. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai went forward.

Next to the artists where can not understand Xiao Yunhai's meaning, one after another to Sun Liang showed disdain in the eyes.

A glimmer of disappointment flashed in Sun Liang's eyes. If Xiao Yunhai could not suppress his anger and quarrel with himself, it would be the best. It's a pity that...

such a thing happened. Xiao Yunhai was not angry. It was a fake.

Before tomorrow, no, it is estimated that the title "Xiao Yunhai bravely saves people, but is forced to kiss by the other party" may appear on the Internet now.

At the thought of this, Xiao Yunhai's lung almost burst with anger, and his face pulled down. The artists who wanted to say hello to him, seeing his face as heavy as water, gave up the idea one after another.

Xiao Yunhai's seat is in the middle of the second row, with Yu Yuexian on the left and Zhao Wanqing on the right.

Zhao Wanqing had arrived before him, and naturally heard about Sun Liang. In addition to Xiao Yunhai, the most angry is her.

Xiao Yunhai has always been a man of great atmosphere and broad-minded. He doesn't care about ordinary things at all.

But this time, seeing his face, Zhao Wanqing knew that she was really angry.

Zhao Wanqing took Xiao Yunhai's hand and said in a soft voice, "husband, don't be angry. We won't deal with her in the future."

Xiao Yunhai said in a deep voice: "I just saved her and didn't let her fall to the ground in full view of the public. But she's good, turn around and use me to achieve my goal. Such people are really chilling. People are like birds of a feather. Those who can survive in Hongda film and television media company are indeed birds of a feather. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "don't do that. Now the camera lens is shooting at you frequently. If you are so calm, fans will think you are playing a big game. After that, we will kill her

Seeing that the photographer in front of him had to turn the lens to himself again, Xiao Yunhai took a deep breath and pressed down his anger. Then he put out his tongue at the camera, showing a funny expression and said, "I'm ok."

At this time, Yu Yuexian sat beside Xiao Yunhai and asked, "Yunhai, what's going on? What did Sun Liang do that caused such a big reaction from your fans? "

She appeared just behind Xiao Yunhai. Although she didn't see Sun Liang kissing Xiao Yunhai, she saw fans throwing things on the red carpet. In the end, if it wasn't for Xiao Yunhai, it would be hard to clean up the mess.

Xiao Yunhai said faintly: "it's just that someone wants to use me to increase the exposure. It's not new."

Yu Yuexian said: "but I look at your appearance, as if very angry."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I just think of the story of the farmer and the snake that I learned when I was a child. The farmer saved the snake, but was killed by the snake. I feel like the farmer now, though not bitten to death, but used by others. I'm afraid anyone will be angry. "

Yu Yuexian said: "since that person has no conscience, it is not worth being angry for her."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I am not for her, but for human nature. Forget it. Let it go. Sister Yu, after I left, did brother bin tell you? "

Yu Yuexian's face was red, and his eyes were white. He said, "don't talk nonsense."

Seeing Xiao Yunhai return to normal, Zhao Wanqing patted him on the shoulder and said, "husband, come here, I want to talk to sister Yu."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "look at the fire of eight trigrams in your eyes, I know what you want to talk about."After changing their positions, Zhao Wanqing and Yu Yuexian started the hot chat mode, and from time to time they gave out pleasant light laughter.

Xiao Yunhai's ears are ten times more sensitive than ordinary people. Although the outside world is very noisy and their voices are very low, Xiao Yunhai still hears them clearly.

Good guy, I don't know. I'm scared.

Even Xiao Yunhai blushed at the secret language she said.

It's amazing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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