Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:06 AM

Chapter 532

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Due to the large number of artists present, the award ceremony almost covered the entire entertainment industry, so the red carpet time was delayed by half an hour.

The original eight o'clock golden cup TV Festival Award Ceremony did not officially begin until 8:30.

For the sake of safety, the award ceremony did not invite actors, but chose two golden partners Xu Jun and Meng Xiaohong to co host.

With the music playing, Xu Jun and Meng Xiaohong appeared in the center of the stage with a smile.

"Dear leaders, guests, audience friends in front of the TV, good evening. Welcome to the award ceremony of the 24th golden cup TV Festival. I'm CCTV host Xu Jun

"Good evening, everyone. I'm Meng Xiaohong, CCTV host."

Warm applause broke out on the scene.

Xu Jun asked, "Xiao Hong, I want to ask you a question. How many TV dramas have you chased in this year

Meng Xiaohong said with a smile: "too much. I've seen such big fire dramas as Romance of the Three Kingdoms, legend of Zhen Huan, Han boundary of Chu River, biography of Yue Fei, contending for hegemony in spring and Autumn period, and smiling proud of the lake

Xu Jun was surprised and said, "it's all men's plays. Xiaohong, we should be honest and not cheat people. "

Meng Xiaohong said with a smile: "I look at Diao Chan in romance of the Three Kingdoms, Yu Ji in Chu River Han Jie, Li xiao'e in Yue Fei Zhuan, Xi Shi in Chunqiu zhengba and Ren Yingying in Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu

Xu Jun said with a smile, "so you are all watching a paragraph."

Meng Xiaohong shook her head and said, "it's not. Don't forget, there is also a "Legend of Zhen Huan", which is a women's play. I saw it from the beginning to the end, and there was no episode left behind. Zhen Huan, Empress and Princess Hua in it fascinated me very much. It's a pity that fate has made people

Xu Jun said with a smile: "in fact, not only do you girls love to watch, but we boys also like it very much. Do you think so?"


All the fans at the scene all answered in unison:

Meng Xiaohong said: "recently, I fell in love with a TV drama, which is a typical men's play, but I like it very much."

Xu Jun said in surprise: "what kind of man's play can make our beautiful lady Meng Xiaohong fascinated."

Meng Xiaohong said with a smile: "the hero of this play is so handsome that I have become his iron powder. I believe that as long as I read a poem, everyone will know. Meng Xiaohong only made a head start, and thousands of fans on the scene were shocked and immediately read in unison: "remote printing is like ice and snow on earth, with faint fragrance and floating melody, facing the river. Know the heroic road all over the world, bow to the river, there are meilang. "

The atmosphere of the whole scene was stimulated by this poem.

The photographer's lens suddenly found Xiao Yunhai, who was smiling and whispering with Zhao Wanqing.

Seeing the camera hitting him here, Xiao Yunhai waved his hand, saying hello to the audience in front of the TV.

Xu Jun said with a smile, "so you are talking about Mei Changsu, a gifted scholar from Qilin. Yes, this is a rare masterpiece. Unfortunately, because it was broadcast too late, this year's golden cup TV Festival did not include it, it can only be put into next year. "

After some more jokes, the award ceremony officially began.

According to the usual practice, the best screenwriter award will be presented first, with Du Hongtai, director of Chu River and Han Kingdom, and Mr. Wu Heng, a leading scriptwriter.

Du Hongtai said: "Mr. Wu, let me ask you a question. There are nine best screenwriters in the golden cup award this time. There are men and women, old and young. Can you tell me who you like best

If you change other people, you must praise everyone and say that everyone is likely to win the prize.

But Wu Heng is more than 80 years old and half of his body has been buried in the earth. Therefore, when he talks, he has no scruples and says, "I prefer that young man Xiao Yunhai."

Xiao Yunhai's fans applauded and applauded, while the other eight shortlisted screenwriters felt embarrassed.

After hearing Wu Heng's reply, Du Hongtai was a little silly, but not flustered. Instead, he asked, "why?"

Wu Heng said with a smile: "in my eyes, this play is the pinnacle of Hougong opera, and there is no one comparable to it. Although the other operas are very good, they do not reach the level of "Zhen Huan Zhuan", which is why I think so. Of course, this is just a statement from one family, which has no effect on the award results. Acer, who do you think will win the prize? "

Du Hongtai didn't even think about it. He replied, "I certainly hope it's Zhang Rongfei, the screenwriter of Chu River and Han kingdom."

Wu Heng said: "let's take a look at who can win this award?"

Seeing that Wu Heng was about to open the envelope, Du Hongtai hurriedly stopped him and said, "Mr. Wu, don't worry. You haven't read the shortlist yet."

Wu Heng was stunned and said with a smile: "I'm old and my brain is not working well. I almost forgot about it. Let's take a look at these excellent writersNine TV dramas quickly appeared on the big screen. Xiao Yunhai's "Legend of Zhen Huan" was the last one, which was won by Zhao Wanqing and Yu Yuexian.

Wu Heng handed the envelope to Du Hongtai and said, "my eyes are not very good. You'd better come."

Du Hongtai nodded, tore open the envelope, and read: "the best screenwriter of the 24th golden cup TV Festival was..."

when he called here, Du Hongtai gasped and turned to Wu Hengdao: "Mr. Wu, your guess is correct. It's Xiao Yunhai, the screenwriter of the Legend of Zhen Huan. Please accept the award."

Hearing that Xiao Yunhai won the best screenwriter award, Zhao Wanqing beside him stood up happily and hugged Xiao Yunhai tightly.

Shaking hands politely with the stars around him, Xiao Yunhai walked to the stage with a brisk pace.

When he took the trophy from Wu Heng, Wu Heng said: "young man, your Zhenhuan biography and langyabang are very good. I like them very much. Come on, the future of film and television belongs to you. "

Xiao Yunhai hastily and modestly said: "old Wu, don't say that. Yunhai can't bear it."

When he delivered his speech, Xiao Yunhai said: "thank the golden cup jury for giving me this award. Script is the starting point and source of film and television drama. The quality of a play can be basically seen from the script. Winning this award for two consecutive years is a great encouragement to me. I will continue to work hard to write more and better works. Thank you

In the applause of the whole audience, Xiao Yunhai took the golden cup award and stepped off the stage.

The second prize is the best art design award, which was won by Ke Zhen of Chu River and Han Dynasty.

He has been nominated many times in his life, but he has never worked well in the group.

There are nine winners of the best art award. I thought it was even more impossible, but I didn't expect to win it.

When Ke Zhen delivered his speech, tears filled his eyes, saying that this was the best gift he had ever received before retiring.

Everyone also applauded the old artist who had made dozens of films and TV plays.

When Ke Zhen came to the stage to receive the award, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing had already gone backstage, and they would present awards for the next best fashion design.

After hearing the host's invitation, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing looked at each other with a smile and walked onto the stage arm in arm.

The appearance of the two immediately ignited the enthusiasm of fans.

They can't help but stand up and scream and shout to the stage. Some of them even shed tears.

The huge sound wave, like the flood of the breakwater, swept the whole theater.

With Mei Changsu in langyabang, Xiao Yunhai has reached 110 million fans. Zhao Wanqing has nearly 100 million fans with Ruoxi in "startling step by step", Zhen Huan in legend of Zhen Huan, Ren Yingying in Xiaoao Huhu and princess in langyabang.

They are also model couples in the circle. After they come on stage together, it's good that fans can not riot.

Ye Yongren looked at the beautiful men and women on the stage and sighed, "I really envy them."

Liang Hui nodded beside him and said, "who is not envious of all the artists in the circle. They are the most rare couple in our entertainment industry. They are talented and beautiful. I really hope that they can love each other like this forever and set a good example for those young artists who have been messing around all day. "

Ye Yongren said with a smile: "I understand their temperament, I believe they can."

On the other side, Xue Tianhua of Tianhua film and television media company said to Zhao Mingsheng, "Mr. Zhao, I really envy you. You are lucky to have such a daughter and son-in-law. "

Zhao Mingsheng said with a smile: "my greatest achievement in my life is not Hanhai, but the birth of such a clever and sensible daughter. She has found me a son-in-law who is both capable and filial. Ha ha, if they give birth to a grandson for me in the future, I will have no regrets in my life. "

Looking at his daughter and son-in-law on the stage, Zhao Mingsheng's eyes are full of pride. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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