Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:05 AM

Chapter 533

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Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went to the front of the stage and bowed to everyone. The scene, which was so hot that it was like a frying pan, almost overturned the roof.

Xiao Yunhai blew a breath into the microphone. The whining sound made the fans quiet down quickly and wanted to hear what Xiao Yunhai wanted to say.

"Ha ha, wife, have you found that all the artists present are wearing very beautiful clothes."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "it's worth saying. To attend this important award ceremony, of course, you have to put on some new clothes, don't you? "

Xiao Haiyun couldn't help it. Since the advertising for Haoyu clothing, they have been wearing them in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Before they arrived, they asked me to advertise the name of Haoyu clothing. You said that such a sincere person like me, how can you mention Haoyu clothes in front of so many people. Although Haoyu's clothes are really good, I can't do this either. Do you think so? "

In Xiao Yunhai's passage, when he comes to the four words of Haoyu clothing, he deliberately accentuates his tone and highlights its name, as if he is worried that everyone can't hear clearly.

But in the end, he even said that he was sorry to advertise, which immediately caused a burst of laughter from fans.

Zhao Wanqing said: "husband, do you know why people laugh at you?"

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be puzzled and asked, "why?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "you just mentioned the name of Haoyu clothing four times, but you still have the face to say that I'm sorry to advertise. Ah, I can't help but admire the thick skin. "



Hearing Zhao Wanqing's words, everyone laughed.

Xiao Yunhai said triumphantly, "if my skin is not thick, how can I catch you such a beautiful daughter-in-law. Do you think so? "


Both the stars and the fans answered in a loud voice.

Zhao Wanqing said with tears and laughter: "I really believe you. Hurry up, don't waste time. We can't wait for the award. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I still want to say two words? Why can't we wait. You tell me, can't wait

"I can wait."

Xiao Yunhai said happily, "see, everyone likes to listen to me."

Zhao Wanqing helplessly said: "husband, what do you want to say?"

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "let me tell you a story about clothes. I used to bet with one of my friends that we would wear the most ugly clothes and let passers-by evaluate us. Whoever loses, give the winner a lollipop. My little friend is so good. He is really ugly. On the way, I met a very interesting person. When he saw my little friend, he said an evaluation that I would never forget in my life

Zhao Wanqing asked, "how do you say that?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "he said," look at you. Look at your back. You can see the thousands of troops. Turn your head to scare off millions of lions. "


"Ha ha ha."

"That's very interesting."

Zhao Wanqing couldn't help but smile and said, "so you must have lost?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "no, I won."

Zhao Wanqing was surprised and asked, "can you still win?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't know that the strong are more powerful. Is a mountain uglier than a mountain? I'll tell you, that person saw my shape again, and was immediately shocked. He didn't say anything. He took the camera out of his bag and took several pictures of me. I asked, "what are you doing?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "yes, what is he doing?"

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "he said, little brother, your clothes are so handsome. I'll take two more pictures to ward off evil spirits at home."


"Ha ha ha."

"I can't stand it. Yunhuang is so funny."

"It was used to ward off evil spirits at home. How ugly it would be."

Everyone burst into laughter and gave the most warm applause.

Zhao Wanqing said, "you are really a cow."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's not over. The man came back to me the next day and asked me to compensate him for a computer. Didn't you get a picture of me? How to compensate your computer? He said, last night, I had a whim and used your photos as the desktop of the computer. As a result, the computer was poisoned and the anti-virus software could not be killed. Finally, the host computer smoked! "

" ha ha ha ha. "

Under the stage is already smiling, people turn upside down, many people shed tears.

Originally, the seven candidates who were very nervous were not happy after hearing Xiao Yunhai's jokes, and their nervousness was swept away.

Wang Guoan laughed and said, "Yunhai is such a good boy. No wonder everyone says he is a super comedian."

In this golden cup TV Festival, Wang Guoan won the best actor for Cao Cao in the romance of the Three Kingdoms and the best supporting actor for Yongzheng in the legend of Zhen Huan.Next to Liu Bei and sun Yanjun, who was also shortlisted for the best male host and best male partner, said: "you didn't see the sketch he played on Mango stage. That's really funny. I'm basically laughing from the beginning to the end. "

Wang Guoan said, "when I go home, I'll have a good look."

Xiao Yunhai on the stage saw that the atmosphere almost came to life, and then said with a smile: "well, everyone, just told a joke, just to make everyone happy. How can we be used to ward off evil spirits, even if we wear ugly clothes, we are still handsome by our handsome appearance. "

Zhao Wanqing directly added: "you are the most funny joke."

"Ha ha ha."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's boring. Let's see on the big screen, which teachers are shortlisted? "

The large screen shows the TV plays of the seven candidates one by one, including Zhou Yun, the fashion designer of legend of Zhen Huan.

Xiao Yunhai opened the envelope and saw the name on the card with a knowing smile on his face.

He handed the card to Zhao Wanqing and said, "it's too familiar. I'm sorry to announce it."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Zhou Yun's face was pleasantly surprised and his heart was pounding.

Xiao Yunhai has made a total of three TV dramas, except "love apartment" does not need a costume designer, the remaining two are all looking for themselves.

He didn't know the other six finalists at all.

Since there are acquaintances, there are others.

Sure enough, Zhao Wanqing read: "the best fashion designer of the 24th golden cup TV Festival is... Ha ha, come on, sister Zhou Yun."

As soon as Zhou Yun heard this, tears flowed out.

After years of hard work, we finally got the affirmation of jinzung.

The excitement in my heart is really beyond the understanding of others.

Zhou Yun wiped away her tears and stepped onto the stage, hugging Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing.

Holding the golden cup trophy, Zhou Yun took a deep breath and said, "it's disgraceful. I cried excitedly. Thanks for the recognition of Jinzun jury and director Xiao Yunhai for trusting me and giving me all the things about clothes and make-up. Although I know that he is too lazy to care about this, I still thank him. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so excited


"Ha ha ha."

Zhao Wanqing on one side touched Xiao Yunhai, who couldn't laugh or cry.

Zhou Yun continued: "thank my sisters for their great support in their daily work. Thank you very much." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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