Published at 11th of May 2022 05:55:00 AM

Chapter 536

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The next day, Xiao Yunhai got up early.

Even if he didn't sleep for three days and three nights, it was just a matter of leisure.

Although Xiao Yunhai expressed strong support for the artists Protection Association last night, in fact, he was not very interested in it.

Wang Guoan, Hong Tiancai and others are old and want to contribute to the entertainment industry. This idea is very good.

But Xiao Yunhai can't do it. He is only 22 years old this year. His career is far from reaching his goal.

Therefore, he can provide money to help, but what kind of director should he serve as and do some specific work? Forget it. His own movies and TV series are too busy.

In the yard, Xiao Yunhai punched for an hour, then went out to eat some breakfast, and bought some bean juice and fried dough sticks for Zhao Wanqing, who was still sleeping there, and then came back.

Xiao Yunhai turned on his computer and watched the news about the golden cup TV Festival last night.

Sure enough, before the award ceremony was held last night, the major entertainment websites released the news of Sun Liang's secret kiss. The pictures were extremely clear, even the appearance of her frowning was clearly photographed.

Xiao Yunhai sighed: "Sun Liang has achieved his goal."

Although Xiao Yunhai is very unhappy, but also helpless, at most later do not contact with her. There's nothing else to do. You can't beat her up. Some scum men may be able to do such a thing, but Xiao Yunhai will never do it anyway. He can't afford to lose the man.

Of course, Xiao Yunhai's fans are not vegetarians. They are very angry with Sun Liang for kissing Xiao Yunhai secretly.

Last night, Sun Liang's home page was completely captured by tens of millions of fans.

In the comments area, all the posts were scolding her.

Sun Liang's team had no choice but to temporarily close her home page and wait for the wind to pass.

Compared with the golden cup TV Festival, the incident between Xiao Yunhai and Sun Liang is just a small episode.

On Xiao Yunhai's home page, the number of Posts posted by fans has reached more than 30 million overnight, and there are all kinds of things mentioned above.

"Congratulations to Emperor Yun on winning the best screenwriter, best costume design, best supporting actor, best supporting actress, best leading actress and best TV series. The emperor is invincible. "

"Upstairs, did you forget the award for the best TV theme song?"

"It was obtained by Emperor Yun with the historical sky in the romance of the Three Kingdoms, not the legend of Zhen Huan. This should be clarified."

"Ha ha, in the golden cup TV Festival, where there are so many masters, the cloud emperor can get so many awards by virtue of the legend of Zhen Huan. What about next year's Langya bang? It seems that this TV play is much stronger than the legend of Zhen Huan. It will not sweep everything like the Golden Cup Music Festival. It will be boring. "

"In order to celebrate the great victory of the emperor Yun on the golden cup, I Longba nine days in the magic pack 30 games, please go to see if you are the one, I can't wait to see the comrade played by cloud emperor, ha ha ha."

"I Xiaoli Feixue in Hangzhou package 30" if you are the one ", everyone is welcome to see."

"In my dream, I found him in Nanjing for 50 if you are the one..."

among the hundreds of millions of fans of Xiao Yunhai, there are countless rich people.

This point is reflected incisively and vividly in the Qinghai charity foundation for students sponsored by Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing.

Now the foundation is already the first charity foundation in China. So far, it has raised 16.35 billion donations.

Among them, the first one is a girl named Hu Yao, who has donated more than 20 million, and more than 20 others have contributed more than 10 million yuan.

So many staff members have to help.

Every month, the list of donation projects will be listed.

Up to now, more than 800 schools have been built in various places.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing have also become the biggest stars in the charity world. Many charity parties want to invite them in, but they both refused.

After a while, Zhao Wanqing woke up.

She needed to catch the plane at noon and go back to Hengdian to continue filming. She had to tidy up in advance.

I can't help it. Their crew's filming time is so tight that she can't even attend the premiere of "if you are the one" three days later.

However, Xiao Yunhai was not ready to make a big deal, because he heard that Huafeng international not only invited all the big stars of Star Trek, but also brought other Hollywood stars and domestic stars to the platform for them.

No matter how big Xiao Yunhai is, it's impossible to compare with "travel around the world". In this case, we should not hold the premiere.

When the time comes, I and other actors will go to the scene to meet with the fans and have a photo, which is all.

Mr. Zhao Wanqing and his senior brother Li Wanqing were invited to the airport.Walking into the box, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "director Du, elder martial brother, how can you two busy people invite me to drink wine?"

Du Hongtai's impression on Xiao Yunhai is very good.

In the competition between "Han Jie of Chu River" and "Legend of Zhen Huan", Du Hongtai once said frankly that he was afraid of "Legend of Zhen Huan", which changed the broadcast time of "Han Jie of Chu River".

Only through this incident, Xiao Yunhai can see that Du Hongtai has a big director's mind and self-confidence, which makes Xiao Yunhai very admire.

Du Hongtai's voice was very loud and said, "Xiao, please sit down. I'm asking you to come today

Xiao Yunhai sat on the chair and said with a smile, "director Du, you can call me Yunhai directly. If you have something, just say it. I'm not vague about what I can promise. "

Du Hongtai laughed and said, "I like you so cheerful. I want to shoot your "Legend of Shooting Heroes" like Lao Wu

Xiao Yunhai was surprised. He didn't expect that Du Hongtai would dare to shoot "Legend of Shooting Heroes".

Wu Zixu's "smile proud of the lake" has won the approval of the vast majority of fans, and the audience rating is also very good, which can be regarded as a very high tune for Xiao Yunhai's martial arts novels.

Du Hongtai's fame is no less than Wu Zixu. When his "Legend of shooting a hero" is broadcast, the audience will definitely compare it with "Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu". Once something goes wrong, it will not be a bit of a blow to him.

According to the audience's urine, it is estimated that Du Hongtai can be scolded to death.

Xiao Yunhai solemnly said: "director Du, I have great trust in your directing ability. However, the biggest problem is who are you going to play Guo Jing and Huang Rong? If these two roles are not to my liking, I will never give them to you. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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