Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:58 AM

Chapter 537

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There are six versions of the legend of Xiao and Weng, and the most famous one is the one of the six Shooting Heroes in the heart of xiaori Weng.

In particular, Weng Meiling plays Huang Rong, which is a smart and eccentric aura, which can not be performed by any version of Huang Rong.

It can be said that the choice of Guo Jing and Huang Rong is the key to the success of the whole play.

Li Xun was very appreciative of Xiao Yunhai's attitude and said, "Yunhai, how about handing over the role of Guo Jing to me?"

Xiao Yunhai looked Li Xun up and down.

Usually I don't think that this close observation makes Xiao Yunhai suddenly find that there are some similarities between his elder martial brother Mei Yu and Huang Rihua in his previous life.

Li Xun's skin is a little dark. Although he is in his forties, he seems to be in his thirties. At that time, just a little make-up, in appearance should be able to pass.

With Li Xun's acting skills, it is no problem to win the role of Guo Jing.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no wonder elder martial brother also came, originally wanted to play Guo Jing."

Li Xun asked, "don't talk nonsense, just answer me, OK?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "make up is no problem, then no problem."

Li Xun snapped his fingers, took out a picture from his pocket and said, "what do you think?"

When Xiao Yunhai looked at it, he couldn't help laughing, pointing to the photo and saying, "elder martial brother, is it really you? I can't see that you are more than 20 years younger in your dress. Ha ha, OK, Guo Jing is OK. What about Huang Rong? "

Du Hongtai said: "Huang Rong is really hard to find. In today's entertainment industry, I haven't found one that can be similar to Huang Rong in my heart. Therefore, I want to organize a large-scale talent show, looking for an actress with similar image to Huang Rong. When the time comes, all you need is for her to perform. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. However, director Du, let's put the scandal first. If the final search still fails, I won't make do with it because you have spent so much effort. "

Du Hongtai said with a smile: "don't worry. Even if you want to make do with it, I don't agree. Lao Wu is so good at shooting "Xiao Ao Jiang Hu". In any case, I can't lose to him. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "I'll be relieved."

Li Xun asked: "Yunhai, if you find a satisfied Huang Rong, how much are you going to invest? I tell you, you can't give me 300 million or 500 million, but I'm running for an average audience rating of more than 10 percent. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "elder martial brother, you don't have to inquire. Whether you're shooting by yourself or by someone else, I'll let the crew worry about the money."

Du Hongtai's eyes brightened and said, "how much investment do you prepare for me?"

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said: "the legend of the hero of the divine eagle is much bigger than the scene of" smiling and proud of the lake and the lake. ". At the beginning, director Wu spent nearly 800 million yuan. In this way, director Du, I will give you the upper limit of 1.2 billion yuan. As long as it does not exceed this number, it will be OK. "

"The biggest fear of being a director is that investors are pinching their necks. In the process of shooting, I will only send a few financial staff to take charge of the accounts. But they are only responsible for the cashier and have no other rights. How to play and how to use money has the final say. You will never give any restraint.

Du Hongtai laughed and said, "if so, I can't make a classic yet, then I'll just find a place to crash to death. Ha ha, no wonder Lao Wu said that the most relaxed play he has ever made in his life is Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu, which he cooperated with you. But after shooting, the most stressful one is Xiaoao Aojiang. "

"Why?" asked Xiao Yunhai

Du Hongtai said: "you trust us so much. If the final ratings are not ideal, you will lose money. We will not have the face to see you in the future. I feel exactly the same now

Xiao Yunhai said: "actually, there is no need for any pressure. "The legend of shooting a hero" has more than 50 million fans, and they alone are enough to support the TV series's ratings. "

Li Xun said: "however, success is also Xiao He, and failure is also Xiao He. If the play doesn't go to their liking, I'm afraid director Du and I will be drowned by the saliva of the fans. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that's right. Well, the business is over. Let's hurry up and serve. I'm starving now

Du Hongtai patted his head and said, "look at me. I'm so happy that I forget to eat."

A meal is a feast for both the host and the guest.

Before leaving, Xiao Yunhai also helped Du Hongtai's daughter sign several signatures.

Just returned to the villa, Zhao Zhen called in and said he wanted to invite him to dinner.

Xiao Yunhai knew that the boy must be preparing to shoot "love apartment 2" and ask him for money.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai said, "I'll give up the meal. How much does love apartment 2 cost

Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "because everyone is a second-class or above star now, his status is not low, so it needs about 55 million. Schoolmaster, I'll show you the list later. "Xiao Yunhai said: "no, I'll give you 65 million funds. All of them are classmates. Don't let people suffer."

Xiao Yunhai is very clear, after the first "love apartment" on the Internet hot download, the actors inside are also with the fire. Lin Lu needless to say, like Hu Yifei's actor Zhao Ke, has become a first-line star.

Therefore, if Zhao Zhen asks them to film again, it is not so simple as the package price of tens of thousands of yuan, but to calculate according to the set.

According to Xiao Yunhai's original calculation, it took almost 70 million yuan to shoot the play. However, Zhao Zhen's offer was only 55 million yuan, which made Xiao Yunhai feel a little uncertain, which just increased him by 10 million yuan.

In fact, Xiao Yunhai doesn't want to think about it. Other directors are always careful in their filming, and they want to take one yuan as two yuan. On the contrary, he didn't take money seriously at all, and the calculated figures would be different from Zhao Zhentian.

Hearing that Xiao Yunhai had added 10 million yuan to himself, Zhao Zhen directly laughed.

My senior is really interesting. Other investors try their best to save money, but the senior is afraid that he is not enough, and he should give himself 10 million more.

How much trust I have in myself.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zhen's heart suddenly moved and said, "Xiao Xuechang, we don't need so much money."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. Just send me the rest. Zhao Zhen, this play will be directed entirely by you. Whether it is good or bad depends on your ability. Come on, I'm waiting for you in Hanhai

Zhao Zhendao: "Xiao Xuechang, you can rest assured that I will not let you down."

They talked about the crew again, and then hung up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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