Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:57 AM

Chapter 538

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Time flies, in a flash came June 15, from "if you are the one" Premiere is only one day away.

At 9 a.m., Xiao Yunhai arrived at Yanjing International Airport, taking Li Bing's Great Wall high-grade business car.

At 9:30, Xiao Yunhai saw Kerry, under the protection of two bodyguards, walked out of the airport, and with him, Jesse of crown press.

Xiao Yunhai just came out of the car, and suddenly saw Li Xuyang, who had a good relationship in front of him, welcomed several people.

Li Xuyang and Kerry shook hands, said a few words, and then made a gesture of invitation, but Kerry shook his head and refused.

Xiao Yunhai smiled and hurriedly walked over and said, "Kerry, Jesse, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Kerry laughed, hugged him tightly and said, "Xiao, I thought you were not here."

Xiao said hello to Jesse, and then smiled to Kerry, "you two come to Yanjing. I will do my best to be a local friend. But Mr. Li Xuyang seems to have come to meet you too. "

Li Xuyang saw the relationship between xiaoyunhai and Kerry very good, frowning slightly and said, "Mr. Kerry, you may not know that our biggest competitor in China is Mr. Xiao's" if you are the one ". As MGM's representative, is it not appropriate for you to go with him? "

Kerry shook his head and said, "Mr. Li, thank you very much for coming to pick me up. But please don't forget that tomorrow is the premiere of the tour of the stars. I came here in advance, just want to play with friends in Yanjing for a day, this is my freedom, hope you do not hinder me. Thank you. "

Then Kerry took Xiao Yunhai's shoulder and, with Jesse, walked to xiaoyunhai's business car with a laugh.

Li Xuyang looked at the three people's back, and his face was hard to see.

"Kerry is really rude. He came to pick him up himself and arranged a welcome party in the western style. It was reasonable that he had followed his film competitors

"Mr. Li, what shall we do now?" said one of the assistants next to him

Li Xuyang angrily said: "people have gone, what else can I do? Call the company to inform the company that Prince MGM went out with Xiao Yunhai to play, and the banquet was cancelled. "

The assistant hurriedly said, "yes."

In the car, Xiao Yunhai asked, "have you both eaten?"

Kerry laughed: "of course not. You said, please take us to Yanjing delicious. "

Jessie sipped her lips and said, "I once came to Yanjing with my father, and I had a roast duck in a hotel. It was absolutely delicious."

Xiaoyunhai smiled: "Jessie, I tell you, the roast duck in the hotel is not delicious. Come to Yanjing, you don't go to Quanjude to eat a real roast duck, it is equivalent to not coming. "

"Quanjude?" "It seems that I've heard this name many times, and I always thought it was a restaurant. It turned out to be a duck restaurant," Kerry said. Xiao, then we will go to Quanjude. "

Xiao Yunhai smiled and said, "OK. Bingge, go to Quanjude store. "

Li Bing nodded and started the car.

Half an hour later, the car stopped steadily at the door of Quanjude head office.

Kerry got off the car, raised his arms and cheered, "Chinese food, I'm here."

Xiao Yunhai turned his eyes and said to Jesse, "we should go in quickly and we shall not know him. It's a shame. "

Jessie nodded, and said with a face of disrespect, "I feel that too."

Kerry cried, "you two bastards can't treat me like this."

Three people went into the restaurant, and Xiao Yunhai asked for two roast ducks, one for one, and gave them to Kerry and Jesse.

They were fed full of oil and were addicted to it.

Kerry muttered as he ate: "I have come to Yanjing so many times, and those people just say they want me to eat authentic Chinese food. But what they did in the restaurants was good, but it was not a little bit worse than the roast duck. "

Jessie nodded and said, "the roast duck I came to eat was absolutely not delicious here. Great. I love Huaxia. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed: "the things in the hotel are very good. Ordinary people only go once when they treat them. Because the things inside are too expensive. Usually, we will go to the roadside stall to eat, where snacks are very distinctive and various. There are at least hundreds of snacks over Wangfujing. The taste is better than the big hotel. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Kerry and Jesse looked at each other and said in unison, "go to Wangfujing in the afternoon."

After eating the roast duck, both of them have been unable to support.

Xiao Yunhai smiled: "you are too much to be able to stop. Let's go. I'll take you around and experience our Chinese culture. "

All day, Xiao Yun sea took them to major tourist attractions to see it all over.

At night, the three went to Wangfujing snack street, where Kerry and Jesse were dazzled by various snacks with different characteristics. They saw that they wanted to have one, but their stomach was so big and how to put them.They gave full play to their intelligence and wisdom. They only bought one for each, ate two more mouthfuls if they felt delicious, and threw them away if they were not.

After more than 20 hours, we still have two kinds of food in front of us. My stomach is no longer good. I can only watch but not eat. It's better not to look. "

Jessie nodded and said, "I agree. God, I've never eaten so much delicious food in my life

Kerry said with deep sympathy, "yes. I don't believe those so-called partners any more. It's disgusting that they didn't bring me to such a good place. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's polite that they don't bring you. China is different from America. In your eyes, this place may be much better than those big hotels. But in our Chinese eyes, this is not a place to enter the stream, not suitable to invite distinguished guests, generally only invite very familiar friends to come. Kerry, although you are a Chinese expert, you don't seem to know much about Chinese food culture. "

Kerry complained, "you have too many rules in China. How can I remember that. Xiao, I need to go to the premiere of Star Trek tomorrow afternoon, but it's OK in the morning and noon. Can you ask me to come here again

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course, no problem. By the way, I haven't asked, how many people did you invite to the premiere? "

Kerry said triumphantly, "Shaw, I tell you, you are finished. We invited more than 30 Hollywood stars alone, plus your domestic artists, there are 60. The scene is very big. No matter what, Xiao, you can't match it. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I know, so I don't even plan to do the premiere."

Kerry was stunned and said, "why don't you hold the premiere? You know, the premiere will play a very big role in the film

If I made a comparison with the media, I would laugh. As you said, no matter who I invite, it can't be bigger than you. So why should I spend money to get angry. Kerry, don't think you can win the box office if you invite so many stars. Do you know how many fans Wan Qing and I have combined? "

Kerry said, "how much?"

Xiao Yunhai stretched out two fingers and said, "200 million."

Kerry opened his mouth wide and said in disbelief, "how can it be?"

Jesse was also surprised.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "it's impossible. The other actors, all of them are Movie Masters, have their own fans behind them. Kerry, with them, my if you are the one wants to return to its original version, that is, two or three days. The difference is just how much I can earn. "

Jesse sighed, "Xiao, you're amazing. Kerry, I thought you were going to win, but now it looks like it's hard to predict

Kerry said with a smile: "I didn't want to beat Xiao. I think win-win is the best result."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Kerry, I heard that your price for a movie ticket is 50 yuan, right?"

Kerry nodded and said, "that's right."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "then you have to pray that there will be no problem with your film. You know, fifty yuan is a lot of money for ordinary people. The food you ate today is only 50 yuan. If the fans don't think too much about Star Trek, you'll be miserable

Kerry frowned and asked, "Xiao, what's your ticket price?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "originally I wanted to sell it for 30 yuan. But after seeing your bluster, I dropped another five yuan, or twenty-five yuan a sheet, which is exactly half of yours. "

Kerry's face changed and he exclaimed, "Shaw, you're too cunning. I feel very bad now. Why should Huafeng international cinema set such a high ticket price? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "because" Star Trek "is a Hollywood Science Fiction blockbuster, its attraction to Chinese fans is incomparable to any film. Kerry, you don't have to worry too much. The problem I'm talking about is that the quality of your films is not good. On the contrary, if your movie can get the approval of most fans, the ticket price of 50 yuan is enough for you to make a lot of money. "

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yunhai patted his head and said, "Oh, I forget that you are my enemy now. Why do I tell you these things?"

Jesse said with a smile, "Xiao, it's good to be your enemy. Not only do you have the best food to eat, but you can also get your valuable advice. "

Kerry also said with a smile: "Xiao, Jesse is right. There is no better enemy than you. "Star Trek" I saw, is absolutely a rare masterpiece, I believe, it will certainly let Chinese fans eye opener

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I hope so." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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