Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:54 AM

Chapter 540

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The first one to meet him was the Comrade Xiao Yunhai played.

When everyone saw the shape of Xiao Yunhai, everyone laughed.

"My God, this is the emperor of cloud. It's so funny."

"God, the emperor of cloud is really good enough to ruin himself like this."

"The original East invincible, now Comrade brother, cloud emperor next time is not ready to play eunuch."

"Boss, East invincible is eunuch, OK?"

Not only the fans, but also Chen Huan and Liang Hui, who are very familiar with Xiao Yunhai, couldn't laugh. Ye Yongren's tears came out.

The second person to meet was Wu Lan, a salesman in the cemetery. They mainly talked about filial piety to the elderly. Originally, it was very normal. But when Wu Lan took out the poster of the cemetery that had been prepared for a long time, everyone was dumbfounded and laughed.

The next plot, every one or two minutes, can make the fans laugh.

In particular, Zhao Wanqing plays the female stock speculators, which set off the climax of laughter in the whole cinema.

Ge Wuyou said: "sorry, to be honest, I have an appointment with two people this evening, which is more efficient. Please don't mind."

Zhao Wanqing said: "it doesn't matter. My job is to speculate in stocks. In the recent bear market, I have nothing to do. I have leisure to find a husband for myself. When the bull market comes, there will be no time. Do you speculate in stocks? "

Ge Wuyou shook his head: "do not fry, do not understand."

Zhao Wanqing said: "in fact, marriage and stock speculation are the same principle. You can value several stocks at the same time. Which one you want to buy in the end requires a calm analysis of its performance, such as appearance and figure, personality, education level, family background, income status, and so on."

Ge Wuyou asked, "what kind of performance do you think I should count as a stock?"

Zhao Wanqing looked at GE Wuyou and said, "from the age and appearance, you should belong to the kind that falls below the issue price."


"Ha ha ha."

"It's so funny."

"Don't say, the description is still very image, below the issue price, interesting."

Ge Wuyou nodded and asked again, "if no one can look up to you, you will be delisted, right?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "not necessarily. Generally, inexperienced people like to chase high, but the risk of chasing high is too high. It's easy to get into it. Those who have experience will buy the lowest price at a low price. Those who have a low market winning rate like you will not be attracted. Most people don't touch them, so the safety is better. "

When the fans heard Zhao Wanqing's words, they were all out of breath with laughter.

"Damn it, it's so amazing after the fine weather. It's the first time I've heard that marriage solicitation and stock speculation can be equated."

"But it makes sense."

"Yunhuang is so powerful that he can write this script."

Then, Ge Wuyou asked tentatively, "are you going to hold it for a long time or play for a short time, like me, who are you going to buy at a low price

Zhao Wanqing on the screen was almost choked by coffee.

The movie fans in the cinema are bursting with laughter.

"Long term holdings? Play for a short time. Ha ha. "

"I can't stand it. If you laugh again, you will burst your belly. "

"I knew that the works of emperor Yun will never disappoint our fans."

In the movie, Zhao Wanqing bent over with a smile and said, "play for a short time? Do you have that explosive power? You can only hold it for a long time

"What if you've been holding it for a long time and you haven't been strong?"

"Don't worry, I won't be stupid enough to hold only your one, can't all be weak? That's too much for me

Finally, before leaving, two people's a paragraph, let the whole audience laugh more than.

Ge Wuyou said: "I can tell you responsibly that I'm not safe. You'd better not touch it. Once you hit your hand, it's neither good for you nor useful for you. You can't throw it out if you want to cut it. From the investment point of view, even if I am a non-performing asset, I can't bear to leave it to you. Let's stop trading today. "

Zhao Wanqing saw Yu Yuexian, who was not far away from her seat. After taking a look at it, she said to Qin Fen, "I also have a stock to see. It's about 8 o'clock. Please go and talk to her."

When they got up to shake hands, Zhao Wanqing said, "now the big market is not good, don't blindly enter the market."

Ge Wuyou said, "I'm also a casual observer. We should be careful."

After that, laughter, applause and cheers began.

The editor in chief of a magazine, smiling, wrote in his book: "the lines are humorous, in line with reality, focusing on the joys and sorrows of small people, typical commercial comedies."

If "if you are the one" is hilarious, then "Star Trek" can be described with exclamation.

As in previous lives, the standard of Hollywood Science Fiction blockbusters is that the scene is grand, the visual effect is outstanding, and the imagination is flying wildly, which makes people reluctant to move their eyes."Star Trek" is undoubtedly doing a very good job in this respect.

Especially in the 40th minute, the spaceship and alien UFO war, so that fans even dare not breathe in the atmosphere.

"Oh, my God."

"This is the best science fiction movie I've ever seen."

"Last year's" star set sail "really just set sail. Compared with" Star Trek ", it's not a bit worse

"When can we make such films in China?"

Listening to the exclamation of the fans, Wang Yifu shook his head and sighed, "Xiao Yunhai's if you are the one is in big trouble."

Zhang Yihe nodded and said, "even I can't bear to miss a shot, let alone the fans. MGM made it. "

Kerry looked at the screen and asked Li Xuanwu, "Jack, what do you think of this film?"

Li Xuanwu was surprised and said, "is it worth saying? If you listen to the exclamation in the cinema, you should know that this film will definitely sell well. "

Kerry said: "your compatriot Xiao made a film called if you are the one, which is also premiered in the cinema. Do you think he can beat me?"

Li Xuanwu shook his head and said, "I know that his film, although it has invited a lot of movie queens, can not be compared with" Star Trek. "

Kerry sighed, "I don't know why. I always feel something wrong. Hehe, maybe I'm worried

Time flies, Xiao Yunhai's "if you are the one" entered the end.

Yu Yuexian plays Liang Xiaoxiao, who is not dead, and agrees to marry Ge Wuyou.

On a cruise ship, Ge Wuyou met fan kuanwei, who had bought the terminal, and finally bought it back with one million yen.

So far, the film is all over.

The lights of the cinema were bright, and the applause and cheering sound rose.

Xiao ascended the stage with all the staff.

The whole box rang out the slogan "made by Emperor Yun, must be a fine product".

The fans who were waiting for the second scene outside heard the sound, and their hearts suddenly dropped.

They know that, together with this slogan, it means "if you are the one" must be very good.

In the box, Xiao Yunhai held the microphone and said, "I'm very happy to hear your applause, which shows that our team's efforts are not in vain. Although this movie is also a comedy love story, compared with "Charlotte trouble", I think it is still a little progress. I hope you can go back and help us to promote it. I don't want to beat "Star Trek" at the box office, but at least don't lose too badly. What do you say

"Good." The fans yelled.

Xiao Yunhai handed the microphone to ge Wuyou, who said, "if you are the one" is the most comfortable film I have ever made, and it is also the most touching one. Thank you for coming to the cinema and supporting us. Thank you

After Ge Wuyou finished, he handed the microphone to Yu Yuexian, who then gave it to Wu Lan. In this way, the microphone finally reached Lin Hui's hand.

Before Lin Hui said anything, the fans below cried out.

"She's the assistant to the investor."

"It's beautiful indeed."

Lin Hui was very happy to hear that everyone recognized her at one glance. She said, "Hello, my name is Lin Hui. Thank you for coming to the cinema to support if you are the one

Just two words, but in exchange for the audience's warm applause and cheers.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "can you make some achievements? Even if you see a beautiful woman, you don't need to be excited like this. It's a good thing you don't have a girlfriend with you, or you'll be miserable. "

"Ha ha ha."

The crowd laughed.

Xiao Yunhai said: "well, everyone, remember to go back and help me make good publicity. Everyone should send me at least 10 posts, and the score should be at least 9 points. Have you heard me clearly?"

We all giggled and laughed in unison: "listen clearly."

Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction and said, "it's almost the same. No, you say, isn't it shameless for me to ask you to do so? "


"Ha ha ha."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "shameless, shameless. For "if you are the one" box office, I will be shameless to the end. That's it. Thank you so much. Good bye for the premiere

With laughter, the premiere of if you are the one is over. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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