Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:53 AM

Chapter 541

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After the fans left, Xiao Yunhai invited the creators of if you are the one and the stars who came to help the platform have a good meal.

At the dinner table, Liang Hui, ye Yongren, Deng Yue and others highly praised if you are the one, claiming that they will help promote the film on their home page after they go back.

Xiao Yunhai is naturally constantly grateful, the atmosphere is very warm.

Xiao Yunhai's "if you are the one" is 120 minutes long, while MGM's "Star Trek" is about 180 minutes. Therefore, when Xiao Yunhai and they were having dinner in a hotel, the "Star Trek" had just finished.

Wang Yifu took a long sigh of relief and asked Zhang Yihe, "how do you feel?"

Zhang Yihe said with a smile: "the visual effect is unexpectedly good, but still has not escaped the Hollywood commercial blockbuster plot simple, the characterization pale common fault."

Wang Yifu nodded and said, "just like I thought. I don't know how about if you are the one? "

"Just ask."

Zhang Yihe took out his mobile phone and said, "Xiao Wang, how about if you are the one?"

Xiao Wang said on the phone, "very good. From the beginning to the end, the laughter of the cinema has never stopped. "

Zhang Yihe frowned slightly and said, "it will not be another Charlotte trouble."

Xiao Wang quickly said, "absolutely not. If you are the one is several grades higher than Charlotte's troubles. The actors in it are very good. The humor expressed in the film is very special. It has never appeared in the previous films. It is a formal innovation of comedy. "

Hearing Xiao Wang's comment, Zhang Yihe was very surprised and said, "Xiao Wang, get me a ticket for the midnight show. I'll go to see if you are the one."

Xiao Wang said, "OK, no problem."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yihe said to Wang Yifu, "my people think highly of if you are the one, saying that it has created a new form of comedy."

Wang Yifu said, "so powerful."

Zhang Yihe said: "Mr. Wang, I'm sorry. I have to leave first. As Xiao Wang said, if I don't go to the Huaxia theater to watch if you are the one now, I can't sleep tonight

Wang Yifu said with a smile, "let's go together. I've already bought a ticket for the midnight show. "

They walked out of the box, but were stopped by Li Xuyang.

Wang Yifu and Zhang Yihe are among the top critics. They have a lot of fans behind them. Therefore, Li Xuyang is very polite to them.

"Mr. Wang and Mr. Zhang, I don't know what you think of Star Trek?"

Wang Yifu laughed and said, "it can be described as eye opening. The $500 million investment is not in vain. It should be considered the best science fiction film in Hollywood history. "

Zhang Yihe said: "Mr. Li, you Huafeng international Studios is expected to make a lot of money this time."

Hearing what they said, Li Xuyang said happily, "it's really good that you can get into the eyes of the two teachers."

Wang Yifu looked at his watch and said, "Mr. Li, chief editor Zhang and I still need to see if you are the one shot by Xiao Yunhai. When the time is almost up, we will leave first."

Li Xuyang even said, "two teachers, please go ahead."

As soon as Wang Yifu and Zhang Yihe left, Li Rongguang came to Li Xuyang and said, "what do they say?"

"The best science fiction film ever made in Hollywood," Li said

With a smile on his face, Li Rongguang said, "very good. In their status, they will not deliberately please us. Now I can rest assured. "

Li Xuyang nodded and said, "Dad, how about if you are the one?"

Li Rongguang frowned and said, "the people we sent said that Xiao Yunhai's film is very good, with a strong sense of humor, and almost the whole audience burst into laughter."

Li Xuyang said, "Dad, what should we do next?"

Li Rongguang said: "continue to increase publicity. As for if you are the one, let's see the situation. "

At eight o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai had just finished his breakfast when he received a call from Xiao Yuanyang.

"You are so good that you will make a lot of money again. Last night's three "if you are the one" showed up almost 100% of the audience and won 64.5 million box office

Xiao Yunhai smile, way: "ocean brother, then you should give me to increase the amount of row film."

For this achievement, Xiao Yunhai is not surprised.

There are 43000 screens in Huaxia cinema, of which Xiao Yunhai accounts for 10%, that is, 4300 screens.

Originally, each screen corresponds to 150 to 200 seats, but through Xiao Yuanyang's relationship, every screen showing "if you are the one" has the highest 200 seats.

If you are the one, the ticket price is 25 yuan. If you are the one, the total box office of him last night will be more than 60 million yuan.Xiao said with a smile: "that is to say. I added 10% of the screen to you directly, reaching 8600 screens, which should be similar to "travel around the stars."

Xiaoyun Haidao: "you will not violate the rules to do so?"

Xiao said with a smile: "of course not. You should know that the simultaneous release of your two films is the first time that domestic films and Hollywood blockbusters have been in short supply, which will play a very important role in our resistance to the great invasion of Hollywood next year. I tell you that it's not just me, it's just the Ministry of culture that's staring at you. "

"Huafeng International Film City is also tough enough this time, giving up to 60% of the film arrangement volume of" travel to the stars ", totaling 8300 screens. After the Ministry of culture's instruction, we will give you the "if you are the one" and it will be the same as the amount of film arrangement, to test the gap between domestic and Hollywood films. "

Xiaoyun Haidao: "that is to say, I became your test product?"

Xiao said with a smile: "yes. Why don't you want that? "

Xiaoyun Haidao: "I certainly would. Hey, your eyes are very accurate. The works produced by talents like me represent the highest level of our domestic films. And "travel to the stars" is almost the best science fiction film in Hollywood. We have two films that have been fought and have a lot of experimental significance. "

"I'm Pooh."

Xiao Yuanyang laughed and scolded: "your boy has too thick face. It also represents the highest level of domestic films. What do you say about the export. OK, don't talk to you, your boy or go online to see, other people "Travel Star" box office

Hung up the phone, Xiao opened the computer, found the Huafeng International Film City Web page.

"Celebrate the" Star Trek "to win 162million box office, and refresh the domestic box office record

Xiao Yunhai just entered, celebrating the box office sale of "Travel Star" news, then reflected in his eyes.

"162 million? I rely on it. It's so powerful. " Xiao Yunhai secretly said.

Because the travel to star was about three hours long, Huafeng international cinema only lined up two games last night.

But these two films have made it 162million. Compared with Xiao Yunhai's "if you are the one", it is not a little higher.

Of course, it's also about its fare.

Xiao opened his home page and wanted to publish the box office results of "if you are the one", but he found that fans have already known it.

"Congratulations to the second film" if you are the one "won 64.5 million box office results

"The cloud emperor must be a fine product. "If you are the one" is definitely a fine product in the boutique. "

"Although the box office of 64.5 million in" if you are the one "is far from 162million in the travel star, I think the cloud emperor won the game considering the investment, ticket price and screen number of the two films."

"Cloud emperor refuels, must defeat" Travel Star ", for our domestic film to raise prestige."

"The number of screens on the homepage of Huaxia cinema has been increased to 8600, which is basically the same as" travel to the stars ". There is a good play to watch. Under the same conditions, as long as "you are the one" can reach half of the box office of "Travel Star", it will represent the victory of the cloud emperor

"If you are the one, cheer up, and the domestic films will be very strong."

Xiao Yunhai looked at the post in the comment area, smiled slightly, and then posted a post on his home page.

"Thank you for your brothers and sisters' support for" if you are the one ". Without you, there will be no box office of more than 60 million in "if you are the one". If you think this film is still good, please help me to promote it. Thank you all. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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