Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:51 AM

Chapter 542

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After sending a thank-you post, Xiao Yunhai opened the home page of

In the audience rating column, "Star Trek" scored 8.62 points, with 1.366 million participants; if you are the one scored 8.58 points, with 1.8799800 participants. "If you are the one" is slightly lower than "around the star", ranked second. As for the third place, only 6.52 points, which does not pose any threat to the two films.

In the expert rating column, 32 film critics scored "Star Trek" with an average score of 8.48, and 19 film critics scored "if you are the one" with an average score of 8.21. "Star Trek" once again defeated "if you are the one" by a slight margin.

For this result, Xiao Yunhai did not feel the slightest surprise.

If a $500 million science fiction blockbuster loses out to a $60 million comedy and love movie, it can only prove that the publisher and director of the film are poor.

Xiao Yunhai has never thought that he can beat "Star Trek" at the box office, which is too unrealistic. After all, the gap between the two can be described as a gap.

As long as "if you are the one" is not suppressed by "if you are the one" in the next competition with "Star Trek", and finally gets more than 3 billion box office, Xiao Yunhai will be very satisfied.

On the movie watching website, Wang Yifu published a long film review. In a short hour, the number of hits reached more than 1.3 million. Xiao Yunhai also took a serious look at it.

"Last night, I watched a Hollywood Science Fiction blockbuster" Star Trek "and a domestic romantic comedy film" if you are the one. ". I have to say, both films are very good. I gave them 8.9 and 8.7 respectively

"Let's talk about Star Trek First. This film is undoubtedly the epitome of Hollywood science fiction. There is no lack of all the commercial elements. In particular, special effects, do very grand, rigorous, visual impact to achieve the maximum. The battle between the spaceship of the Earth Alliance and the alien flying saucer is the most intense epic war in the history of the film, and every shot makes people dare not blink. This is an experience I've never had before. Two films won 162 million box office, which shows the great charm of "Star Trek."

"But" Star Trek "does not go beyond the limitations of Hollywood movies. Although people get a strong sense of stimulation, but the characters are pale, the story is simple, the structure is too messy, leading to the length of the film up to 180 minutes. Of course, the flaws do not cover the pros. These problems are nothing under the strong audio-visual effect of "Star Trek."

"After watching Star Trek, I immediately went to the Huaxia cinema, because there is a film" if you are the one "filmed by Xiao Yunhai, a famous young director in China. First of all, I'd like to praise Xiao Yunhai for his courage. In the face of the 500 million dollar blockbuster "Star Trek," he still chose to head on, which has to be admired. "

"I clearly remember that Xiao Yunhai's first film was" Charlotte's worry ". Although it made a staggering 1.6 billion box office, in my mind, this film is still a piece of rubbish. When I saw that his "if you are the one" is still a comedy, to be honest, I was worried, for fear that he would produce another "Charlotte trouble". But to my surprise, "if you are the one" is surprisingly good-looking

"The whole film is full of humor. Xiao Yunhai has fully explored Ge Wuyou's unique eloquence. Every line, even every word, came out of his mouth with a strange charm. The heroine Yu Yuexian also plays a very good role, and Ge Wuyou can be said to win the special performance, will be a girl caught in the whirlpool of love can not extricate themselves from the interpretation of the incisive. In addition to the wonderful performances of several movie stars, it can be said that the actors are the key to the success of if you are the one. Maybe that's why Xiao Yunhai invited so many movie queens to film. "

"Another success of the film is grounding. Besides being funny, it is closely connected with real life. Qin Fen in the way of marriage, the women he met are very representative. This form of comedy has never been seen in Chinese film and television circles. It can be said that this is an innovation of Xiao Yunhai. "

"Of course, there are many problems in the film. The plot is somewhat vague and not rigorous enough. Basically, it depends on the actors' lines to promote the development of the story. The beginning and the end are a little stiff. It seems that they were shot for the sake of fun. Even if you cut them off, the film is still intact. However, on the whole, like Star Trek, if you are the one is a top Chinese film

"To sum up, whether it's" Star Trek "or" if you're the one ", I suggest you go to the cinema to have a look and feel for yourself the value of two completely different films."

After reading Wang Yifu's long comments, Xiao Yunhai could not help but nod in secret. Mr. Wang Yifu is worthy of being the top film critic in China. The whole article is from the objective perspective of an outsider, without any subjective color. The evaluation was very pertinent, and no wonder he was trusted by so many fans.Some other critics also gave a very high evaluation of the two films, and they were well received on major websites.

In Li Rongguang's office, Li Xuyang and Kerry are sitting there talking about "Star Trek".

Li Rongguang was very satisfied with the movie's opening box office.

"Mr. Kerry, you should be at ease now. Xiao Yunhai's "if you are the one" only won more than 66 million yuan, and we screened one less show than him, which was 100 million more than him. It can be seen that the other party is not our opponent at all. "

Kerry said: "Mr. Li, don't forget that the reason why we can surpass Xiao is that our layout quantity is twice as much as his, and the ticket price is also twice his. If these two advantages are removed, then we are just a draw with him. In fact, I still have doubts about the price of Star Trek. On your most famous movie watching website, I saw that the ratings of the two films were very close. We did not have an overwhelming advantage. I'm worried that if we end up in a tug of war, we'll lose competitiveness because the ticket price is twice as high as it is. "

Li Xuyang frowned and said: "the price of 50 yuan was set by Huafeng and MGM after fully considering the affordability of Huaxia fans. There is no possibility of any problem. Mr. Kerry, we need to take advantage of the victory now. Today is Friday, and it will be a weekend soon. These three days are very important to Xiao Yunhai and us. Therefore, Huafeng international studios will continue to increase the layout of "Star Trek" tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so that it can reach 10000 screens at one stroke. Therefore, I hope that the actors in the film can stay in China for three more days and go to the cinemas in different places to promote. What do you think? "

Kerry said with a smile, "it should be OK. I'll talk to them. Hehe, they are very interested in Chinese food. I think they will be very happy to stay

Li Xuyang said happily, "that would be great. You can tell them that we Huafeng will not reduce their service fee by one cent. "

Kerry nodded with satisfaction.

On the same day, the box office of the two films increased exponentially with good word-of-mouth publicity.

Xiao Yunhai's "if you are the one" showed a total of seven shows, almost full, with an average attendance rate of over 90% and a box office of 263 million.

But "Star Trek" is even more powerful. It only showed five shows, but it got more than 370 million box office, which shocked the whole Chinese film and television circle.

The third film was squeezed by two films, and only gained less than 50 million yuan, and the latter was even worse.

Countless filmmakers are speculating about what kind of box office the two films will have.

Soon, they gave the answer.

On Saturday, "Star Trek" won the full support of Huafeng cinema. It not only increased the screen size to 10000 yuan, but also showed it 24 hours a day. It showed a total of seven shows, easily taking away 560 million box office.

It fell a little bit on Sunday, but it also got 470 million yuan.

In three days, "Star Trek" grossed 1.445 billion.

And its tit for tat "if you are the one" is no less.

Huaxia cinema is very awesome. After knowing that Huafeng gave ten thousand screens to "travel around the stars", Xiao Yun Hai has also been treated like this. The number of film layout has increased by five percent again, and has been screened by eleven thousand screens. It is also shown in twenty-four hours.

With his hundreds of millions of fans and the high reputation of the film, he won 380 million box office and 340 million box office on Saturday and Sunday respectively. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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