Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:49 AM

Chapter 544

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Looking at the box office report, Li Rongguang's face was gloomy and was about to drip. He only felt the pain in his eyes caused by the number above.

Peng's voice, Li Rongguang angrily patted the list on the table, frightening the propaganda minister Wang shudder.

Li Rongguang looked at Minister Wang with twinkling eyes and said, "you come to tell me why such a thing happened? What to do next? "

The king's throat moved several times, and he seemed to stop talking.

Li Rongguang eyebrows a frown, way: "all burning eyebrows, what words can't say."

Mr. Wang said: "Mr. Li, I think the box office potential of Star Trek is far from his peak. The reason for such a thing is likely to be the relationship between ticket prices. The ticket price for "the end of the world" is 30 yuan, "if you are the one" is 25 yuan, and the night market is only 20 yuan. Therefore, in the competition with them, our ticket price is very disadvantageous. Now, the popularity of "Star Trek" has dropped. Most of the fans who don't care about the ticket price have seen it. The rest are those who want to see it, but don't want to spend so much money. "

"Do you mean to reduce the price? No, absolutely not. "

In this world, once the price of a movie is set, it can never be changed. Otherwise, the fans who have spent money to see the movie in front of them will not let the cinema go.

Mr. Wang said: "Mr. Li, all the fans who come to see the movies basically like to bring drinks and popcorn. We can tell the fans that we will send them a bag of popcorn and a bottle of drink as long as they go to our cinema. In this way, I think the effect should be very good. "

Li Rongguang nodded and said, "then follow your method."

Minister Wang said, "OK, Mr. Li, I'll be busy."

At 8 p.m. on June 26, after being vigorously promoted by Hongda entertainment, the "battle in the raging sea" finally started its premiere in Baihua cinema.

Liang Hui and ye Yongren are competing together. This is the first time in the film that they both have hundreds of millions of fans. Therefore, the screen duel between Liang Hui and ye Yongren has attracted a large number of fans.

At the premiere of if you are the one, Liang Hui and ye Yongren came to the Huaxia cinema for Xiao Yunhai platform at the same time. It is reasonable to say that Xiao Yunhai should also go there.

However, this film is funded by Hongda film and television company. Xiao Yunhai and Xia Hongda's father and son's relationship, in any case, he can not go through.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai called Liang Hui and ye Yongren respectively, apologized to them sincerely and sent his best wishes for their new film.

The two film emperors know very well about him and Hongda, and naturally they will not pay attention to them.

The opening box office of "the fury of the sea" broke through 100 million again after "the end of life". Unfortunately, its reputation is not good.

On the movie watching website, Wang Yifu praised Liang Hui and ye Yongren for their superb acting skills to raise a movie which can only reach four points to six points. This shows the low quality of the film.

Some netizens even joked: "no wonder Hongda ran away after seeing" Star Trek ". It turned out that he was not confident

Nevertheless, the release of "the fury of the sea" still has an impact on other films.

On June 26, Jue Ming Tianya was 220 million, down 100 million from the previous day, and still ranked first.

"Star Trek" broke out in the second spring after a disguised price reduction at Huafeng cinema. It got 180 million achievements and rose to the second place.

"Battle in the raging sea" ranked third with 120 million.

Xiao Yunhai's "if you are the one" is stubborn, ranking fourth in the first 100 million.

Like Xiao Yunhai's first novel, Charlotte's worry, the night market, after a few days of crazy outburst, has exhausted its potential and dropped to 92 million, ranking fifth.

On June 27, the competition for the five films at the box office became more intense, almost reaching the peak.

What makes people feel different is that after ten days of screening, "Star Trek" has exploded again, with 210 million at the box office and won the first place, which surprised the so-called experts.

Although the word-of-mouth of "the fury of the sea" is terrible, with the superhuman charm of the two heavenly kings, it still gets 200 million box office tickets, which is only 2 million less than the "Star Trek".

Jue Ming Tianya won the third place with a score of 180 million yuan.

Xiao Yunhai's "if you are the one" after ten days of hot period, potential depletion, only 77 million achievements, from the fourth to the tenth.

The reaction speed of Huaxia cinema is very fast. As soon as the box office comes out, they are very shameless and reduce the number of screens of "if you are the one" to 2500 yuan. I don't think it will take a week for the movie to go off the line.

And "night market" is even worse, with 23 million box office tickets, ranking behind the 20.

This box office war, let Xiao Yunhai see the cruelty of the film circle again.How can some films have been on fire for five and a half months in the world. Just like a meteor, it disappeared immediately after it was bright.

Compared with it, "if you are the one" has been very good, but Xiao Yunhai is very clear that the reason why it has been popular for ten days is largely due to the fans of the creators.

If it is similar to "night market" and uses no stars, it is estimated that the result is not much different.

At the beginning of the release, Xiao Yunhai's goal was 3 billion, but now it seems that it is impossible.

He underestimated the filmmakers of the world.

In the TV series above the egotism, let Xiao Yunhai a little arrogant, think here is just so.

However, he did not expect that since the film and television industry in China can be several times more than that in the previous life, there is naturally a reason for its prosperity.

Fortunately, "if you are the one" has won a super high box office of 2.27 billion yuan. It is estimated that it will reach 2.5 billion yuan when it is offline, and the revenue ratio is still very good.

Add in the future network download, Xiao Yunhai basically can get a profit of about 1.4 billion. Of course, compared with "Langya Bang", it is not a bit worse.

The Star Trek, which has been fighting with Xiao Yunhai for 10 days, has been popular for five consecutive days, and has finally declined. The box office has reached 3.18 billion yuan. It is estimated that 3.5 billion yuan should be no problem.

That day, Xiao Yunhai suddenly received a phone call from Zhao Wanqing's agent, telling him that Zhao Wanqing fell from his horse and passed out in a coma when he was shooting a part of chasing Japanese on horseback.

Xiao Yunhai listen, where can still stay at home, without saying a word, flew to Hengdian.

Outside Hengdian airport, countless reporters gathered with cameras and cameras, waiting for Xiao Yunhai's arrival.

"What time have we been waiting for more than two hours?"

"What's the rush? The emperor of cloud is so fond of sunny days that he will arrive at the first time."

"The latest flight from Yanjing is 15:30, with 10 minutes left. I think the emperor should be in this plane. "

After learning that Zhao Wanqing was hospitalized, the reporters came from all directions.

Zhang Tieshan, the director of the production team, issued a strict order not to let anyone speak out, so they did not get the slightest information about Zhao Wanqing.

Some reporters sneaked into the hospital. Because there were two iron tower bodyguards standing at the entrance of the intensive care unit, they could not get close to them except doctors and nurses.

No way, they can only come to Hengdian airport, waiting for the arrival of Xiao Yunhai.

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