Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:47 AM

Chapter 545

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The reporters guessed that Xiao Yunhai was on this plane.

At 15:36, Xiao Yunhai, with a pair of big sunglasses and frowning, appeared in front of the reporter, followed by Sima Qian and Mengfang.

"Is Mr. Xiao here to see Miss Zhao? How is her injury? "

"Mr. Xiao, what do you think of Miss Zhao's" lonely city "crew

Looking at the reporters who surrounded him, Xiao Yunhai took off his sunglasses and gave a salute. He said, "Dear reporters, please give me Xiao Yunhai a face. I want to go to the hospital to see my wife. I don't have time to accept your interview. I hope you can make way for me. "

Xiao Yunhai said it several times, but everyone pretended not to hear it, and still kept asking.

Xiao Yunhai frowned slightly and said, "in this case, I have offended Xiao Yunhai."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Yunhai gently pushed the two reporters' shoulders in front of him. Suddenly, their bodies seemed to be out of control and turned to both sides. Xiao Yunhai took advantage of this opportunity to quickly pass through the two reporters.

Next, Xiao Yunhai drew gourd as usual, and in less than half a minute, he came out of the press circle.

All the reporters were silly. A middle-aged reporter who had turned two circles was confused and asked, "what happened just now?"

A young man suddenly exclaimed, "emperor Yun must have used Chinese Kung Fu. It should be a move in Taijiquan."

"Yes, yes, it must be. Which photographer did it? "


"I didn't get it either."

"Oh, my God, what a good opportunity I didn't take."

A young photographer on the periphery showed a trace of ecstasy on his face, and looked at a young reporter who was equally excited and left quickly.

They were just graduated from school and came to a third rate magazine together.

When I got to the airport, it was very late, so I could only stand on the outside.

After Xiao Yunhai came out, the young reporter supported the photographer and stood on a fence in order to capture the front of Xiao Yunhai so that they could go back to work.

Xiao Yunhai's every move is clearly captured by his camera.

At this moment, it is estimated that the bonus of the two is no problem.

After getting rid of the reporter, Xiao Yunhai walked less than 50 meters and saw a beautiful woman in her thirties and forty-five years old waving to him.

So, Xiao Yunhai met up and said, "sister Mo, how's Wanqing?"

This woman is Zhao Wanqing's new agent, named Mo Yina, is one of the most famous brokers in China.

Mo Yina saw the reporter behind and said, "let's get in the car and talk about it."

After getting into a luxury business car, Mo Yina said, "Mr. Xiao, Wan Qing is awake now. The doctor gave her a detailed examination. She had a slight concussion in her head and bruised her knees and legs. It is estimated that she needs a week's training

Mo Yina was dug up by Zhao Mingsheng last month. It happened that Zhao Wanqing's agent was pregnant, so Mo Yina naturally became Zhao Wanqing's agent.

To be the agent of the famous Qing Hou, Mo Yina is naturally very happy.

For one thing, Zhao Wanqing is the eldest lady of Hanhai. She doesn't need her to fight for the company's resources. She can get it immediately by saying it, saving her a lot of things.

Secondly, Zhao Wanqing is not only an excellent singer, but also an actor who has won the golden cup movie queen. Her strength surpasses most Chinese artists and has the potential to become a world-class artist.

Therefore, Mo Yina agreed without saying a word.

Originally, she was afraid that Zhao Wanqing would be a difficult host to serve. Unexpectedly, she found Zhao Wanqing's temper was even better than her own, and she was very good at people around her.

In a short month, the two became intimate friends.

For Xiao Yunhai, Mo Yina is very curious.

When chatting with Zhao Wanqing, Zhao Wanqing always unconsciously mentions him. The tone of her voice and the love in her eyes make it easy for Mo Yina to feel how deeply the movie queen loves Xiao Yunhai.

Therefore, Mo Yina really wants to communicate with the most outstanding artist in the history of Chinese entertainment industry. She mainly wants to see what kind of charm this high-ranking cloud emperor has, which can make Zhao Wanqing such a perfect woman fall in love with and make him an idol for hundreds of millions of fans outside.

This is the second time Mo Yina has seen Xiao Yunhai, and the first time is in the if you are the one crew.

At that time, Mo Yina went to take Zhao Wanqing back to Yanjing to shoot a public service advertisement.

She and Xiao Yunhai just nodded and got to know each other. Mo Yina didn't feel how Xiao Yunhai was.

But this time, Xiao Yunhai's majestic momentum and serious and cold face made her speak cautiously.

When Xiao Yunhai heard that Zhao Wanqing was not in a big way, he let his heart down and asked, "how did Wan Qing get hurt?"Mo Yina said: "the crew is shooting a chase scene. Wan Qing is chased by several ghosts behind her. Originally, director Zhang Tieshan wanted the action actors to complete it for her, but... "

Xiao Yunhai frowned:" but she felt that she was ok, so she went to the battle in person, and then something happened. "

Mo Yina nodded.

Xiao Yunhai sighed: "I thought it was the crew who didn't do it well. I didn't expect that... Ah, Wan Qing's strong temperament will never be changed for a lifetime."

Mo Yina said: "the reason why Wan Qing works so hard is to prove that she is worthy of you."


Xiao Yunhai was stunned and turned to look at Mo Yina and asked, "sister Mo, what do you mean by what you just said?"

Mo Yina said, "Mr. Xiao, I have heard Wanqing say so. She tries hard to sing and act, but she doesn't want to be a vase around you. Mr. Xiao, you are so excellent that Wan Qing, who has always been confident, feels strong pressure. She is afraid that she will not be worthy of you and will let other excellent girls take you away from her

Hearing Mo Yina's words, Xiao Yunhai couldn't believe his ears, "she... She really said that?"

Mo Yina nodded and said, "basically that's what it means."

After a long time, Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a wry smile, "it's amazing. I really didn't expect that my pillow man should have such a wonderful idea. Thank you for telling me that, sister mo. You don't want to call me Mr. Xiao in the future. Just let me have a sea of clouds. "

Mo Yina said, "OK."

She was very happy in her heart, Xiao Yunhai said so, which is undoubtedly his recognition.

It's funny to think of it. As one of the gold medal agents in China, I'm so happy for the recognition of a young artist. Who can believe it.

The car quickly stopped in the parking lot of the hospital. Under the guidance of Mo Xiaona, Xiao Yunhai came to the intensive care unit where Zhao Wanqing was.

At this time, she was sitting there chatting with a man and a woman.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Zhao Wanqing said with surprise on her face: "husband, how did you come?"

Xiao Yunhai said without good breath: "you are all lying in the hospital bed, can I not come?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "husband, I'll introduce you. This is Zhang Tieshan, director of "lonely city."

When Xiao Yunhai saw that Zhang Tieshan could put down his work and came to chat with Zhao Wanqing, he could not help but feel better about him. He also showed a smile on his face and said, "Hello, director Zhang."

Zhang Tieshan, as his name suggests, is a head taller than Xiao Yunhai. His skin is dark and his body is muscular. He stands up like a mountain.

To Xiao Yunhai's surprise, Zhang Tieshan's voice is very pleasant to hear. When speaking, he is very magnetic, which is quite different from his appearance.

"Mr. Xiao, I've heard a lot about you." Zhang Tieshan holds Xiao Yunhai's hand and says.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, you are welcome. Wan Qing, is this elder martial Sister Li Yuxia? "

Li Yuxia, a student of the performance Department of Yanjing Film Academy, was the school flower at that time. After graduation, he made many films and TV series. For five years in a row, he was shortlisted for the golden cup film festival posthumous nomination, but he didn't get one.

Later, I heard that she married an advertising director and gave birth to three children for him, and then there was no news of her.

However, the film academy often uses her films to let students appreciate and learn, so Xiao Yunhai recognized her at a glance.

Li Yuxia stood up and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Xiao. Nice to meet you."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "my husband, director Zhang and senior Sister Li are a couple. One is filming and the other is a producer and leading actor."

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he burst out laughing and said, "it turns out that Zhang Dao got our elder martial Sister Li's heart."

Zhang Tieshan looked at Li Yuxia affectionately and said, "at the beginning, I was just a penniless advertising director, but Yuxia was a famous big star in the circle. We got to know each other when we shot an advertisement, and then we came together in a short time of two days. I didn't even have a cent at that time, not to mention the house. Even the betrothal gifts were given to me by Yuxia. I haven't made any great achievements in my life. The only thing I'm proud of is to have a good wife. "

Li Yuxia said with a smile: "OK, what do you say about these things? I'm not afraid of Mr. Xiao's jokes."

Xiao Yunhai even said, "what a good joke there is. Director Zhang and senior Sister Li, just call me Yunhai. "

Li Yuxia said, "well, I'll call you Yunhai. Yunhai, I'm really sorry. Wan Qing was hurt by the shooting this time. We really feel very sorry for that. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "I already know what happened. It's not the reason for the crew. Some people think they are very powerful, but they don't want to overestimate their ability. Fortunately, the problem is not big. Otherwise, the lesson will be too profound. "

Zhao Wanqing lowered her head and said with embarrassment, "I know it's wrong, isn't it?"

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "it's good to know. Director Zhang, elder martial Sister Li, I'll take care of the business here. Don't delay the filming. "Zhao Wanqing also said, "yes. Director Zhang, senior Sister Li, I'm really sorry. Because of my reasons, the crew had to change the shooting plan and slow down the shooting progress. "

Zhang Tieshan said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. It's good for you to take care of your injuries here. Don't worry about the rest. "

Li Yuxia said, "yes. Now that the sea of clouds has come, we'll go back to the crew and call us if we have something to do. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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