Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:46 AM

Chapter 546

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After seeing them off, Xiao Yunhai sat down beside Zhao Wanqing's bed, held her in his arms and said, "wife, don't you believe me?"

Hearing this, Zhao Wanqing said in surprise, "how can it be? You are my husband, how can I not believe you

Xiao Yunhai looked down at Zhao Wanqing's eyes and said, "you lie. I ask you, what are you working so hard for? To tell the truth. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Zhao Wanqing understood immediately and said, "did sister Mo say something to you? Well, I didn't talk to her

Xiao Yunhai said: "they are kind-hearted and afraid that we will have problems. Wife, if it's really for this, I don't think you need to be. I once said to you, in this life my heart only you, will not have the second woman to be able to walk in. Do you understand? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "I understand. But I'm just a little worried. I'm afraid that some girl better than me will take you away. "

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he laughed and gave Zhao Wanqing a sharp kiss on his lips and said, "tell me, who is better than you? Ha ha, wife, don't be silly. In terms of appearance, figure and ability, I didn't find one better than you. What's more, your bed skills are excellent now. How can I leave you

Zhao Wanqing's face was suddenly covered with red clouds. She said with shame, "Xiao Yunhai, what do you say? It's disgusting. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm old and my wife. What else can I do for you. Wife, you remember, even if there is a woman more beautiful than you and better than you, for me, she is far less than your hair. When you finish shooting this play, we'll hold a grand wedding banquet, and let all the relatives and friends witness for us, OK

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said happily, "OK. At that time, I will wear the most beautiful wedding dress, wear the best jewelry, and be the most beautiful bride

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem. You women, when you hear about marriage, you are very excited. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "of course. Wedding day is the most important moment for a woman, can you not care? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "well, then, you can do whatever you want. But now the most important thing is to take care of the injury. What did the doctor say

Zhao Wanqing sighed and said, "it will take a week to get out of hospital."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "then I'll be here with you for a week."

Zhao Wanqing asked in surprise, "do you have nothing else?"

Xiao Yun Haidao: "if you are the one" is drawing soon. What can I do for you

Just then, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rang. Open a look, it is father-in-law Zhao Mingsheng call.

"Cloud sea, how could Wan Qing get hurt?"

Xiao Yunhai just picked up, there came Zhao Mingsheng's urgent voice.

Xiao Yunhai told Zhao Mingsheng what happened and said, "Dad, you and mom can rest assured. Wan Qing only needs to rest for a few days. I will accompany her here."

Zhao Mingsheng put his heart down and said, "that's good."

Just after the phone call with Zhao Mingsheng, her mother Chen Xiuzhu called in again, asking Zhao Wanqing the same thing.

Xiao Yunhai explained again and asked, "Mom, how do you know Wan Qing was injured?"

Chen Xiuzhu said: "I saw it on the Internet. You are at the gate of the airport, and the video of forcibly passing through the press group has spread all over China. You don't know anything. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "so it is. Mom, don't worry. Wanqing is OK. We'll go back and discuss the wedding with you after this period of time. "

Chen Xiuzhu said happily, "it's a long time ago that we should have a wedding. I tell you, the wedding day is the most important moment in a woman's life. You must have a good face. If you don't have enough money, tell me and your dad. We haven't changed a cent of the money you gave your family. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "Mom, I give you money to let you spend it. What to save for. "

Chen Xiuzhu said: "ten million a month, where do you want us to spend. Yunhai, if you really have filial piety, give birth to a grandson or granddaughter to me and your father as soon as possible. "

Next, Xiao Yunhai was educated by Chen Xiuzhu for ten minutes before he hung up.

Zhao Wanqing looked at Xiao Yunhai with a bitter face and said with a delicate smile: "only mother-in-law, the empress dowager, can say that the emperor is not afraid of heaven and earth."

Xiao Yunhai said: "well, my mother is good at everything. This nagging is really killing people. By the way, she said that my video at the airport had been put on the Internet and I had to see it quickly. Is there a cable? "

Zhao Wanqing pointed to the socket in the lower right corner and said, "there it is."

Xiao Yunhai called Sima Qian and asked him to bring his notebook in. When he opened the webpage, he saw the video about himself. The title was quite eye-catching.

"At Hengdian airport, the emperor's heart was worried about his injury after clearing up, so he would not hesitate to attack the reporters and realize his status as a martial arts expert."Zhao Wanqing worried and said, "husband, you won't be in a hurry. Did you really beat someone else up?"

Zhao Wanqing is very clear about Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu.

If you are really angry, let alone ordinary people, even those who can be beaten most can be killed by him.

Therefore, when she saw Xiao Yunhai's hand to the reporter, she could not help feeling nervous.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I just got out of the press group. Where can I beat people?"

Click on the video, which clearly recorded Xiao Yunhai in the airport.

After reading it, Zhao Wanqing was surprised and asked, "husband, you can push them around with a little push. Is this Taijiquan? It's amazing. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "it's the turning force in Taijiquan. After you get well, you'd better learn Taiji health exercise from my mother. This is a set of boxing which is very beneficial to the body. It does not have any aggressiveness. If you practice it every day, you will be as beautiful as you are when you are 40 years old

Women care most about appearance, and Zhao Wanqing is no exception.

As soon as her eyes brightened, she asked, "Mom's skin and complexion are so good. Is this the reason for this boxing?"

Of course, Xiao Hai nodded

Zhao Wanqing said anxiously, "then I must learn. After shooting, I'll go to Zheng Hai and ask my mother to teach me this kind of Kung Fu. She won't stop teaching me, will she

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you are my Xiao family's daughter-in-law, who do not teach you? Ah, with this video, I guess my home page will be busy. "

Open your home page, and sure enough, hundreds of thousands of posts have appeared in the comment area, all about the discussion of Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu.

"Yunhuang is too good. You can turn people around with a little push. Is this Taiji?"

"I used to think that Chinese Kung Fu is the best in the world. After watching the emperor's move, I knew that I was watching the sky from the well. "

"I don't know how powerful the emperor will be if he really starts to work."

"It is said that emperor Yun's grandfather opened a martial arts school, which seems to be called Xingyi Taiji gate. This move of emperor Yun must be one form of Taijiquan, which is much better than Taekwondo and karate. "

"Since emperor Yun is a kung fu master, I strongly urge him to make a kung fu film. I believe it will be very enjoyable."

"Yes, please make a kung fu movie."

When he saw the posts of countless fans asking him to make kung fu films on the forum, Xiao Yunhai smiled and asked, "wife, if I follow their wishes, how will the box office be?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "it should be higher than if you are the one and Charlotte trouble.". But aren't you going to shoot the immortal? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile, "Wu Hao, you don't know when you can make the special effects software? Besides, there are so many special effects scenes in Zhuxian, even if the special effects technology reaches the standard, it is basically impossible to make them within a year. Well, I thought it was too simple

A while ago, Xiao Yunhai made the special effects plan for Zhuxian and handed it to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao read it carefully and said only one word to Xiao Yunhai.

According to the above requirements, it takes at least 500 staff to complete it, and it takes a year or even two years to complete it.

When Xiao Yunhai heard of it, he immediately let out his anger. He made "Zhuxian" in order to establish the name of the fantasy special effects image company. After two years, who knows what will happen.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai has decided to postpone the shooting of Zhu Xian indefinitely until the time is right.

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Zhao Wanqing did not have the slightest surprise on her face.

She has also seen the script of Zhu Xian, which is really very good. In particular, the death of Biyao made her moved to tears.

However, Zhao Wanqing knows very well that the requirements for special effects are too high to create the immortal world in the script. It is estimated that it will take a lot of effort to build a Qingyun gate, not to mention other magic weapons and magic weapons.

Zhao Wanqing said, "what about the dream?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "at that time, I will make a disaster film without such a tedious" Zhuxian ", which can also cause a sensation

There are so many Hollywood disaster movies in the past life. Xiao Yunhai can choose one to shoot in the background of China.

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "that's not bad."

Xiao Yunhai thought about it again and said, "OK, I'll make kung fu films in the next film."

Sure, Xiao Yunhai immediately posted a post in the comment area.

"Since you support me so much in Making Kung Fu movies, I will satisfy your wishes. At that time, I will invite real combat experts to shoot together, and strive to make the most exciting and exciting kung fu movie in history. Please look forward to it. "Xiao Yunhai will post top, and then with Zhao Wanqing wait for the reaction of fans.

In just five minutes, tens of thousands of Posts came up.

"Ha ha, it's wonderful that emperor Yun really wants to make kung fu movies."

"Come on, Emperor Yun. I'm sure your play will become a classic."

"awesome. What I didn't say is that as long as the cloud emperor's trick is shot, whether it's good or bad, I'll go to the cinema at least three times. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "your fans seem to be very supportive. Husband, do you have a good idea of what to shoot? "

Xiao Yunhai said triumphantly, "of course. The script of kung fu movies is the best, because the most important thing is the action, not the plot. Give me two days to write a good script. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "I'll wait and see."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK, wife, I don't think you look very good. You'd better sleep for a while."

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "I'm really sleepy."

Maybe it's too hard to film recently. After a while, Zhao Wanqing fell asleep. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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