Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:44 AM

Chapter 547

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Xiao Yunhai gave her a kiss on the forehead, then sat down and began to think about what kind of film he would like to shoot.

In the past life, when it comes to Kung Fu stars, the names of Bruce Lee, Cheng Long and Li Lianjie will surely appear in the minds of most people.

As the first real kung fu star to enter Hollywood, Bruce Lee's own Jeet kune do is popular all over the world. Although he has only made four and a half movies in his life, his achievement is unprecedented. It is also that he wrote the word Kung Fu into the English dictionary.

Cheng Long is the second world-famous Kung Fu superstar after Bruce Lee. He created a new genre Kung Fu Comedy with his thrilling action and humorous and exaggerated performance, which is unique in the world film circle.

However, for Xiao Yunhai, their acting style is not suitable for him.

Li Lianjie, the third one, is different from the first two. He was born in a martial arts school with natural movements and elegant figure. His films of Huang Feihong series, Fang Shiyu series and other films were almost excellent.

In his previous life, Xiao Yunhai's favorite action movie was "Jingwu hero", which was shot by him. Although the setting at that time was very poor, the action design in it reached the peak in the history of action film.

This is what Xiao Yunhai wants to shoot.

The plot of Jingwu hero is very simple. Chen Zhen studied in Japan and returned to Huaxia after learning about the death of his master Huo Yuanjia. Chen Zhen knew his master's Kung Fu very well. He suspected that it was mysterious. He had a decisive battle with Akutagawa. Unexpectedly, the opponent's Kung Fu was extremely poor, and he was defeated in less than a moment. After returning, he confirmed that the master died of poisoning.

Japanese officer Fujida, fearing that the plot would be revealed, killed Long Yi and put the blame on Chen Zhen. He got a Japanese classmate's photon testimony and cleared the suspicion. Soon, Fujita asked the first Japanese master, Chuanyue Wenfu, to challenge the Jingwu gate, but he didn't want to leave Huaxia after a big war with Chen Zhen. Finally, Fujita Gang personally launched a thrilling decisive battle with Huo tingen and Chen Zhen.

The box office of this play is not good. It seems that it has only won one or two action awards. However, its status in action movies is very high, including Taekwondo and jujitsu in Japan, boxing in the west, Thai Boxing in Thailand, capture and leg techniques of Chinese martial arts, and Jeet kune do, which was famous all over the world.

The action scene is just fierce and fierce, and the fists and fists reach the flesh, which makes people excited.

Taking advantage of Zhao Wanqing's deep sleep, Xiao Yunhai began to write the script of Jingwu hero, which was completed in less than an hour.

Of course, he did not copy all of "Jingwu hero", but made some simple modifications based on the plot of the film.

One of the most modified is the role of Chuang Yue Wen Fu.

Xiao Yunhai's design is that after he and Chen Zhen compete, he did not return to Japan, but fought with Fujita gang and was killed with a pistol.

As a top master of Chinese martial arts, Xiao Yunhai does not intend to follow the action design of his previous life. The actual combat style will not change, but the fighting details will follow Xiao Yunhai's ideas.

The script is created, and the next most important thing is the actors.

The biggest fear of making a kung fu movie is to find actors who have no foundation to act. It's not proper to put on a posture, let alone let alone let him fight a set of fists.

Even with a few months of training, it will not have a good effect.

Especially in Xiao Yunhai's Jingwu hero, the fights in it are all from fist to flesh. They are not real kung fu masters. They can't get that real feeling in any case.

The film involves five important kung fu masters, Chen Zhen, Huo tingen, Fujita Gang, Chuanyue Wenfu and Akutagawa ryuno.

Chen Zhen, starred by Xiao Yunhai himself, is sure to have no problem.

The role of Huo tingen represents the traditional Chinese martial arts. It is necessary to find an actor who knows the routine to perform it. He should not be too old.

Xiao Yunhai quickly thought of three names: Zhang Xiaojing, Chen Jie and Su Hong. Of course, there is another Xue Ming who was directly given to pass by Xiao Yunhai.

Among the three, Xiao Yunhai valued Zhang Xiaojing most. It is not because he is the most famous, but because he is the best at practicing Chinese traditional martial arts.

Robot Fujita Gang's previous life is played by fighting champion Zhou Billy, giving Xiao Yunhai the feeling of two words, cruel.

To find an actor like Zhou Billy, Xiao Yunhai needs to work hard.

Akutagawa ryunoichi, a character beaten by Chen Zhen's three moves and two moves, can't get up. Xiao Yunhai's standard is that he looks vicious and can really do Taekwondo.

The last Japanese martial arts master Chuan Yuewen Fu, Xiao Yunhai, is going to find a real master from the Japanese actors over 40 years old.

These five people need to have the foundation of Kung Fu. As for other group performances that use Kung Fu, Xiao Yunhai can find the martial brothers of Xingyi taijimen to play.

As for the shooting site is simpler, the scene used in the whole film is not much, and the Shanghai beach in Hengdian film and television city can fully meet Xiao Yunhai's requirements.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai decided to shoot Jingwu hero in Hengdian.At this time, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Hello, uncle, why did you call me when you were free?"

It was Chen Zhan who called him.

Ever since the Ministry of culture confirmed that he was the next director of mango TV station, Chen Zhan was busy.

In the past, he only needed to manage variety shows, but now he needs to follow Ouyang Zhaoming to learn how to manage the operation of the entire TV station.

In the evening, I often go to social activities. As a director of a TV station, I should at least have a good relationship with the advertisers of the TV station. You know, they are the God of wealth.

Now, a month has passed, and everything on TV is on the right track. Chen Zhan can take a breath.

"Cloud sea, is Wanqing's injury OK?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's OK. Just take a few days off."

Chen Zhan said: "that's good. I'm calling to tell you that "run, brother" will be premiered tonight, and the second season of "the voice of China" will be premiered tomorrow night. If you're OK, you can have a look. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "your advertisements are everywhere. Can I not know? Uncle, you're tough enough. Friday's run, brother, Saturday's voice of China, Sunday's happy Sunday are all about dominating the screen

Chen Zhan complacently said: "I'm only half a step away from the director of mango TV station. If these two variety shows can get good results, it's basically a certainty. Ha ha, I don't want to have any problems in less than two months. By the way, thank you so much for your help? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "what's the big deal?"

Chen Zhan said, "director Ouyang told me that you don't have to hide it from me. I don't understand. How did you deal with Tian Jishang? "

Xiao Yunhai smiles and tells Tian Junhao's story again.

After listening to the story, Chen Zhan sighed: "I didn't expect that I could become the director of the TV station. I should thank you, the enemy. Ha ha, it's the will of God."

Xiao Yunhai said: "uncle, you should be careful during this period. After all, you haven't sat in that position. I'm afraid Tian Jishang will trouble you. "

Chen Zhan said with a smile: "don't worry, I've been in the TV station for so many years, and I know more about the things inside than you do."

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good."

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai see Zhao Wanqing has woken up, is smiling at him.

Xiao Yunhai said, "did I wake you up?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "not wake up, but hungry wake up."

Xiao Yunhai said: "you wait for me for a while, and I'll buy you something to eat."

Zhao Wanqing said, "No. I think sister Mo should buy it back soon. "

As soon as the voice dropped, Mo Yina came in with several big bags.

"I went to a five-star hotel and bought you some food. You can make do with it."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "sister Mo, is the meal enough. My husband eats more than most people can

Mo Yina said: "I heard from Sima Qian, so I bought five catties of sauced beef alone. With other things, I think it should be enough."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "sister Mo is still careful. Have you eaten yet? "

Mo Yina said, "we are going to the hotel."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK. At that time, you will bring back the invoice and I will report it to you. "

Mo Yina said with a smile: "then we are not polite." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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