Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:43 AM

Chapter 548

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Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing finished their meal. It was more than seven o'clock.

Xiao Yunhai turned on the TV on the wall, turned to mango station, and said, "let's see how my uncle's running brother is doing?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "the next morning, the running men's team came to the big square.

At this time, there are countless middle-aged aunts listening to the music of little apple and dancing square dance there.

In the ward, Xiao Yunhai couldn't help laughing at this scene.

"My" little apple "is almost becoming a must-have repertoire for square dance. The director team has made a lot of efforts to gather together so many aunts

Zhao Wanqing, lying in Xiao Yunhai's arms, said with a smile, "these aunts are square dance lovers. They dance there every night. After the crew found them, they just said something, and they agreed. It was no effort at all. "

After the square dance, the aunts took a rectangular thing and scattered around. In the stunned men's group, they installed the White Snake finger pressure plate.

In Yanjing Institute of technology, Wang Chuan, the second eldest, said in surprise, "isn't that the pressure plate? They don't play games on it. Hehe, if it's true, it's not a good taste. "

The eldest Feng Kun nodded and said, "yes. I've played it too. It's really hard. "

On TV, when the members of the running men's team heard the task issued by the director group, everyone yelled. Unfortunately, no matter how much they oppose it, it will not help. The game will go on as usual.

On weekdays, the audience in front of the TV can't help laughing when they see these big stars running and jumping on the pressboard barefoot and crying out with pain in their mouths.

The six brothers in the dormitory have been laughing for a long time.

Old Wang Chuan pointed to Huang Bo in the TV and said, "look at Huang Bo's expression quickly. It's very interesting, but it's very fast."

"Wow, Qing Hou is really a woman. She can still walk on the flat ground on the finger pressing board. Can't she feel the pain? It is worthy of the emperor's wife. "

Then, when we saw that Su Hong was going to run with a mother of more than 200 kg on her back, everyone laughed.

"Damn it, isn't it? It's cruel."

"Look at Su Hong's expression, almost cry."

"If it's me, I'll go nuts."

Su Hong bit his teeth and rushed forward with his mother on his back.

Unfortunately, by the time he got to the finish line, he had already exceeded the prescribed time.

Then, the second team and the third team took turns to enjoy it, and the audience in front of the TV set laughed more than once.

After the first game, a five minute ad was added.

Six brothers scolded, while opening the computer, to the major forums to post.

You know, in this world, stars are still very important to their image. No matter what happens off the stage, on the stage, the female stars are dignified and the male stars are decent. This is the general impression that the stars leave on everyone.

But "run, brother" is the opposite. It shows the other side of the stars. They are no longer high and dignified. It gives the audience a feeling of closeness and freshness, and the ratings are not low.

In mango station's data monitoring room, the staff reported to Chen Zhan and Li Qinghui with a smile: "director Chen, director Li, the audience rating has just broken through 7%. From the beginning to the present, the ratings have not declined. "

Li Qing clapped his hands and said happily, "this shows that our" run, brother "is very attractive. Director Chen, this program is a success. "

Chen Zhan forced to suppress the joy in his heart, slightly shook his head, and said faintly, "Lao Li, don't worry. The most important thing is that after the advertisement, if the audience rating can remain high, then it means that the running man has succeeded."

Li Qing nodded and said, "Chen Tai Chang is right."

Five minutes later, after the advertisement was broadcast, the audience rating rose sharply. Not only did it rise from 5% to 7%, but it also went up to 8%.

Hearing this result, Chen Zhan's heart, which had been in suspense, was finally completely relieved.

On TV, the second game of "run, brother" has officially started.

Under the guidance of several members, the nine members happily came to a dining place and sat down at a table according to their groups.

After a while, the waiter took the plate and put the dishes on the table.

The audience in front of the TV are puzzled. What's good for stars to eat.

Just as the members of the running men's team picked up their chopsticks and were ready to eat, the extra large blue background cloth behind suddenly crashed and fell down, startling everyone.

Everyone turned around and looked at it. It was a big swimming pool.

Director Xie changzong said: "everybody, our game is called memory spring cake. Do you see the two chairs behind you? It's called an ejection chair. Each team of you should choose two people to sit on it. The other team must pack all the eight dishes in the correct order according to the serving order of the waiter, so that the other two can avoid being ejected into the water by the "ejection chair". Do you understand? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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