Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:40 AM

Chapter 550

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After a while, Zhang Xiaojing's voice came over.

"Yunhai, what role do you want to give me?"

Xiao yunhaidao: "Huo tingen, the second leading actor in Jingwu hero. However, I want to tell you in advance that this movie will be a classic in kung fu movies. Those who need real swords and real guns fight with their opponents on the set. If they fight with each other from fist to flesh, they may get hurt. If you don't have sufficient preparation, I hope you don't agree

Zhang Xiaojing said in a deep voice: "our action stars, if we are afraid of injury, we might as well change careers as soon as possible. What other actors besides you? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "I only invite Luo Jiaban here. Other actors need our careful consideration, but one thing is for sure, it must be the action master in the performing arts circle. I don't need any big stars. As long as he is good at Kung Fu and suitable for me, it's OK. "

Zhang Xiaojing said, "OK, I agree. Tomorrow, I'll ask my agent to sign up with you and bring me the script. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. By the way, let's tell you a piece of good news. "Run, brother" has just premiered, and the ratings have exceeded 10%. Brother Zhang, the popularity of your men's team is expected to burst in China. "

Zhang Xiaojing listened and said happily, "really, that's great. Yunhai, I want to thank you for this. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you should thank Cui Minxian most."

Zhang Xiaojing laughed.

That night, Xiao Yunhai slept all night in the bed beside Zhao Wanqing.

The next day, newspapers, magazines and TV stations reported "running brother" one after another.

Entertainment has long known: "yunhuang products, must be a boutique. "Run, brother" has more than 10% of its first broadcast ratings. "

Star Entertainment Morning Post: "after" the voice of China ", the cloud emperor again," run, brother "ratings king

Star weekly: "yunhuang's latest creative" run, brother "reputation, ratings lead the national satellite TV."

Face to face with the stars: "the emperor of the cloud will give his divine power again," run, brother "is the variety show king."

On the Internet, netizens praised "run, brother" more, and the major forums were filled with their posts.

"Last night, I saw the" run, brother ", which was really interesting

"It turns out that the stars who have always been on the top are so interesting. Ha ha, I can't laugh. Run man, come on. "

"It's so clear on the ground. I've tried it. I dare not walk because of the pain. It's not easy to run the men's team. I admire it

"The cloud emperor is so arrogant that it is really invincible in the world. If it's sunny, it's estimated that the whole army will be wiped out. "

"I'm really moved by the love after Yun Huangqing. After the Qing Dynasty, how much trust do you need to trust the emperor before you dare to use such a bitter meat scheme. The emperor of cloud is how affectionate after the Qing Dynasty, willing to surrender the victory. In my eyes, the two people that affectionate kiss, represents the most perfect love. I wish the emperor a long life together after a clear day, and always make the same heart. "

"Run on Friday, brother," the second season of "voice of China" on Saturday, and "Happy Sunday" on Sunday. Mango station is going against the weather. "

After just one night's Kung Fu, the running men's troupe has been burning all over China!

team leader Deng Yue and kung fu boy Zhang Xiaojing had 20 million fans, which increased to more than 30 million overnight, making them unable to find the north.

Su Hong, who looks ferocious, successfully subverts his previous image and becomes a warm man. His fans have soared by 7 million.

Huang Bo, who is funny and humorous, has attracted countless fans with his performance in running men. His fans have grown to 15 million.

The beautiful and generous Lin Lu, Wang Hailan, and Yang Junsheng, who are fond of spoofing, are not inferior to each other, and the number of fans has increased greatly.

Seven members of the running men's team have all benefited greatly from this program.

And the planner and investor Xiao Yunhai is even more extraordinary, dozens of advertisers that day with checks, into mango TV station.

In the end, the advertising cost of 60000 a second made Xiao Yunhai a big profit again.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Luo Tianxiong came to the hospital with a basket of apples and a bunch of flowers in his hand.

Xiao Yunhai took over the things and said with a bitter smile, "elder martial brother, you are not an outsider. Why do you do this?"

Luo Tianxiong said: "please be lucky. Isn't it said that Apple represents peace and security? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "thank you, elder martial brother."

Luo Tianxiong waved his hand and said, "younger brother and sister, you should be more careful when filming later. Especially the action plays and the plays about blasting, that's not the trouble. If one is not good, something will happen. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "I understand. I will be careful in the future."

Luo Tianxiong said, "that's good. Yunhai, you are not free for a moment. Come on, bring me the script. "

Xiao Yunhai handed the notebook to him and said, "Wan Qing still has more than two months to finish the trick. It's not interesting for me to be alone in Yanjing. At the same time, fans have been posting on my homepage, hoping that I can make an action movie. After thinking about it, I might as well shoot one here. On the one hand, I can kill two birds with one stone by accompanying Wanqing hereLuo Tianxiong said with a smile: "I think you are capricious enough. Which of the other directors doesn't spend months preparing films. You'd better. You just planned to film yesterday. Today's script comes out, and the efficiency is too fast. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "elder martial brother, you'd better finish reading my script before you reach a conclusion."

Luo Tianxiong nodded and looked attentively.

Ten minutes later, Luo Tianxiong breathed a long breath and sighed, "no wonder you won the golden cup award for best screenwriter for two consecutive times? It's really amazing. This script should be regarded as the top in the field of action in the industry

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "elder martial brother, the most important thing is the actor. Zhang Xiaojing has promised to play Huo tingen, and there are still three actors who have not been found. You've been in the circle for so many years. Help me to see if there is a suitable one. As long as he has real Kung Fu, fame doesn't need to be considered. Let's start with ryunoichi Akutagawa. I hope the actor who plays him is proficient in Japanese karate

Luo Tianxiong didn't think about it and said, "Su Hong."

"Su Hong?" "Does he know karate?" asked Xiao Yunhai in surprise

Luo Tianxiong said with a smile: "this guy is proficient in karate and seems to be a black belt with five sections."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "it's really dark under the light. What about Fujida? First of all, the actor should have a ferocious appearance, a dark complexion, and a height of over 1.8 meters. Because he is a hard worker, he should also have strong muscles. Of course, Kung Fu is a must. "

Luo Tianxiong thought for a moment and said, "there is a Shaolin disciple in our Luojia class who has practiced iron cloth shirt and Shaolin boxing. He has reached the level of dark strength and has strong practical skills. Whether it's appearance, height or body shape, it fits the role very well. The only thing is the lack of fame. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "did he come?"

Luo Tianxiong nodded and said, "here we are. However, I would like to state in advance that the reason why I recommend him is that he is really suitable, not cronyism. "

Xiao Yunhai said without any care: "what about cronyism? This is our own film. If our own people are suitable, can't we go outside to find someone else. If we can push our people up through this film, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds? "

Luo Tianxiong was very appreciative of Xiao Yunhai's words. He laughed and said, "well said. You are very similar to the master. You are the master of protecting the short. OK. I'll send him over later. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "no, I'd better go down to see him. Now, there are two Japanese boatmen left. This role is very important to me. I hope that he can not only perform the demeanor of a great master, but also be involved in all kinds of Kung Fu at home and abroad, and his actual combat ability is even more indispensable. Is there such an actor? "

Luo Tianxiong frowned and said, "yes. Japanese karate top master Watanabe Chun. He is 47 years old and is proficient in karate, jujitsu, Thai boxing and Chinese Kung Fu. He is both a kung fu master and an actor. Of course, his fame in the entertainment industry is far less than that in the martial arts circle. At that time, I compared Kung Fu with him, but he solved it with two punches. If you let me choose, Watanabe is the most suitable person

Xiao Yunhai said, "where is he now?"

Luo Tianxiong said: "after this guy made a Japanese film last year, there was no news. Just in time, I have his number. I can ask for it for you

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that will trouble elder martial brother." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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