Published at 11th of May 2022 05:54:38 AM

Chapter 551

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Both of them are vigorous and resolute. After discussion, they called Su Hong and Watanabe respectively.

Su Hong had just finished filming a film a few days ago. He had nothing to do. When he heard Xiao Yunhai's call, he agreed without thinking about it.

But Watanabe, who Luo Tianxiong is in charge of contacting, has a problem.

Watanabe is not in Japan, but in the karate hall in Yanjing. He has no interest in the invitation.

Even when he heard that the director was Xiao Yunhai, he declined politely and said that he would not make films again.

Luo Tianxiong said that Watanabe simply refused.

No way, Luo Tianxiong can only hang up.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "elder martial brother, what film did Watanabe play? I would like to see it. If appropriate, I can go to Yanjing karate hall and invite him in person

Luo Tianxiong thought for a moment and said, "he is basically a supporting actor, not famous. If I didn't get to know each other in a studio by chance, I didn't know that there was such a wonderful figure in the Japanese entertainment industry. "

Luo Tianxiong said while searching the computer for Watanabe's pure shot.

Soon, Luo Tianxiong found 134.

Xiao Yunhai saw it one by one. He appreciated Watanabe's skill in the film.

Especially in a Japanese Kungfu film called Yinghao, Watanabe's anti No. 1, who played by Junichiro Watanabe, has a world shaking duel with the protagonist at the last moment.

In just five minutes, he showed off all kinds of martial arts moves, such as Thai boxing, karate, boxing, jujitsu, splitting and hanging. Although it was a startling glance, Xiao Yunhai's eyes were so clear.

After a few days, he stood up and looked at the sea. Elder martial brother, where is the brother you mentioned? Let's meet him together. "

Luo Tianxiong said: "they are all downstairs of the hospital."

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai turned to Zhao Wanqing and said, "Wanqing, I'll be back in a moment."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "you are busy with your work. This afternoon, I will let sister Mo come to accompany me. The brothers of luojiaban have worked hard to help you film. You have to invite everyone to have a good meal and arrange hotel accommodation. Don't worry. I don't have much to do here. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "well, call me if you have anything."

After they walked out of the ward, Luo Tianxiong sighed, "Wan Qing is really a good girl with general knowledge. You should treat her well in the future."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "we have decided to hold a wedding in the second half of the year. Elder martial brother, at that time, you should prepare a big red envelope for us. "

Luo Tianxiong laughed and said, "you have become a billionaire, and you still care about our poor people's money. It's really inhumane to be rich."

They were laughing and joking and came downstairs.

The six or seven brothers of luojiaban saw Luo Tianxiong and Xiao Yunhai come out and rushed to meet him.

Xiao Yunhai looked around from a distance, and immediately found a strong man with a big body and dark skin. He was about 30 years old. His eyes were sharp and his facial lines were very rigid. Even if he smiles, he gives people a feeling of ferocity.

Xiao Yunhai thinks that this person should be the Luo family member recommended by his elder martial brother.

Sure enough, after Xiao Yunhai and everyone were polite, Luo Tianxiong pointed to each other and said, "Yunhai, this is Zhou Lihu, nicknamed Huzi. He joined our Luo family class three years ago. Do you think his appearance is suitable for Fujita

Hearing Luo Tianxiong's words, Zhou Lihu's heart was shocked, and his face was slightly excited. He said in his heart, "is the emperor of cloud going to invite himself to film?"? If so, it would be great. "

For Xiao Yunhai, the famous emperor of cloud, Zhou Lihu can be said to be a thunderbolt.

With his talent, the other side has grown from an ordinary student to a king level artist in a short period of two years, with more than 100 million fans, which makes him extremely admired.

He is also Xiao Yunhai's iron powder. Zhou Lihu likes Xiao Yunhai's martial arts novels, music and movies.

Every night before going to bed, I have to read some novels and listen to music before I can fall asleep.

Therefore, I can imagine the excitement when I heard that I might act with Xiao Yunhai again.

Xiao Yunhai looked at him carefully from head to foot and said, "brother Zhou, you show a cruel expression. I'll have a look."

Zhou Lihu nodded, knowing that it was the emperor who was testing himself. If it's approved, he'll probably play in his new play.

Therefore, he must try his best to show his acting skills and strength, otherwise, he lost this opportunity and estimated that he might regret his whole life.

Thinking of this, Zhou Lihu took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and slowly recovered his mind.

Feeling almost, Zhou Lihu suddenly opened his eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked up, and his slightly ferocious face showed a sneer. His eyes were cold and his eyes were like a knife. He looked at Xiao Yunhai coldly.Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "brother Zhou, your acting skills are too grandiose, some of them are superficial, and they don't give people a feeling of ruthlessness to the bone. If you want this role, you'd better find an acting teacher for training. I'll give you another audition in five days. If I can be satisfied by then, the anti-1 of this film will be yours. Otherwise, I'm sorry, I'll have to choose someone else. Do you understand? "

Luo Tianxiong said, "Yunhai, do you mean that tiger's acting skills need to be strengthened?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Elder brother Zhou's appearance is very in line with the role, and his kung fu should be no problem, except for his lack of acting skills. He can't show Teng Tian Gang's arrogance and contempt for everything. "

Luo Tianxiong said: "I understand. There are many acting training teachers in Hengdian. I will invite the best one for him to give him lessons. Five days later, if it's not suitable, we'll choose another one. Huzi, this is a great opportunity. For you, it may be a turning point in your life. Jackie Chan, it depends on the effect of your training these days. "

Zhou Lihu nodded and said, "boss Luo, thank you for recommending me in front of director Xiao. Director Xiao, thank you for giving me a second audition. In these days, I will study hard. If it doesn't work then, I'll have to take my life. "

Luo Tianxiong patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't say such despondent words. You must have no problem."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "brother Zhou, you don't have to put too much pressure on yourself. Performance of this thing, can not be too deliberate, otherwise, it will only backfire. Senior brothers, this afternoon, I'll invite you to dinner. Let's discuss the drama at the dinner table. "

Everyone nodded and followed Xiao Yunhai to a hotel near the hospital.

All of them were martial arts practitioners. They had no ambiguity and the atmosphere was very warm.

Seeing that, Xiao Yunhai said to Luo Tianxiong, "elder martial brother, I want you to be my deputy director and action director. What do you think?"

Because Zhao Zhen and Wang Wei are both shooting TV dramas, Xiao Yunhai has no one to use, so he puts his idea on Luo Tianxiong.

Luo Tianxiong pointed to Xiao Yunhai and laughed and said, "you boy, you are trying to catch me as a strong man. Ha ha, I've been shooting for so many years, but I've never been an associate director. Well,

anyway, the scenes used in this movie are not too many. Relatively speaking, it is not troublesome. The deputy director is the deputy director, and I agreed. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "that's really good. Elder martial brother, you have read the script. You will find a suitable studio tomorrow. If not, we'll build it ourselves. Money is not a problem. Besides, dozens of martial arts masters are needed in the movie. I'm afraid we don't have enough manpower now. "

Luo Tianxiong said: "don't worry. The troops of luojiaban will arrive in two days. You'll need to get the team together as soon as possible, though. After all, technology has its own specialty. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "photography, art, drama, and production, I'm asking my father-in-law to find someone. It doesn't take two days. There should be news."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yunhai is very depressed.

At the beginning, the team that worked with him on "langyabang" and "if you are the one" had no schedule except for the drama.

For this reason, he also let Zhou Yun severely scold, saying that other directors' plays should be informed at least one or two months in advance, while Xiao Yunhai was only a few days in advance.

"Langya Bang" and "if you are the one" have a schedule, it is already luck, this time is no longer available.

Xiao Yunhai has no choice but to entrust Hanhai to help him recruit some experienced staff in the industry.

However, what Xiao Yunhai didn't expect was that once his "Jingwu hero" was announced, it quickly caused a strong shock in the film and television circles.

Xiao Yunhai usually likes to use old people in his filming. This time, it is a very good opportunity for us to find someone from outside.

Among them, the most eye-catching position is deputy director. Although Xiao Yunhai invited Luo Tianxiong as deputy director, his work itself is too much, and it is impossible to take care of all aspects. Therefore, it is undoubtedly a good choice to equip another deputy director.

After the news of Xiao Yunhai's recruitment for deputy director spread out, in one afternoon, Hanhai film and television investment company received more than 30 applications.

I can't help it. It's really popular to be the deputy director of Xiao Yunhai's production team.

First of all, Xiao Yunhai is a well-known big shopkeeper. In addition to filming, he basically doesn't care about the top and bottom of the crew. He is completely in charge of the deputy director. Therefore, the power of the deputy director is very large.

Secondly, all the people who have been deputy director of Xiao Yunhai have quickly become regular and have made films and TV plays. For example, Lu Pengfei, the deputy director of the legend of Zhen Huan, was originally just an advertising director. After the popularity of the legend of Zhen Huan in China, he directed a TV play with a very good audience rating. There are also Wang Wei and Zhao Zhen of "love apartment" and "Langya Bang", a self-made and directed TV play, and a director of "love apartment II" directly appointed by Xiao Yunhai. I don't know how many people are envious and jealous. After working hard for most of his life, he is not as good as two young men in their twenties. How can you make them reconcile.What is the most fundamental reason why they have come to this stage? Isn't the relationship with Xiao Yunhai good?

Lu Pengfei said more than once in the interview program that although Xiao Yunhai is young, he is his bole and mentor. Xiao Yunhai's control over the crew is the best he has ever seen, and the efficiency of his film making is also the highest he has ever seen.

In the shooting of legend of Zhen Huan, I learned too much from him. If there is a chance, he is willing to be his deputy director.

Of course, this is only the modest words of LV Pengfei, but it also precisely shows the great influence of Xiao Yunhai on LV Pengfei.

Which of the deputy directors who have been working hard for decades in the production team don't want to direct their own plays with the director in hand, but how many people can have such opportunities.

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